Episode 40

2177 Words
Bryce is alleviated and overjoyed to learn that Kiana has ended things with Remy and she is giving their love a second chance and he vows to never disappoint her again. A few years back he would never had thought it possible that one day he would get back together with the love of his life. Kiana and Bryce start dating again, going to the movies, lunch and dinner dates, office visits, sleepovers and double dates with Selena and Pete who are thrilled to see them back together and they also have fun dates with their mothers, thankfully Kiana’s mom and Bryce’s mother clicked right away and both of them absolutely approved of their children dating. Ms Monroe is overjoyed to see her son happy and very much in love and she thinks his girlfriend is perfect for him, she is smart, beautiful and sweet. Kiana adores Bryce’s mom she believes she is a strong incredible woman who did a wonderful job of raising Bryce. Whenever she comes around to visit she makes time to take her shopping, treat her to lunch dates and at times they bond in the kitchen, teaming up to prepare a new dinner recipe to impress Bryce. Their love grows stronger than before since they are now both independent, successful, wiser and mature adults. Their s*x life is even better, Kiana is no longer an inexperienced teen but a grown woman equipped with confidence and experience and there is also that burning passion that makes s*x even more pleasurable. Soon it’s forgettable that they ever spent six years apart from each other, it’s like they were never separated. Although they have both grown since the last time they dated, they are still the same people who still love the same things they used to, not much has changed. It’s Friday evening when Bryce picks up Kiana for a surprise weekend get-away, he has hired a Yacht to sail them to the nearby mesmerizing Heart Island. There are two hired yacht stews to provide hospitality and cater for their needs. “Would you believe me if I told you I have never been on a yacht before?” she beams while they wait by the dock for the yacht to arrive, “would you believe me if I told you it’s going to be my first time too?” he responds. “Aww babe that’s just sweet,” “Really, why is that?” “Well because we will get to experience our first time in a yacht together and that will make it even more exciting and memorable,” she gives him a peck on the cheek. “Wow babe she is beautiful,” she gushes at the sight of Daniella Rose Yacht, “you are the most beautiful thing here Barbie and not this yacht,” he flatters her before pulling her into his arms for a long passionate kiss. The yacht stews come out to greet them and they help them with their bags. Daniella Rose has four bedrooms, Kiana and Bryce take the master bedroom, “oh my God!” she screams and leaps with excitement at the sight of the gorgeous cabin. There are long clear glass windows all around the cabin to get a beautiful view of the ocean, there is a big television screen, a king bed with classy expensive bedding. Everything in the room is in ivory and gold colour, the dressing table, the TV unit, the chest of drawers etc. The master bedroom comes with an en suite bathroom, beautiful shower, cabinet basin and a hot tub. “Don’t you want to take a bath and dress up for dinner?” he suggests “I don’t mind, I will shower right away, don’t you want to join me?” “I would love to but I need to talk to the stews about a few things,” “ugh pity, you are missing out on a lot.” “Rain check my love.” Kiana takes her time bathing while singing out aloud in the shower, when she is done she rifles through her clothes searching for something nice to wear. After going through all of her outfits twice she picks a gold spangled strapless dress with a slit on her left thigh. She straightens her hair, centre parts it and leaves it hanging loose. The phone rings, its Bryce complaining that she is taking too long, she lets him know she is almost done and she hangs up. She takes the stairs heading to the yacht deck and she is blown away by the beautiful romantic set up that he has put together. Candles, lanterns, roses and petals, soft slow music, champagne and a mouth-watering meal. Bryce himself is looking ravishing in an ivory suit, he pulls out a chair for his lady to sit. She is startled when fireworks start exploding, he suggests they stand up to watch and as they are watching the fire-works soon form the letters MARRY ME? Kiana is dumb struck and her eyes start to get teary she turns to face Bryce only to watch him going down on one bended knee holding in his hand an 18k white gold diamond ring with princess-cut diamond centre stone. This is a total surprise she wasn’t expecting another proposal any time soon, “Kiana Ray will you be my wife and spend the rest of your life with me?” He proposes. She doesn’t need time to think she knows what she wants and so she immediately screams “Yes.” Bryce is alleviated he wasn’t sure she would say yes, he blissfully slides the ring onto her finger and they share a passionate kiss. While he was proposing one of the stews was taking pictures and filming everything as he had requested. He holds his fiancée in his arms and spins her around, “I promise you Barbie this time we will make it to the altar, no more stupid mistakes,” he vows. They blithely have their dinner, she is moved by his proposal and she cannot wait to marry him and become Mrs Adams. “So what kind of a wedding would you like to have?” he questions with interest. “I know a lot of people would take me for a flashy or lavish person maybe I am I don’t know but I have always dreamt of a small intimate wedding with only close friends and relatives, nothing too flashy like those celebrity