The Diary

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"Because Mike and I have been friends," "But you said you were friends from eleventh grade. What if I had met him before that?" "Why are you asking me all of these questions all of a sudden? Did he say something to you?" "No. I was just kinder trying to see if we had ever met with him before. Amnesia does that to a person," I hurried on before he forced me to tell him everything. He looked at me through narrowed slits but remained silent. Silence reigned in the car. Dylan switched on the radio and Justin Bieber's song, What do you mean blasted in the car. I heard Mike groaning in his sleep but he didn't stir. I hummed the lyrics to the beats of the song, smiling to myself. "You always hated Justin Bieber. What changed?" Dylan asked eyes on the road. "I did?" I asked surprised. "You always complained whenever we put his song through," he stated. "How do you know that?" this time he looked at me. "Ranee told me," he replied innocently. "You said we. You and who?" my nerves were tense but my voice firm. "Did I? That must have been a slip of the tongue. I meant she,Ranee but it's good to know I have such a reliable,keen PA at work," Not wanting to push the matter further I kept mum, resting my head on the seat. Then I remembered about my parents death. They had died in a car crash but why did Ranee tell me that mum died from brain cancer while my dad died due to brain tumour? I frowned trying to understand why she lied to me. First she lied to me about ever meeting Dylan and now about my parents death? How many lies has she fed me with? I didn't know what to believe anymore. "Here we are," Dylan announced, already getting out of the car. I turned to him a look of irritation planted squarely on my face. "Now, now who are planning to murder?" he asked, poking his head back inside the car. Giving no reply I got out the car as he struggled with an asleep Mike. He kept on swearing but I did not turn even once until we were in the sitting room. "Can you wait here till I get Mike to his bed?" "Am dead tired honey,can you please tell me where I will sleep?" "Okay. We are sleeping in my room and don't worry, nothing will happen between us if you don't want," he hurriedly added when he saw the look on my face. His bedroom was the one I had woken up in. I jumped on the bed fully clothed, as Dylan chuckled softly. "You could change into one of my shirts in the closet. Meanwhile am going to see Mike in bed. Make yourself comfortable darling," he winked, walking out and closing the door behind him. I might have fallen asleep for fifty microseconds before I woke up remembering I hadn't changed. Eyes half closed, I rolled off to the edge of the massive bed but unluckily landed on the floor. Ugh! As though my day wasn't already on the peek of it's worst. Groaning I stood up and walked to the closet. The moment I opened it the word wow slipped off my tongue. It was full of designer clothes. It was so difficult to choose from the collection but in the end I chose a casual navy blue t-shirt. As I took it, I thought I hit a hard object in the pocket of the coat next to it. Out of curiosity, I slipped my hand in the pocket. Inside was a Raymond wrist watch and a diary. As I proceeded to put them back inside, the diary slipped off, falling to the floor,it's pages fluttering open. As I picked it something caught my attention . It was dated back in 2010. That was seven years ago! I quickly changed into the shirt and got under the covers. As soon as I was settled in, I turned to the diary. I opened the first page, my heart beating wildly, afraid of what I would find out. It's handwriting was faded but still readable. They say life is not interesting If it has no memories in it but I totally disagree with them. I'd bet a million dollars that my life would have been great without these memories. In here are bitter memories that I would do anything to erase from my life. In here lie memories that make me sick. I want to forget them but my efforts are useless. In these memories lies the bitter truth of a feeling called love never existing. I know it will take years or even maybe never for this hard reality to finally sink in. I don't think after what I just went through I have the guts to open up my heart to anyone ever again. All these women are just thankless bitches and even if I was dragged to the end of the world I would never marry any of them. Maybe it would have been better if I was gay but since am so unfortunate I happen to be straight. **************************** Am heartless because she took my heart away and turned me into this. That's me Lawrence. Don't call me Larry because that's what she used to call me. So this wasn't his diary? Maybe it was his brother's? Was I the 'she' he was speaking about? As I floated in my train of questions, Dylan made entry and I quickly hid the diary under my pillow. 'Still not asleep?" he asked grinning from ear to ear. "I was waiting for your goodnight kiss," "Are you tempting me? You don't realise how hot you look right now even with your smudged make up, do you?" he took some shorts from the closet before proceeding to unbutton his shirt. "You are not gonna strip before me, are you?" I asked, refusing to let my mind waver to that direction. 