Episode 50

1600 Words
Bahida City is neither cold nor hot the weather is perfectly beautiful. The sun doesn't shine too bright in the clear sky and there is a cool breeze outdoors. They say time flies when you are having fun and that's exactly how the Adams family feels. The next day drifts by very quickly and before they know it they are on their last day in Bahida. They will be boarding the evening plane at five pm. Knowing they have to pack up and leave the beautiful and adventurous city in a couple of hours leaves them feeling gloomy. They take a walk to the nearest restaurant to grab breakfast. As they dig into their plates, Sam's eyes keep flickering from Kiana to Bryce until one of them notices. Bryce pauses for a moment, "do you have something to say Sam?" Sam mulls over his thoughts for a moment before responding, "Yes...I've noticed that you and Aunt Kiana haven't gotten a chance to spend some time alone or to do any activities together because she has been watching Kiandra through out," he mentions. "That's okay Sam...it comes with being parents," Kiana responds amused by his thoughtfulness. "I would like to offer watching over Bryan and Kiandra for a few hours so you can go out and have some time alone and enjoy your last hours in this wonderful city," he eagerly offers. They share a stunned glance before one of them responds, "You are only ten years old, we can't leave you alone to look after not only one but two kids," Bryce shakes his head as he declines even though he is touched by his sweet and thoughtful offer. "Bryan is three years old he is no trouble at all as long as he has cartoons to keep him entertained and Kiandra is not that young she appreciates toys and I'm good with babies," he demonstrates by making funny faces at Kiandra and gets her cooing excitedly. But that is not enough to convince Kiana, "There is more to taking care of a baby than getting her laughing, she may need a diaper change before we come back," she says. Sam is silent for a moment before he speaks up, "I know how to change a baby's diaper," he pauses and swallows hard because he did not wish to disclose the next thing he is going to say. "Before I came here my mother used to get paid for baby sitting our neighbor's three month old son but..." He falters and hangs his head down. "But what?" Bryce impatiently questions. "She would give an excuse to leave the house and leave the baby in my care, she taught me how to change the diaper, prepare formula and other things," Kiana and Bryce are astounded by the revelation but they are not surprised for they don't expect better from Janet. Bryce's heart sinks as he imagines all the trouble and abuse Sam must have suffered at the hands of his mother. "Your mother left you to watch over a baby on your own?" Kiana's mouth opens slightly and her brows wrinkle. "It wasn't everyday and I got to learn a lot," he frantically tries to defend his mother. "Thank you for your offer Sam but we cannot leave you alone to watch over two kids that is illegal," she ruefully smirks. "We can hire a baby sitter, we won't have to worry about leaving a stranger alone with our kids since Sam will be here keeping an eye on things," Bryce's eyes light up as he makes his proposal. Kiana takes a moment to mull over his words, "I think that can work not just for today but anytime we need to go out and have sometime alone," she then turns her gaze to Sam, "It's your being here that is going to help us and make all the difference." "I'm glad to hear that...I just wanted to do something nice for you and if my being here will help you get to spend sometime alone whenever you please then It makes me happy," he beams. After a few minutes of searching the internet for a nearby baby sitter agency Kiana sets up an interview with three different girls of the ages eighteen to twenty four. It takes her thirty minutes to decide who she will entrust with her children for the day. She picks a twenty two year old lively young lady, whom she conceives to be energetic enough to play with her kids and keep them entertained. She not only looks energetic but she appears to be decent, respectful and professional. "Where do you want to go?" Bryce casts her an exhilarated smile. They are seated in the car, feeling like liberated young adults who are free to do whatever. It's been long since the last time they were able to get a moment alone to go on fun and wild adventures and she is looking forward having her husband all to herself and getting his undivided attention. "Marine World," she utters after a long moment of thinking. "Are you serious?" He chortles. "Yeah.... I never got to swim with the dolphins and I'm looking forward going on that pool slide with you," she gazes at him with eagerness showing in her eyes. He starts the engine and they drive off to the water park located inside the Marine World. After changing into swim wears, Kiana marvels at the 12 meter spiral water pool slide. "Are you intimidated?" He nudges her. "Naah not when I'm going to have you right by my side," she takes a deep breath and gestures to him to follow her up the stairs that lead to the slide. Kiana gets ready to slide down seated in between her husband's thighs and holding on to them for balance. "On the count of three I'm going to push you down...are you ready?" He hollers. "Yes.." she responds with a low voice. "I didn't get that...I said are you ready soldier?" He shouts. "Yes...sir," she screams with a determined tone. He counts one and pushes down on the count of two. Kiana doesn't have the chance to protest as they start slipping away they both start screaming animatedly as they slide all the way down. It takes them a minute to get to the end of the slide and get tossed inside the pool. The water feels cold and refreshing, Kiana deliberately splashes water onto his face. "Hey.. what was that for?" He grumbles. "You were supposed to count to three," she gripes. "I'm sorry love," he smiles mischievously as he swims out reaching for her, she smiles as he puts an arm around her waist. He looks down at her, meeting her eyes and she blushes under his gaze. He pulls her close leaning his forehead against hers, he then presses his mouth to hers, his hands cupping her face while her arms go around his neck. For one breathless moment, their world is reduced to just the two of them standing weightless in the cool water. A young lady swims past them and grumbles, "get a room," this forces them to snap back to the real world and break apart. "Maybe we should just stick to swimming and continue our intimate session when we are alone," she lowers her voice so only he can hear her words. "Fine with me," he brushes his lips along her cheek before getting his head under the water. "What next?" She blankly stares at her husband as they walk to the parking lot a few minutes after taking off their swim wear and slipping back into their clothes. "How about we grab some pepperoni pizza by the fast food restaurant?" He wriggles his eyebrows trying to convince her to say yes. "I love pepperoni pizza, we should order extra for the kids," she utters. They get back home an hour later and they are gratified to find everything and everyone in one piece. "She didn't give you any trouble...did she?" She questions Violet, the baby sitter while bending down to pick up Kiandra who is already reaching out for her. "Not at all but mostly because Sam kept her entertained for quite sometime, all I had to do was supervise," she pulls her short brown her away from her face and her green eyes sparkle with appreciation. Kiana and Bryce share an impressed glance before turning to Sam and flashing him a proud and appreciative smile. They pay the baby sitter and give her extra cash for transport, she immediately bids farewell and leaves the house. "You can have some pizza while I start packing, we don't have much time left," she states. "I have already packed Bryan and Kiandra's things but you can double check just to be sure," he informs. "Aww Sam...you are too much...thank you," she wraps him up in a big hug. A couple of hours later the plane lands in Alandro and Selena picks them up. They drop her off by her house and drive on to their home. They are astonished when they notice a few cars parked around and across their house. The lights are on and there is soft music playing and through the curtains they spot a few people wandering around inside the house. Bryce and Kiana stare at each other with shock and bewilderment. "Mommy who is in our house?" Little Bryan pouts pensively. "I don't know sweetheart but we are about to find out," she responds as she leaps out of the car and storms inside the house.
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