Chapter 8-1

2108 Words

Chapter 8The same snaky ruffian who’d led the militiamen the last time pulled to a halt just short of where we stood. The lout had an emaciated look about him. The other riders formed a rank at his back. I scanned the group seeking the man who had been snake bit, but he wasn’t there. “Thought this was Morrow’s place. Looks more like a Injun village to me. He know y’all’s camping out on his property?” The rider tugged the reins, making his mount dance. “Why don’t we ride over to the fort and ask him?” I said calmly. I took note of the good-looking chestnut with a splayed right front hoof the man was riding. “Don’t smart mouth me, boy. I asked you a question.” “And I answered you, Mr.…Mr.…?” “It’s major. Major Hiram Hardcastle. You’d do well to remember that, boy.” A southerner. Defini

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