Episode 20

1192 Words
Kiana returns to her friend’s house in the afternoon and Alissa is eager to hear all the details of what went on last night. While Kiana blissfully starts spilling, using hand gestures Alissa spots the sparkling diamond ring on her finger and she is boggled. “Oh my gosh, is that what I think it is?’ she is mouth opened as she pulls Kiana’s hand closer to her eyes to see the ring clearly. “Oh I wanted to tell you the whole story first before getting to that but yes Bryce proposed, I’m going to be Mrs Adams,” she squeals. “Hurray I’m so happy for you, oh I can’t wait to help you plan the wedding and I’m so going to be your maid of honour,” she turns hysterical. Kiana excitedly tells the rest of her story and her friend listens with fervour. “You are forgetting one thing, you need to tell your parents about Bryce now that you guys are engaged.” “Yeah I know but I don’t think they will be thrilled, mom and dad still take me for a little girl,” she sighs. “You don’t have to tell them right away, I think its best you Invite Bryce over for a family dinner so they can meet him and get to see for themselves what a good man he is and then you can later tell them you are engaged. It would be better that way than telling them you are engaged to a man they have never even met or heard of.” “Okay you are right, I will just tell them I have a friend coming over for dinner tomorrow and then we will take it from there.” Bryce agrees to meet Kiana’s parents and he understands he needs to introduce her to his mother and inform her of the news of their engagement as he intends to wed Kiana in a month or two. He doesn’t want to wait for long, he needs her in his arms every night. Bryce pays Pete a visit to share the news with him and he and his wife are overjoyed and pleased for him. Pete is glad his friend has finally had some s****l healing. The next day Kiana is fevered about the dinner date, Bryce will finally meet her parents and she is hoping they will like him and approve of their engagement. She helps her mother prepare meals before she goes to shower and dress up. Bryce is nervous about meeting Kiana’s parents, he wants to make a good first impression hence he is going through his wardrobe ten times trying to decide what’s best to wear. He settles for his slim fit maroon suit worn with his navy shirt without a tie. Soon as he is all dressed up he checks the time and realises if he doesn’t leave now he is going to be late and that’s something he doesn’t want. He dashes to the door and he is startled when he sees Janet standing there. “Janet! Whatever it is now is not a good time I’m rushing somewhere,” “I’m sorry but I need to talk to you its really important.” “Janet please whatever it is can wait until tomorrow or I will call you when I get back,” “No! I’m sorry but this can’t wait.” Bryce doesn’t have the time to put up with her, he walks away heading towards his car, as he is about to get in the car Janet shouts, “I’m pregnant! And it’s your baby.” Right away he freezes as his world stands still for a moment and he becomes weak in the knees. He slams the door shut and walks back to her. “What did you just say Janet?” “We are having a baby Bryce so you and I need to talk you cannot go anywhere.” Bryce conceives he cannot go to Kiana’s house for dinner not when his mind is heavy with the new revelation, he won’t be good company and Kiana would tell something is eating him and right now he has so many questions he needs answers to at the same time he cannot disappoint Kiana and embarrass her in front of her parents by not showing up. “Get inside the house I will be with you shortly I need to make a quick phone call,” he instructs Janet who obeys without hesitation. “Bryce where are you? Please tell me you are nearby,” she pleads. “Barbie I’m so sorry I can’t make it today an emergency has just come up I will explain everything to you as soon as I can. I hope you will forgive me.” “Oh okay. Thanks for letting me know and I hope everything will be fine,” she responds calmly not that she didn’t want to shout and scream at him but because she considers the honest man he is she believes he wouldn’t disappoint her unless if it’s for a good reason. The sound of hurt and disappointment in her voice crushes him, he never wanted to be the one to hurt or disappoint her but if what Janet said is true then Kiana is in for a lot of heartache and nothing will ever be the same again. Inside the house, he takes a seat next to Janet with his hands clasped together under his chin he leans forward with his elbows pressing against his lap for he cannot sit back and relax not when he needs to listen attentively to Janet’s story. “Why are you doing this Janet, is this your way of getting back at me for ending things between us?” “Don’t flatter yourself. You know my situation at home, I’m being ill-treated! I’m always under a lot of stress and depression so I just thought that’s the reason I have been missing my periods but I couldn’t explain the prolonging sickness. That’s why I ended up consulting my doctor this afternoon and he confirmed that I’m 3 months pregnant and you are the only man I slept with during my window of conception.” “You seduced me Janet, that wasn’t what I wanted, I hadn’t had s*x in a while and I was drunk and you took advantage of that,” he snarls. “Well I hadn’t had s*x in a while too that’s why I threw myself at you,” “were you not on birth control?” “I was but we both know the only contraceptive that is 100% safe is abstinence, maybe I forgot to take a pill a day or two before sleeping with you, I don’t know okay and it really doesn’t matter right now, we need to find a way forward!” Bryce stands up and starts pacing around the room. “So what do we do now?” He asks, “I have booked for an abortion I just need you to help me with the money,” she announces without any shame.
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