Episode 42

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The day little Bryan has been impatiently waiting for eventually comes to life. Kiana and her mother in law spent the previous night adding decorations to the living room which is always considered the heart of the Christmas celebration. They picked up gift boxes and placed them under the huge Christmas tree in the centre of the living room. The room in which Bryan sleeps was also decorated with lighted greenery and red stocking so he would remember it's Christmas the moment he opens his eyes, as if he would ever forget. Little Bryan wakes up to the aroma of gingerbread cookies floating in the air, Kiana hears pattering of little feet along the hallway and before she knows it Bryan trudges in to the kitchen in his pajamas with glimmer of excitement in his eyes, "Mom! It's Christmas day...did Santa come?" he pops out his eyes. Kiana giggles, "good morning to you too little one," she responds not paying attention to his question about Santa. Bryce strolls in to the kitchen with bleary eyes, "do you ever sleep?" he whispers in to his wife's ears before kissing her on the forehead. "Merry Christmas sweetheart," she quirks her lips. "Merry Christmas indeed," he utters as he scans the room with amazement. He appreciates the effort his wife has put to make Christmas special for their son. He is the only child in the house who can appreciate the beauty of Christmas, Kiandra is still too young to know what's happening but she can pick up the difference in the environment and atmosphere. "Where is nana?" Bryan impatiently questions? "She is in the shower... why don't you follow dad to check on your baby sister?" she suggests. "Alright," he curtly responds and springs out of the kitchen. They have hot chocolate buffet for breakfast and Bryan picks a Christmas movie for the family to watch. Later on they go ice skating, Monroe states that she is too old to join them. She watches over the baby while everyone else hits the skates. When it comes to building a snowman, Monroe refuses to miss out on the opportunity of teaming up with her grandson to help him build the biggest snowman he has ever seen. They snap a couple of photos of Bryan with his snowman and also with the rest of the family. They drive to the mall to visit Santa, Bryan is delighted to meet kids of his age there. They allow him some time to play with his age mates before they head back home to prepare for their Christmas dinner. Monroe puts on a Christmas carols CD and Bryan merrily tries to sing along. In the evening the house bulbs are turned off and only the candles light up the room along with the beautiful flickering lights of the greenery decorations. "Nana...can we open the gifts now?" Bryan eagerly requests. "You have waited long enough my darling, go ahead and open a box with your name on it," she simpers. "Yaaay," he dashes to the Christmas tree and starts rummaging through the boxes until he finally finds it. At the young age of just three Bryan is an impressively intelligent kid. He can't really read but he is able to recognize the unique letters that form his name. His mother had his name hung on his bedroom wall in big bold letters. This has helped him to recognize the spelling of his name. "That's a smart kid you have there," Monroe is impressed when Bryan finds the box with his name on it and waves it to her. "He gets it from his father," Kiana states. "No...he gets it from both his parents," Bryce mentions. Baby Kiandra starts babbling in his arms as if to state that she agrees with what he just said. "And we have another brainy child right here," Bryce giggles as he points at Kiandra. Bryan excitedly tears up the ribbons to open the box, he boggles in disbelief at the remote control monster truck. He rapidly stomps his feet and jumps up and down in excitement. "Thank you nana," he runs to throw his arms around her. "You are welcome my darling," she beams. Whilst everyone's attention is on Bryan, Kiana sneaks out of the room and dashes into her bedroom and returns with a gift bag which she hands to a stunned Monroe. "Oh no...please tell me you didn't get me a Christmas present?" "I couldn't resist," she flashes her a teethy smile. Monroe is dumbfounded when she pulls out a long cashmere white coat. "Kiana! This costs over half a thousand dollars, why would you spend that much on a wrinkled old woman like me?" She gapes as she fights off her tears. "Because I need you to know that you are worth so much more than that," she beams. Monroe jumps from her seat and pulls her into a warm hug. "Thank you...now I feel so bad for not getting you anything," she mutters. "Don't worry...having us here is a gift.. you are truly a pleasant host." "Now you have made me feel like the worst person in this room. I didn't get anyone anything not even my beautiful wife," Bryce clenches his teeth. Kiana is not fazed by it, she wasn't expecting him to remember picking gifts for anyone. She understands that his mind has been occupied by his work load. "That's okay because I didn't get anything for you either," she pouts. "I'm relieved to hear that," he chuckles. "Mom...when can we eat the Christmas cake?" "You will have to wait until after dinner?" "Okay then...can we have dinner now?" He requests with pleading eyes. "Someone is ever impatient," Bryce giggles. "And I wonder who he gets that from?" Monroe says while casting him a knowing look. "What?...Definitely not me," Bryce shakes his head. "Bryan did not only inherit your physical attributes, he clearly got your personality too. I remember one Christmas when you were his age you..." "Mom please...I don't want my wife to hear my embarrassing childhood stories at least not today," Bryce cuts in and casts his mother a pleading glance. "Ooh don't be silly...there is nothing embarrassing about how you literally