Episode 28

1121 Words
Sam refuses to leave without his daddy, he is confused and doesn’t understand what is going on. Bryce’s heart is breaking into a million pieces, he knows his life will never be the same again. He has lost everything that has ever mattered in his life. “I said let’s go Sam,” Janet roars for she has lost her patience but Sam still won’t budge. “Stop pulling him please, just let me talk to him okay,” “Fine” she reluctantly agrees. Bryce walks over to Sam and kneels down to his height, he holds his little hands and forces a smile on, “listen to me buddy, you have to leave with mommy, she is taking you on a trip to Disney land for a few days. I told her you have been missing her that is why she is here.” “Really, is that why she packed my suitcase?” “Yes! You will need clothes to change and everything else she has packed for you.” “But why can’t you come with us?” “Because daddy has to go to work and remember you have been with daddy all this time, so now it’s time to be with mommy.” Sam still doesn’t understand but he trusts his father so he agrees to leave with his mother, “I will miss you daddy,” he hugs his father and Bryce wraps his arms tightly around him and fights back his tears as he responds, “I will miss you too buddy.” “Let’s go, the taxi has been waiting long enough,” Janet grumbles. Sam eludes her and runs to hug his grandma goodbye, “goodbye grandma I will be back soon.” As soon as they leave Bryce breaks down in tears as he informs his mother of everything. Ms Monroe is appalled and devastated, she has loved Sam from the moment he was born and to now learn that she actually has no grandchild hits her hard. She feels for her son, she can imagine how much this is killing him but she has no idea what he had to give up for Sam’s sake, she doesn’t know how regretful he is about letting Kiana go. It was all for nothing. If he could have one wish then it would be a time machine, to go back in time and never cross paths with Janet. He meets up with Pete at the bar later in the day and he informs him what happened, Pete is disgusted by Janet and her cold heart. He tries his best to console and comfort his grief stricken friend. “I think you need to find Kiana,” he proposes. “What! Why? I don’t think she will be interested in ever seeing me again not after what I did to her. Besides I’m sure wherever she is right now she is happily married to a wealthy rich man and she has given the lucky bastard two or more beautiful children that are actually his.” “Yeah you are probably right Kia is a gorgeous, intelligent woman there is no way she is still single.” “And to think I had her all to myself I took away her virginity and then I broke her heart without even explaining to her why, I gave her up for what? A heartless, manipulative, twisted, lying and cheating b***h! I guess I deserve everything I’m going through,” he winces. Once Pete leaves he keeps the alcohol coming and gets himself wasted, the bartender has to call him a cab to take him home. The next morning, he fails to get up for work and he doesn’t answer any of his phone calls, he doesn’t want to talk to anyone and he pushes his mother away and this carries on for days. Ms Monroe decides it’s best to give him space and time to heal and so she leaves and travels back to her own house. Bryce has been ringing Janet each and every day begging her to bring back Sam but she wouldn’t hear any of it, she ends up blocking his number and getting a restraining order against him. He keeps up with getting drunk, showing up late to work and most of the times he doesn’t show up at all. Eventually he gets fired, he turns to alcohol for comfort and ends up a drunkard. He begins to neglect himself no longer giving a damn about how he looks and so he doesn’t even care to shave off his beard and it soon becomes a wild bush on his face. Bryce is miserable and he considers taking his own life to rid himself of his pain and misery. He feels like a failure and does not believe he has anything to live for, he can’t bear living with regrets and the pain he feels every day. He starts smoking drugs in hopes to turn off the pain and get himself high, happy and carefree. He pushes everyone away but his friend Pete is determined to never give up on him, he cannot stand and watch his friend throw his life away. He believes he is still young and can still have a bright and a happy future. He can still find someone to love and have children who are biologically his. Pete tries talking him into going to rehab but he tells him to piss off and leave him the hell alone. Selena advises him to take it by force and not wait for him to agree. Pete and Selena storm into his house late evening, “hey! What the hell do you think you are doing barging into my house unannounced, please get the f**k out, why can’t you just leave me the f**k alone?” yells drunken Bryce. Pete tries to pin his hands on his back so as to allow Selena to inject him with a sedative but Bryce is stronger than he expected him to be. He puts on a fight and pushes Pete away, Pete resorts to punching him on the face knocking him down, while he is down Selena quickly injects him with a sedative to make sure he doesn’t wake up any time soon. They carry him to the back seat of their car and drive him to a rehabilitation centre. “Do you think he will forgive you for this?” Selena worries. “This Bryce wouldn’t but the old Bryce that I know will understand and thank me, let’s just put our hopes in the rehabilitation centre, if they can help him get clean then I will have my best friend back.”
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