Episode 26

1399 Words
“Tomorrow when I get back home from work, I want to find you gone, do you hear me?” He spits. “No no! Bryce you don’t mean that, where am I supposed to go and what about our son?” “I’m sure one of the men you are f*****g can take you in and don’t you dare try to use my son as an excuse to stay here, you stopped being a mother to him years ago when he was only 3 months old. Sam will remain here and my mother will raise him just as she has been doing for five years now. You will leave here with only the suitcase you came with so kindly leave behind everything that I bought for you including everything you purchased using my money.” Suddenly there is a knock on their bedroom door, it’s obvious from the weak sound they hear that its little hands that knocked. Bryce opens the door and glances at five year old Sam’s puppy face. “What is it Sam?” he asks as he scoops him up in his arms. “I can’t sleep I miss mommy can she please read me a bed time story?” Bryce’s heart breaks, how he wishes he could have given his child a mother who loves him and who is always there for him so he never has to feel the pain of missing her. “Mommy is asleep right now, why don’t you ask grandma to read you a story. I know she has lots of new exciting stories to share with you.” “No I want mommy, why must it always be grandma who baths me, plays with me and reads me bed time stories every day, why can’t it be mommy for a change? I really want it to be mommy, please daddy,” the little boy pleads with tears welling up in his eyes. “Aww Sam I promise tomorrow you will get to spend the whole day with mommy and guess what, she will take you to the amusement park, then to the zoo and then she will give you a bath before bed and also read you a bedtime story. How is that?” Sam’s face brightens up like never before, “You promise?” Bryce delays responding for a brief moment as he remembers that he just ordered Janet to pack and leave. “Yes I promise, now off to bed little man,” he orders. When Sam runs off to his grandma he shuts the door and heaves a deep sigh. “If you allow me stay I promise I will be a better mother to our son, he needs me,” Janet begs. “Listen! Here is what you are going to do, you will stay here and be a proper mother to our child I don’t care if you have to pretend or whatever either way you will show him love and give him your time and attention. You will do whatever it takes to make that little boy happy are we clear?” “Crystal! I will do that I promise,” “good, now pack your belongings and leave my bedroom, you can go back to the spare room.” “But Bry…” “Just do that before I change my mind about letting you stay in my house,” he hisses before he storms out of the room to give her time to gather her staff. The next day, as promised Janet spends the day out with Sam, it is the best day of his life for he is pleased to spend some time with his mother for a change. When Bryce gets home from work, Sam joyously tells him all about his fun day and he is elated to see his son so cheerful. There is tension between him and Janet and he tries his best to avoid being in the same room with her but Sam wants to spend time with both his parents therefore he asks if they could watch a movie together. “Another time son, dad needs to rest and so do you after the long day of fun you had. I hope you haven’t forgotten that Mommy is the one reading you a bed time story tonight.” “No way, I have always wanted mommy to read me bed time stories so no! I didn’t forget that I’m finally getting my wish today." The following weeks Janet spends time with her son and forces herself to be a good mother and to be on her best behaviour towards everyone in the house but it’s all an act and her way of avoiding being thrown out of the house but Bryce is foolish enough to believe she has changed for the better therefore he lets her back into his bed. The truth is no one can put on an act forever eventually Janet gets back to her old ways, spending the whole day away from home, drinking, partying and sparing no time for Sam. When Bryce catches her cheating again, his heart is broken more than it was the first time he caught her. Fool me once shame on you fool me twice shame on me for giving you the chance to do it again. He throws Janet out of the house and she moves in with Marty, one of her boyfriends’ who lives in a two roomed cottage. It’s hard for Bryce to watch his son longing for his mother regardless of how useless she has been, he is always asking where she is and when she will be coming back but he fails to give him an answer, he just keeps quiet. Having Ms Monroe around helps him cope, she is a good mother, a good friend and a good granny to Sam. Janet has been calling daily and popping up in his office asking for money. “You have to stop coming to my work place like this,” Bryce grunts. “Well if you would just give me what I need I wouldn’t have to bother you now, would I?” “I have told you before I’m not giving you a cent, why should I? Get a job or go ask for money from one of your boyfriends.” Janet rises from the chair and leans forward his desk to get closer to his face whilst her fists press against the desk as if to intimidate him. “I am the mother of your child so if you love your son then you have to make sure his mother is well taken care of,” she cackles. “I’m afraid It doesn’t work that way sweetheart, you are a full grown woman and you are not handicapped you can find a way to take care of yourself. You know what pisses me off the most is the fact that you don’t even care about the child you are talking about. You have failed him as a mother so please do me a favour and get the hell out of my office right now,” he yells while pointing his finger at the door. Janet ignores him as she sinks back into the chair and crosses her legs, “I’m not leaving, don’t mess with me Bryce or you will regret it, just give me what I need and you won’t be sorry.” Bryce is appalled by Janet's behaviour and he doesn’t understand what in the world is wrong with her or what kind of a person she is. He picks up the phone and calls security who attend to his office in a jiff. “Get this woman out of my office and she is never to be allowed into this building ever again.” The security guards hold Janet by her arms and drag her out of the office while she angrily screams, “You will be sorry Bryce Adams I promise you.” Janet is burning hot with anger, how dare Bryce humiliates her like that calling security to drag her out of his office, why couldn’t he just assist her with some money, he has lots of it so what does he have to lose? She gave him a child, the least he can do to thank her is to provide for her.
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