Episode 56

1136 Words
The dreaded time approaches as the family lunch draws to a close, after a wonderful time spent reconnecting and bonding everyone feels disheartened about having to separate and go back to their normal arrangements. Their parents are the most afflicted, having raised three beautiful daughters and watching them move out of the house one by one leaving them all alone, just the two of them in their empty nest depresses them. The last to move out was their last child Maliah, it was a physical wrench for them, they were anguished. It wasn't easy for their children either, having to leave their parents behind to go and build their own families was a poignant moment and a culmination of so many feelings. But because it's part of growing up it just had to be done even though there is sheer sadness in having to live apart. Occasions that bring them together go a long way in comforting them and helping them to reconnect and catch up but as soon as they have to part ways its almost impossible for tears not to well up in their eyes. Their parents stand outside their house in each other's arms as they emotionally wave goodbye to their daughters and grandchildren. As soon as their cars are out of sight, they head back inside and get back to their normal life of being home alone. Once Kiana gets home, she doesn't confront her sister about the lies she has been telling. She plans to wait until she gets more information from her husband. Later in the day whilst Kiandra naps, Sam and Bryan are keeping busy upstairs in the playroom. Courtney is still in bed pretending to be sick, she plans on avoiding Kiana by all means as she dreads the conversation of how the family lunch went. She is worried if her name came up and if her lies have caught up with her but she would rather not know. 'What you don't know can't kill you,' Kiana and her husband enjoy a private moment alone cuddled up on the couch. She has her head leaning against his chest, feeling his every heart beat and he has one arm around her tiny waist whilst his hand gently strokes her hair. A while later he hears her sigh wearily, "what's bothering you?" He asks. "I'm just trying to figure out how to approach my sister's husband whom I haven't spoken to since ages ago or how I'm going to steal his number from Courtney's phone," she rubs her forehead. "Oh...I can see how that is troubling," he smirks. "Any ideas?" She tilts her head up to face him. "There is no way you are going to get his number from Courtney's phone, she has it secured with a face lock," he reminds. "That's actually good news," she brilliantly states with an idea in mind. "How? Are you going to wait for her to sleep and then hold the phone to her face?...that's not going to work. I'm pretty sure the face lock will only match with her eyes open." He arches his eyebrows. "No! That's not what I was thinking... from what I know face lock is not hundred percent secure because anyone who looks similar to you can unlock your phone... Courtney and I could pass for twins, my face can unlock her phone," she confidently informs. He takes a moment to consider her idea before responding. "Well...I guess it could work but.." "But what?" She impatiently interjects. "How are you going to steal a moment with her phone, she never leaves it behind not even for a second and I'm guessing it sleeps under her pillow," he chuckles. "Yeah well that is going to be the trickiest part but I'm sure we will come up with something, we have to get Gareth's contacts as soon as possible," she says with determination. "Did you say we...." he narrows his eyes. "Yes...I'm counting on you to help me out," "I...don't think I'm up for such devious acts," he takes a deep breath. Kiana plants soft wet kisses on his neck and he closes his eyes as pleasure begins to fill him up. She moves to his lips and kisses him fervently leaving him out of breath. She pauses to take a look at his pleased expression with his eyes still closed. Once he doesn't feel anymore enticing kisses he opens his eyes. "Oh come on that is so not fair," he prattles. "Just say you will help me and I promise to make it up to you," she casts him an impish smile. "Okay...okay fine." He reluctantly agrees. They spend the next few minutes devising a way to separate Courtney from her phone. After scratching out a couple of ideas Bryce finally comes up with a brilliant idea which they both believe will work. Courtney eventually gets sick and tired of staying in bed pretending to be sick all day. She heads down to join the family for supper, crossing her fingers the subject of the family lunch will not be discussed. Kiana notices how uncomfortable she is and she assumes she is worried about what she may have found out from Maliah. After an awfully quiet dinner, Kiana and Sam join forces to tidy the kitchen and thereafter they all lounge in the living room. Kiana casts her husband an encouraging gaze and he clears his throat and turns to face Courtney. "Hey Courtney...since you are feeling better how about giving your niece a night time bath?" He smiles hopefully. Courtney freezes and her mouth slightly drops open out of surprise. "I...I can't...not that I don't want to but believe it or not I have never bathed a baby before...I wouldn't want to drown her... or accidentally drop her," she desperately tries to get out of it. "That's okay...I will help you...I mean you will have to learn at some point it might as well be now," he presses on. She casts Kiana a look that cries for help but she ignores her. Feeling cornered, she unwillingly agrees to help bath Kiandra. She has her phone with her as they head towards the bathroom. "I'm afraid I don't allow phones in the bathroom when giving the baby a bath," he sternly utters. "Why the hell not?" She grumbles. "Because they can cause distractions and we need none of that so we can focus on the delicate baby hundred percent," he responds. Courtney is ready to protest but Bryce carries on, "I'm sure you can survive a couple of minutes without your phone Courtney," he frowns. For the sake of peace and moving forward she agrees to put away her phone. "Okay fine! I will leave it charging in my room then," she agrees but silently cusses in the inside.
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