weddings. I honestly don’t want to spend months planning for a wedding.” “Ooh that’s good to hear it will save me a lot of time and money,” he teases. “What about you babe? Maybe you do dream of a big wedding, I wouldn’t want to rob you of that.” “Not at all, I wouldn’t even mind eloping but my mother would kill me of course,” “She sure would,” she giggles. They reach their destination on Saturday morning, Heart Island is mesmerizing and captivating, the pools, the beach, the beautiful palm trees and the entire view itself. They head to their hotel suite and order breakfast and room service delivers quickly. Later on he surprises her with matching tropical beach wear, “wow you really thought of everything.” “Of course I did, I want this weekend getaway to be perfect just like you.” “Bryce Adams you certainly know how to make me feel like the luckiest girl in the world.” “That’s because you are, you have no idea how many women would die to take your place in my life,” he jokingly brags and they both laugh. They head out not forgetting to put on their sunglasses, they stop by the stores to buy pineapples and water melons. They soon chase each other to the beach where they swim for a few minutes before basking in the sun and enjoying their pineapples. Kiana is having the time of her life, it’s not just about the amazing vacation but the fact that she is sharing the wonderful experience with the man she is madly in love with. ****A FEW YEARS LATER***** “Babe we are going to be late, can you please hurry up,” Kiana yells while she finishes packing the baby’s bag in a rush. “Okay I’m done, what can I help you with?” he is panting from running down the stairs of their two story mansion. “Ugh can you please take the baby to the car and please make sure you properly fasten her car seat.” He walks over to six months old baby Kiandra Adams who is a spitting image of her mother. “Hello, hello my little princess,” he tickles the baby’s stomach and baby Kiandra responds with cheerful giggles. “Mommy I can’t find my other shoe?” yells three year old Bryan. “Did you check under the bed?” “No,” he nods his head. “Can you please go and check under your bed sweetie and try to hurry up okay, aunt Maliah will never forgive us if we arrive late to her wedding,” “Okay mommy,” he yells as he disappears. It’s a fifteen-minute drive to Divine Gardens where the wedding is to take place, upon arrival Kiana leaves Bryan with the kids and rushes to the bride’s dressing room. “I am so sorry I am late please forgive me you have no idea how hard it is to keep time when you have two kids to get ready, oh my goodness you look so beautiful Maliah,” she cries as she embraces her sister. Kiana exchanges greetings with the family members who are also in the room, including their mother. Everyone is dressed smartly and they are all merry and excited. It is time for the wedding to start, everyone leaves the bride’s room and heads to the hall where the ceremony is to take place. “How are my lovely grand kids?” “The kids are fine mom, sorry I haven’t been able to bring them over for visits,” “nonsense, don’t worry about it I am a mother too I know how demanding children can be and how is their father?” “Oh mom he is amazing, he helps me with the kids even though running AKC is keeping him busy. We are still so very much in love you would think we got married yesterday yet it has been four years,” she crows. Kiana had the small intimate wedding that she wanted, they only invited twenty guests mainly close family, friends and co-workers. They were joined together at a private park, posed for photographs and had dinner at a reserved hotel. Soon after they flew to Africa for their honeymoon. When she announced to Bryce that she was pregnant with their first child, he was over the moon. He did not want her going to work pregnant therefore he suggested they use their savings to start their own company which they named Adams Kids Centre. The company not only sells babies and kids accessories but it also sells services like kid’s events décor, nanny services as well as education and training for first time mothers. When AKC grew and became the market leader in the industry they soon opened AKC nursery school which Kiana manages, it’s a job that allows her to bring her children along and watch over them. Both she and her husband were not okay with the thought of entrusting a stranger to watch over their kids in their absence. She is content with babysitting her kids always and that makes Bryce very happy. Bryce feels like the luckiest and happiest man on earth, he married the love of his life, who is beautiful and intelligent, she bore him two beautiful kids starting with a son he has always longed for and then a beautiful daughter whom he looks forward protecting from boys. He has no doubts concerning the paternity of his kids with Kiana not because both his children have undeniable visible features of his but because he trusts Kiana completely, she has always been an honest decent woman of virtue and he feels highly blessed to have her as his wife. He is raising his kids in a loving stable home and they have a good mother who adores them. Having lived with Janet and seeing how she failed to love her son and to be a good mother to him, he understands better than anyone that a woman who is a good faithful wife and also a good mother is not to be taken for granted. He has good friends and wonderful in laws, his mother adores his wife and kids, they are financially stable and they have a powerful company that their children will inherit someday, he couldn’t ask for more. Kiana is the best decision he has ever made in his life.
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