Episode 64

238 Words
Bryce adoringly glances at his wife, he admires the woman she is, she is an amazing mother and also an amazing partner. Even though she is a mother of four children, Sam included, she still looks hot and sexy and she is still young and energetic. She always makes time to play and run around with the kids. "Yes you are a cool mom," He agrees. "And what took you so long to agree to that?" she giggles. "I took my time to think about it," he chuckles. "Seriously," she stares at him with disbelief. "Not what you think sweetheart," "Okay...I'm listening," she pouts. "I was actually thinking about what a strong, amazing and beautiful woman you are. I and the kids are so lucky to have you in our lives. You are the coolest mom on earth," he praises. Her brows rise up and a smile slowly spreads across her face, "Oh honey...that's so sweet of you to say, thank you so much." She crows. "Well...aren't you going to say I'm a cool dad too?" he opens his palms in protest, "Ooh I'm sorry but I promised not to tell you lies," she pouts. "You are kidding me, right?" Bryce chortles. "Of course I am...you are the best and the coolest father the world will ever know...come here," she opens up her arms for him and he happily rushes into them and they share a heartfelt hug.
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