Episode 66

520 Words
Kiana gazes at her husband with a look that says 'are you being serious right now' but Bryce feels like he has a valid concern although a few years back he was the one pushing for a maid to be hired, his feelings have changed after having lived with another woman in the house and that being Courtney. "Do you have any idea how many people use the help of nannies? We won't be the only ones leaving a nanny alone in our home, we certainly won't be the first or the last," she smirks. "Well then it doesn't mean we should trust the person, I will put hidden camera's in the house," he suggests. "If that will make you feel better then go ahead," "Actually what would make me feel better is not having a stranger in my home. After the drama we had because of Courtney being here you can't blame me for being skeptical about a stranger coming to live with us," he blurts. Kiana peers at him with disbelief, "I can't believe you just said that," she frowns. "What?" He shrugs. "Why did you have to bring my sister into this conversation? She was not a stranger in this house so you cannot compare a house help to her. A house help does as she is told and if she fails to do so or if she causes any problems she leaves," Kiana firmly states. "And then we get a different nanny and another and another until our kids get confused," he smirks. "Oh please stop it Bryce, I need you to have a little faith. You lived with a maid during the time you lived with Janet and she helped you raise Sam didn't she?" She blurts. At the mention of the name Janet his face withers, he does not like to be reminded of his time with Janet. "Did you really have to bring my past with Janet into this conversation?" He stares at her with furrowed brows. "Honey....I was just giving an example, I didn't mean to drag your past into the conversation," she softly says. "Well that's a very bad example...you know very well why I had to hire a nanny. Janet didn't want to be a mother to Sam and she was never around so she left me no choice." He huskily utters. Kiana observes how agitated her husband has become and she seeks to calm him down and not worsen the situation. It's just a minor misunderstanding that they can resolve smoothly. "I know and I'm sorry for bringing Janet into this. I love my kids you know that...and I love our home and I can never get tired of taking care of my kids and my home. But I'm not as young and energetic as I was before and the kids have multiplied in this house. Its a little too much and exhausting," she explains. His dull eyes begin to lighten up and the lines on his forehead start to wear off as he begins to relax. He takes a deep breath and stares deep into his wife's eyes.
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