wet yourself with excitement when you unboxed your Christmas present." She chuckles. "Oh my god...he did what?" Kiana bursts into laughter much to Bryce's dismay. "Oh come on that's not true," Bryce rolls his eyes. "How would you know? You were only three...you wouldn't remember," Kiana giggles as she disappears into the kitchen to get dinner ready. Everyone seats impatiently at the dinner table, sniffing the aroma of the appetizing food that's in front of them. There is golden brown roasted lamb, glazed ham, creamy mashed potatoes, mac and cheese and salads. "Hmmm...my wife is surely the best," Bryce comments as he savors a spoonful of the yummy food. Bryan is pleased when it's time for dessert, in his bowl his mother adds a scoop of ice cream next to the slice of cake. "I love Christmas," he grins exposing his cute tiny pearly white teeth. "I know you do...now you have to make sure you don't over eat sweetie...we don't want to upset your stomach especially not when we have a road trip tomorrow afternoon," she cautions. "Trip to where?" He asks with a chunk of cake still in his mouth. "You mustn't speak with food in your mouth sweetie, you might choke on it. We are going back to our house tomorrow," she says. The happy expression that was on his face quickly fades away. "So soon," he gripes after swallowing. "I'm sorry sweetheart," she places a comforting hand on his cheek. She doesn't bother trying to explain things to him because he is too young to understand why all his favourite people can't stay together under one roof for all eternity. *** The day after Christmas Kiana contentedly starts packing their belongings. She is happy to be heading back to her own home, cook in her own kitchen and sleep in her own bed. It's been a wonderful change being in Castle city and the trip has certainly revived her s****l life but there is no place like home. She giggles as she thinks of how they made passionate love in her mother in law's guest bedroom, although she felt guilty about it she enjoyed every minute of it, at least they will be back to rolling and tossing freely in their own bed. When Bryce wakes up Kiana washes the sheets and throws them in the dryer and follows by ironing them, so as to leave them clean and not create work for the old lady. "Oh I feel lonely already," Monroe sighs as she watches them gather their luggage. "I'm so sorry mother...we will miss you too," Bryce exhales. "You know you are free to visit us whenever you please," Kiana assures her. "I know...all of you have made me a proud woman," she softly says before shifting her attention to her son, "Bryce... thank you," "For what?" He arches his brows in puzzlement. "For extending our family, you have given me a wonderful daughter in law and two adorable grandkids," she crows. "You grew up alone as the only child I'm glad your children will have each other and won't be alone. Children are a blessing therefore I would advise you to have as many kids as you can." She chuckles making it sound like a joke yet she is being sincere. "I certainly wouldn't mind having two more children," Kiana broodily responds. "Oh my...did you hear that Bryce?...your wife never ceases to amaze me," she simpers. Monroe embraces them one by one and waves goodbye as the car disappears from her sight. **** "Home sweet home," Kiana's cheeks dimple in a delighted smile. She carry's her baby to her nursery and comfortably lies her in her cot bed. Bryan is also asleep from exhaustion, his father takes him to his bed. "We are alone for sometime," he grins at his wife. "So what were you thinking?" "That we shower and take a nap," he chuckles, knowing she was afraid he wanted to have s*x. "Thank heavens because I'm completely drained," she heaves. They share a hot bubbly bath in the tub, the hot water relieves them from body tension and leaves them feeling refreshed. Kiana wishes she could just fall asleep inside the tub but of course she doesn't want to risk drowning to death whilst she sleeps. They retire to their bedroom for a short nap. Unlike her husband she can't afford to sleep for more than an hour. She has to prepare dinner and has to attend to their baby girl. As she sits on the edge of the bed tying her hair, getting ready to head downstairs she notices a message pop up on Bryce's phone. She thought she saw the name Janet on his screen and this forces her to read the message. She has never been the type that goes through her husband's phone, she respects his privacy and trusts him with her life. The message reads, "Hey...are you back?" and indeed the message is from Janet but she is not sure if it's the same Janet that used to cohabitate with Bryce, the same Janet who was the reason Bryce broke off their engagement years ago. Her mind starts racing as she tries to figure out what's going on. She scrolls up to read the previous conversations and she is staggered when she comes across a message that reads, "thank you for yesterday" which is dated a week ago. It dawns on her that a week ago Bryce got home late after work, his excuse being he had a pile of work to finish. Her heart starts throbbing, she tries to compose herself and refrain from letting her imagination run wild by assuming the worst. She checks the time on the clock and it doesn't permit her to delay preparing dinner. After a long tiring day her children deserve a healthy fulfilling meal. "I'm sure there is a good explanation for these messages," she whispers to herself as she puts down Bryce's phone. "Bryce loves me, he is the most honorable man I know. He would never cheat on me...would he?" Another thought comes to mind. She distractedly chops the vegetables and throws away the sharp knife after nearly chopping off her finger. "Focus...I have to keep myself together...gosh this is Bryce...why am I worrying myself?" she takes deep breaths in attempt to