Chapter 6

1418 Words

Liam opens the door for me, and as I walk through, I feel all the eyes on us, and I hate that. “People are staring,” I whisper. Liam just grabs my hand as he confidently walks towards my family. My entire family and Flora’s are beaming with delight at us. “Everyone, this is Liam… My mate. Liam, this is my Mom Rayna Wright, my Dad Marlow, my brothers Kit and Eli. This is Eli’s Mate, Aurora. You met my best friend Flora yesterday, and these are her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Swanson."  Liam shakes everyone's hand, except my Mom’s. She jumps up and gives him a big hug. Liam was smiling so wide during the introductions, which made me feel really proud. We sat on the other side of the tables where there were some empty seats, and we all just chatted a little. Liam was very affectionate, with hi

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