1.12 Evil Inside the School

1605 Words

"O-o***************g?" Laura stuttered, she felt like she became deaf and her brain had just stopped functioning at what she had just heard, she couldn't process the words that Blake had just spewed out about the possible, well not possible because his expression told that he was sure of this crime the school hid. Blake nodded, "o***************g, Miss Laura. I have proof. Firstly, the notes," He pointed to the notes on the table, "My late members wrote it on purpose, these things that they wrote were just complete baloney. Leo wasn't an organized person, I confirmed it through his roommate. Blaise did not use organic on her plant but non-organic, it was Eloise who told me that. Phil simply did not know how to play the piano, his favorite instrument is drums. So they only wrote it because

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