Episode 32

1307 Words
Bryce is amazed by what an angel she is, he didn’t expect her to be so forgiving and understanding. He thinks she has grown into a beautiful, mature and kind hearted woman, it’s only a pity they couldn’t grow together. He can’t help but imagine what could had been had he not broken up with her. Now that he has Kiana’s forgiveness he is determined to get his life back on track starting by getting a job. He takes a chance and requests a meeting with Mr. Jordan the C.E.O at Junior Centre he is hopeful when he agrees to meet with him. Mr Jordan is the owner of Junior Centre, he is a sixty year old man who started the company fifteen years ago. Although he is a wealthy man of high rank he is down to earth and he treats his employees with respect and appreciation. Bryce is uncomfortable with showing up at Junior Centre hence he requested to meet with Jordan at a quiet restaurant. They meet at eight pm in the evening, he is nervous as hell, he is not sure what to expect or how Jordan will behave towards him. He anxiously strides into the restaurant and walks towards Jordan’s table to his surprise Jordan’s face brightens up at the sight of him. He wasn’t expecting him to be pleased to see him, “Mr Adams it’s a pleasure to see you again,” they exchange greetings before Jordan cuts to the chase and asks why he asked to see him. Bryce briefly explains to him what caused him to have a break down and how he spent months in rehab and now he is back to his healthy mental state. He asks for his job back expecting to be yelled at and turned down but surprisingly the C.E.O is more than understanding and sympathetic. “Of course you can have your job back Bryce.” He looks up at him with his eyes popping out, “I beg your pardon?” “I tried calling you a few months back but I got no response, you are a good man Adams and you were a very dedicated, hardworking and reliable employee. I knew they had to be a good reason behind your unprofessional and inappropriate behaviour at work and now that I know and you have fully recovered I don’t see why you shouldn’t have your job back.” “But Sir I do not deserve your mercy and such grace.” The old man laughs and flashes him a teethy smile, “Of course you do, you made a lot of business for Junior Centre. Would you believe me if I told you the company hasn’t been doing well ever since you left? The investors and clients you brought in only wanted to work with you and because of that some of them started pulling out,” he pauses to chew his food before continuing. “It’s been proven no one can do your job better than you therefore I need you back in the office Monday morning.” Bryce is overwhelmed with gratitude, tears well up in his eyes and he buries his face in his hands. “Thank you sir, thank you so much,” he cries. ** Bryce prepares for his first day back at work, he is looking catchy in his black suit and polka dot silk shirt. He feels nervous about seeing the team again, are they going to be gossiping about his relapse and be against him returning to his position? He is about to find out, he is stunned when he walks in and hears a loud shout, “surprise!” he is stirred to see all the employees gathered together to welcome him back. There is a displayed big blue banner printed in bold letters WELCOME BACK ADAMS and Dina is holding a cake with lit candles. She places the cake on the desk and runs to give him a tight warm hug. “It’s good to see you again Bryce, I missed you so much.” “Thank you Dina, I missed you too,” he says as he squeezes her. Bryce gives a heartfelt thank you speech to his colleagues and also says a few business wise motivational words. His first mission is contacting the company’s clients and investors’ and scheduling one on one meetings with them and restoring their trust and commitment in the company. It’s a busy day for him, he even forgets to head out for lunch. There is a soft knock on his door, he shouts “come in” not bothering to look up to see who it is. “I can’t believe you didn’t think to tell me that you’ve got your job back.” Hearing the beautiful voice that has always sounded like music to his ears, he promptly looks up and lays eyes on Kiana who is looking drop dead gorgeous in her red dress. Her hair is styled into a French bun with a few strands let loose to hang on her forehead. He stands up to honour her presence as well as receive the lunch that she has thoughtfully brought for him. “I met with Jordan a few days back to ask for my job back and I never expected him to say yes, you are the first person I wanted to call to share the news with you but I wasn’t sure if it’s okay to call you.” “Oh! Right, I understand. Well congratulations Bryce I’m happy for you, Mr Jordan is a wise man he made the right call. You are good in whatever you choose to do Bryce,” she walks to him and gives him a tight hug. He closes his eyes as he enjoys the moment, she smells nice as always her skin feels soft and silky and her body still feels delicate and tender. He affirms that she is really thrilled and happy for him. “Who told you I would be here?” he curiously asks as he takes a bite of his favourite chicken mayo sandwich. He is impressed she still remembers his favourite sandwich, does that mean she still loves him and there is hope for them or she is just being a kind and supportive friend? “Dina told me,” “Dina? That’s a surprise I didn’t know that you guys kept in touch.” “Yeah we stayed in touch but it wasn’t often just once in a while ever since we…. You and I started dating.” “So does that mean she knows everything?” “No! Of course not I never said we are besties, we just check on each other once in a while.” She scratches her scalp using her left hand and Bryce can’t help being annoyed by the diamond ring on her finger. If he hadn’t messed up then it would be his ring on her finger. He is still enthralled by how much she has changed and how beautiful she has grown to be, he can’t stop staring at her and fantasizing about kissing her, holding her in his arms and pressing her against his body. The thoughts in his mind are getting him hard and uncomfortable, how he wishes he could just lock his office door and make passionate love to her on his desk. His phone rings and he snaps back to reality, he panics when he views Dr Harkins name on his screen, “What is it?” Kiana asks. “It’s Harkins, does he know you are here?” “No! Don’t answer it,” “I have to, we won’t know why he is calling if I don’t.” Kiana nods her head signalling him to go ahead and answer his call.
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