calm herself. She serves her family creamy shrimp tacos and chicken tostadas which she prepared in less than thirty minutes. Her husband knows her very well, he easily notices that there is something on her mind that is troubling her. "What's the matter sweetheart?" He questions with a concerned expression. "Huh?" Her mind was far away she didn't even hear a word he said. "There is something bothering you...what is it?" he repeats in different words. "We will talk after supper," she curtly responds making him even more worried. "So there is something wrong...can you at least give me a clue what's it about?" He presses. Bryan can sense the tension between his parents, his eyes move from his father to his mother. "Mommy...what's wrong? Are you not feeling well?" He pouts. "Oh no my darling...I'm just exhausted," she responds after exchanging glances with Bryce. "What does ex..hau..sted mean? Does it mean you are missing nana already?" he pops out his eyes. "Yes...something like that," she giggles. "I miss her too but she said she will come and visit us soon," he confidently smiles. They are silent through out the rest of their dinner. Bryce's mind has been troubled ever since his wife confirmed that there is something that is bothering her. He just couldn't figure out what it's about and that's been itching him. He couldn't finish his food fast enough to be able to have a serious conversation with his wife but she takes her time finishing her meal. "Bryan I want you to do something for me," he utters. "What is it?" He blinks "Go into the living room and watch some cartoons," he says "By myself?" "Only for a few minutes, Dad needs to help mom in the kitchen," he responds. "Alright then," "Don't touch anything...just sit still and don't do anything naughty," he warns "Okay daddy," he marches away. "Can I help?" he offers as he takes the dish towel and starts wiping the dishes and putting them back in the cupboard. "Thank you," she utters softly. "Is Bryan asleep?" she asks. "No! I asked him to watch cartoons for a few minutes. We can talk here no one can hear us, except for this little one but we can trust that she won't tell anyone," he teases as he plays with baby Kiandra's cheeks. He is surprised when Kiana doesn't laugh at his jokes like she often does. "I saw a message on your phone," she begins "Okay..." he responds not knowing how that is a problem. "From Janet!" She blurts with her hands crossed over her chest. "Oh...I see...and why were you invading my inbox in the first place?" He nervously rubs the back of his neck. "You know I don't do that...I accidentally saw her name pop up on your screen. Is it Janet Jules or it's someone else?" She directly questions. He delays to respond for a brief moment, "It's Janet Jules," he admits. His response stuns her and she has no idea how to feel or what to think. The appalled look on her face sends a twinge in his body. "Are you cheating on me with Janet Jules? Is that why you were going on about how our s*x life is no longer good enough for you?" She forcefully punches him on the chest. He grabs her hands to stop her, "Kiana...why would you think that? I would never cheat on you especially not with Janet Jules of all people," he firmly states and the sincerity in his voice leaves her feeling guilty for accusing him of cheating. But even if he is not guilty of cheating he is definitely guilty of keeping things from her and meeting with Janet behind her back. "Thank you for yesterday...what was that message about? How long have you been meeting up with Janet behind my back and what for? After what she put you through I thought she would be the last person you ever want to come across," the bewildered expression on her face explains just how confused and agitated she is by his actions. He walks over to her and places his hands on her shoulders. "I know what I did was wrong and there is no excuse. I sincerely apologize. I should never do things that will cause you to doubt me. Please take a seat and I will explain everything to you," he utters. She doesn't argue with him, she pulls out a chair and slumps into it. "A few weeks back Janet called my office and left a message for me," "Who gave her your office number?" "Come on sweetheart...are you forgetting that AKC is a famous company and our contact details are available online?" "How did she even know that you are associated with AKC?" "Sweetheart Janet is not blind or deaf, she watches news and reads newspapers. She must have stumbled upon an article about me and AKC anyway that's not really important," "Fine.. go ahead and tell me what she wants," she smirks before peering at the baby who is jabbering in her swing chair. "As I was saying...she left a message asking to meet with me. It sounded urgent and I didn't want to say anything to you about it before speaking to her," he rubs his forehead. "So where did you meet?" She questions hoping they didn't meet in a hotel or anything that private for God knows what Janet is capable of behind closed doors. "I met her at Deli's café where she used to work when I first met her," "Wow...how sentimental," she sneers. "Stop that Kiana. Are you going to let me finish or you are going to keep rambling on over unimportant details?" He huffs getting annoyed and losing his patience. "I'm sorry... I guess that was a little immature of me...please carry on," she reluctantly apologizes. Their son springs into the kitchen just when Bryce is about to speak. "Mommy...daddy...I'm tired of watching cartoons on my own.. please come and watch with me...pleaseeee," he begs with his puppy face and his eyelids batting at his parents. Who could say no to him? "We will continue this conversation in the bedroom," Kiana says. "Sure... we shouldn't have left our son alone in the first place," he agrees.
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