'Wouldn't you want me to?" A sexy, crooked smile played on his face as his fingers undid the last button and two seconds later his masculine, hairless six pack stared at me, air fleeing away from my lungs. He slipped off the pants, remain in Calvin Klein boxers, from underneath which, protruded two very powerful legs. I tried to will my hands to move over my eyes but they seemed frozen due to the awesome sight. I didn't even realize he had already worn the shorts. He made his way too me, his face a few inches from mine. "Having what's mine," he whispered and instantly my mind switched back to active mode. He didn't see the diary, did he? "Am sorry Dylan. I didn't mean to..." I searched my brain to find the right thing to say. "Why are you sorry for taking my favorite shirt? I love how it looks on you. You should put on it every night," "Oh,"a small sigh escaped my lips. "What did you think?" he teased, his fingers trailing my arm,drawing breath out of my lungs. "I wasn't thinking of anything. How can I think straight with your hot breath fanning my face, driving my senses into a crazy fit," I whispered through short shallow breaths. "Am I really affecting you that much?" his hand was now on the top of my shoulder. He pushed the neck of the shirt off my shoulder, before trailing his fingers back to the crook of my neck. "We,"I spoke through laboured breath. "Stop what Briannah?" I was so surprised to hear him sound so breathless. Did I affect him that much? "If you continue Dylan am afraid I won't be able to hold back," I trembled from too much anticipation. "Then don't hold back Anna. I want you so badly right now and I don't give a single dime to anything at this moment," I could feel the inflammatory touch of his gaze on my lips when I unconsciously licked them. In only what I could describe as slow motion, he leaned his head towards mine, his hands pushing me to lie on the bed. His lips found their way to my neck, easing downward along the sensitive skin of my throat, nudging the material of the shirt I was wearing,from one rounded shoulder, nibbling at the smoothness of my skin. Eyes closed, I could feel my heart pounding and I knew Dylan must have felt the frantic pulsate of my heart beneath his wandering mouth. I moved eagerly against him, melting fluidly under his touch,wanting the provocative caresses to go. Wasn't everything happening too fast? I put my hands on his chest, ignoring the rippling sensations that were threatening to overpower my arm. "Dylan please stop," "Do you want me to stop really?" he questioned, his voice sounding so heavy and passion ladened. "I don't but we have to. I just got engaged to you a few hours ago, we shouldn't be screwing already," I tried to reason. "Really? When I have been waiting for this moment in like forever," he had now straddled me, his hard erection pressing on my stomach. Only God knew how much effort I was really trying in keeping my hands to myself instead of running them over his breathtaking body. "Dylan we do have a six A.M flight tomorrow. We should be sleeping," I smiled, changing my strategy of approach on the matter. "Damn right. How could you affect me this much to the extent of not having some bit of self control?" he said, rolling to the other side of the bed, his breathing still fast. He lay beside me, pulling me towards him, my head on his chest. His hand ran on my hair, drawing small circles on it, my defences disappearing in the night. "Your hair smells good," he murmured softly. I smiled when afterwards I heard his soft, barely audible snores drifting into the bedroom. I raised my head to study his sleeping form. He looked so innocent and peaceful, unlike his usual cold and arrogant self. Laying back on his chest, I fell asleep too, floating into depth of sweet dreams. Fingers trailing my face was what woke me up. I half opened my eyes to see Dylan smiling down at me. "Morning," I mumbled, eyes falling shut again. "Morning too love. It's five ten, wake up, I already made breakfast," "Five ten? That's too early. Lemme sleep for another ten minutes," "No, no.. Get up before I drench you in cold water," "in cold water? Why not drench me with morning kisses?" "That may extend to a whole day. Come on wake up," I groaned in response, my eyes still tightly shut. Why won't he leave me alone? When silence greeted me, I almost sighed in relief. Finally he had left me to sleep. I had barely rolled over for a more comfortable position, when he tickled me. I laughed so hard till tears stained my cheeks. When he stopped I took a sharp intake of breath. "Do I needed to do that again?" "No. Am up already," I replied getting off the bed. "Take a bath. I have already packed our suitcases. Your dress will be on the bed when you come out of the shower. Meanwhile I'll be downstairs with Mike having breakfast," I noticed he was already dressed up. "When did you get up?" I asked taken back. "At around 3.45?" "Don't you feel sleepy even a little bit? Because I feel like dropping down right now," He chuckled in response before walking out of the room. I stripped and walked into the bathroom. Stepping into the bathtub full of warm water, I closed my eyes, feeling the water's warmth seeping into my bones. "Oh f*****g hell! Tell me you didn't fall asleep in the tub," Dylan's voice called. My eyes fluttered open and that's when I realized I had indeed fallen asleep in the tub. I looked up at Dylan, smiling a little guilty. "I might have fallen asleep," "It's already five forty eight," he stated as a matter of fact. "What!" all the sleep I was feeling disappeared, my mind springing into active mode. He walked out without another word. I don't think I have ever bathed that fast in my life. The light blue,figure hugging, knee length, off the shoulder dress that was lying on the bed, staring back at me had me awed. Everything I needed was laid on the bed, include Victoria Secret brassiere and lacy panties. Wow! All this must have cost him a fortune. After getting ready I stepped into the four inch heels before going out of the room. As I passed a room I heard voices. I stopped to eavesdrop. "You will tell her the truth," Dylan's angry voice startled me.
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