Episode 5

1568 Words
Violet Monroe is a classy old lady who has a passion for fashion and good food. She is very proud of her only child whom she raised on her own since Bryce’s father abandoned them when he was born and he later passed away when Bryce turned three. Monroe’s parents were rich and well off, when they died in a boating accident she and her siblings inherited their fortune thus she never struggled financially and she has always had the finest things in life since birth and so did her son Bryce. He was enrolled in the most expensive schools and he had the best things money can buy. Even though Bryce was brought up in a wealthy home he never grew up to be a self-conceited spoiled brat but he has always been a humble and down to earth soul. His mother on the other hand has always been a proud woman but she has always been a pleasant character with a lot of friends. She is a strong willed woman who is not afraid to speak her mind, she can be bossy, controlling and very nosy. Bryce owes his good looks to his mother and apart from looking alike they also have a lot in common like fashion and expensive taste. Bryce is very close to his mother, he honours her and thinks the world of her thence the two of them have a beautiful and enviable mother and child relationship. Monroe arrives in Alandro on a Monday late morning but no one is at home since Bryce is at work but since he was expecting his mother’s arrival he left the house keys under the flower vase for her. The old lady sees herself to the guest bedroom where she unpacks her suitcase and takes a long shower to freshen up. As planned she drives to her son’s work place during lunch time for he asked her to join him for lunch because he could not wait for knock off time to see her. As she walks in she is greeted with warm smiles and hugs, everyone knows she is not just a wealthy classy woman but she is also the manager’s mother all the more reason for her to walk in with her head held up high as she smilingly waves at the employees. “Hello Ms Monroe it’s so good to see you again, how have you been?” Dina the secretary grins feeling genuinely happy to see the old woman again. “Oh thank you my sweet girl, it’s good to see you too. I have been well and how about you?” She asks but then forgets to give Dina a chance to respond as she carries on talking. “I’m sorry I missed your wedding, Bryce tells me it was beautiful. You know I’m hoping he will also tie the knot soon so please do tell me, are there any pretty ladies paying him a visit?” “Ugh no just business clients,” Dina is uncomfortable with the subject so she tries to walk away. “Come on you can tell me, I promise I won’t tell,” Monroe persists as she grabs her hand to stop her from leaving. “I don’t think Bryce is seeing anyone Ms Monroe, he is kind of married to his job.” “Hmm I see what a shame, okay then my dear kindly excuse me my son is waiting for me,” she turns away to walk into Bryce’s office but Dina tries to stop her as she wants to first call Bryce to let him know his mother is there and ask if she can let her through. This is because no one is allowed to walk into the manager’s office without his knowledge or permission. Monroe doesn’t feel the need to abide by the regulations, she ignores Dina and walks on. Even though Bryce’s office door is closed she doesn’t think to waste her time knocking, she just walks in and closes the door behind her and open’s her arms wide open as her way of telling him to come in for a hug. “Mother! How many times must I tell you to knock and not just barge in? What if I was having a private meeting with a client or my superiors?” Bryce is alarmed but he knows his mother will never change. He abandons his chair and walks into her wide open arms and she gives him countless kisses on the cheeks. They don’t stay long in the office before walking out to the company’s private parking lot where his car is parked. He drives her to a fancy restaurant taking into consideration that his mother is very particular about where she eats. Monroe likes quiet places that are not crowded and where she can get first class customer service. There is fast service at the restaurant, their orders are served in less than fifteen minutes and Ms Monroe is very pleased. As they devour their food they chatter and laugh together as they delight in each other’s company. Bryce’s phone starts ringing, it’s on top of the table and the caller name 'Janet' appears on the screen and his mother notices it. He switches his phone to silent mode and places it in his pocket. “Who is Janet and why are you ignoring her call?” Knowing his mother perfectly well he knew she wouldn’t hesitate to ask, “It’s a long story mother I don’t want to get into it and I have to get back to work now so let’s go,” he clears his throat as he pulls out his wallet, takes out a hundred dollar note and places it on the table which leaves a twenty dollar change to serve as a tip for the lucky waitress. Monroe visits old friends before going back to the house, she gets there at nearly 6pm and soon after, Janet passes by hoping to see Bryce who is usually back home around that time but today he is late. Monroe is glad she passed by before her son got home, now she can finally get some answers, she questions Janet about her relationship with Bryce and she is not happy when she informs her she is his girlfriend. Monroe has already decided that she doesn’t like Janet and she is not right for her son, she thinks she is not his class and she sees her as an impoverished girl who is only looking for a wealthy man to save her. Janet can tell from the way the old lady is staring at her that she is not welcome or approved of but that doesn’t make her leave. Bryce is startled when he walks in to the lounge and sees his mother having tea with Janet, she was nice enough to offer her tea and cookies even though she doesn’t like her. “Janet what are you doing here?” he asks after dragging her outside the room so his mother wouldn’t hear them. “You have been dodging my calls for weeks so you left me no choice,” “Janet what is it that you want from me?” “You can’t have s*x with me and then toss me away.” “Okay so what is it that you want me to do huh?” “I want you to give us a chance.” “Listen Janet I didn’t know how to tell you this but I’m secretly seeing someone that is why I told you that what happened the other night was a mistake that can’t be repeated. It was never my intention to sleep with you and I’m sorry for making you feel used.” Upon hearing that Janet angrily storms out of the house. “Bryce” his mother calls out” “I don’t want to talk about it mom,” “Okay then but you will listen, stay away from Janet! I know girls like her, they are not to be trusted sly as a fox I tell you.” “Mom you just met her,” “No I have seen her before she just had a different name and a different face, it’s like the same game but different players kind of thing.” Bryce bursts into laughter, he thinks his mother is one of a kind and she is medicine to his soul. When she is around he tries to stay up till late to keep her company, she likes to watch TV at night while having tea and cake that is why Bryce thought wisely and stocked up the fridge with all of her favourite foods prior to her visit. Her favourite programs are reality shows and it is annoying to watch with her as she comments out aloud on almost every scene. After yawning for the past ten minutes Bryce realises he can’t stay up any longer he calls it a night and leaves Monroe by herself. A few hours later she makes her way to bed, walking past his bedroom she notices the lights are still on, she peeks inside and watches him sleep before walking in to turn off the lights, “Oh Bryce you still sleep with the lights on” she whispers to herself on her way out while shaking her head in disapproval.
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