Chapter 2

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CHAPTER TWO ZOEY The whole week has been a clusterfuck, and I can’t wait until this weekend when I can go to Vegas and enjoy myself. After I graduated from cosmetology school, I rented a chair at a busy salon known for its crazy and outlandish styles such as rainbow-colored highlights and complicated updos. Though I work in Phoenix, our masterpieces look as if they should be in New York City. I have clients as young as five and as old as eighty, and while I enjoy cutting hair and being creative, I long for so much more. Trina, a woman in her mid-fifties, arrives right on time and sits in my chair. I see her once a month because she’s particular about covering her grays. The woman is beautiful, sassy, and doesn’t take s**t from anyone. “How’s your week going?” I ask once I’ve fastened the cape around her neck. She fills me in on all her family drama and the husband she’s two seconds from divorcing. “Be right back. I’m going to mix your color, and we’ll get started.” “I should’ve left him years ago,” she says as I brush the dye onto her roots. “Cheating asshole wanted me as nothing but a trophy wife. Now he’s got even more money, and I should take every red cent,” Trina huffs. Listening to people’s adventures is one of the highlights of my day, and considering everything I’m told, I should be paid as their therapist, not a stylist. “If only I were your age again.” Her eyes meet mine in the mirror, and it causes me to smile. “What would you do?” I ask, actually intrigued. “I’d do it all. I would live my life regardless of what everyone else wanted me to do. I’d move away. Be a free spirit. Spontaneous even. Travel more. Hell, I’d even get a dog,” she tells me. “Maybe two.” The last part has me snickering. “Dean’s allergies are ridiculous,” she complains with an eye roll. “We have an aquarium. It’s about as far as it goes for pets.” Once I’m fully done applying her color, I set a timer and tell her to hold tight while I go clean out the bowl and brush. “Just wait for the right man. Don’t rush into anything,” she warns when I return. All I can do is smile because the only man interested in me is my dad’s friend’s son, and he’s ten years older than I am. Benjamin and I have gone on a few dates, which I agreed to just to appease my parents, but that’s about it. He’s a hotshot doctor, an up and coming heart surgeon who’s determined to take over the medical field with his smarts, charm, and good looks. He even gave himself the nickname “Life Saver.” My parents are in love with him, and I’m trying to feel something but refuse to force it. After I’ve rinsed out the color, then blow-dried and styled Trina’s hair, she pays, leaving me a big tip. I adore her, and she enjoys spending her husband’s money, so I have no complaints. My next appointment isn’t for two hours, so instead of staying in the salon all day, I decide to go out for lunch. Twenty minutes later, I stop at a sandwich shop downtown. Taking a seat outside, I eat, soaking up the Phoenix sun, wishing I could stay in this spot all day. As I’m taking my last bite, my phone dings with a text, and I pick it up and see a message from my sister, Summer. Summer: Three more days and we’re flying out! I CANNOT WAIT! Zoey: I know! I’m itching for a vacation. I love taking road trips and seeing different places. Having schedule flexibility was one of the reasons I decided to do hair in the first place. I didn’t want to be tied to a nine-to-five job and work for someone else. I needed the freedom to come and go as I please, and with my current position, I have that. Typically, every few months, I’ll get in my car and drive somewhere I’ve never been before. This year, though, I’ve been trying to save up for an apartment to move out of my parents’ house, so I haven’t gone anywhere yet. Summer: 72 HOURS! I smile at the thought of going to Vegas. Her best friend even scheduled a club crawl tour bus so we can easily barhop. Summer’s been planning her wedding since she was five years old, including her bachelorette party. Upon checking the time, I see I have a little under an hour until my next client arrives, so I go back to the salon and wait. The rest of the day flies by quickly without any cancellations, which is great, but it also means standing for hours without a break. Even though I’m exhausted when I get home, I take the time to eat with my parents. My dad isn’t home often for dinner, considering he’s a doctor and usually gets called in even after long workdays, so I try to spend as much time with them as I can, though the conversation rarely goes in a positive direction. “How’s work going?” Dad asks as he scrolls through his phone. I’ve gotta give him props for even asking, considering I can’t remember the last time he did. “Great, actually. Pretty busy, but I can’t complain.” I keep my response short and sweet because I know what’s coming next. He sighs, displeased. “You’re so smart, Zoey. You would make a wonderful physician. People adore you, and you have great people skills, just like Summer does. You two got that from me,” he says with a small smirk. “There’s still time to change your mind and go to school,” he adds before stuffing his mouth. Not a week passes without a reminder from him about how great I would’ve been following in his footsteps. Summer’s a few years older than I am, and she’s already graduated with a perfect GPA in pre-med and is working to become a doctor just like my father. Then there’s me, who decided not to go to college or keep the family legacy of practicing medicine alive. Now they’re convinced if I marry someone who they approve of—someone who comes from money or has money—then all will be well in the world, and as soon as that thought hits, my mother chimes in. “So, how’s Benjamin?” She looks at me with bright blue eyes, hoping I’ll say exactly what she wants to hear. “He’s fine, I guess. Not sure.” I shrug, hoping she’ll drop the topic. “Haven’t chatted with him in a few days,” I admit and feel the disappointment streaming off her when she furrows her brows. My father speaks up. “He’s a great kid. You should really give him a chance, Zoey. Comes from a good family of doctors and is well mannered. Great at his job, which pays extremely well. He’ll make a name for himself without a doubt. Hell, he’s well on his way now, considering all the experience he’s had in surgery.” Yes, because that’s all that matters. “He’s also way older than me,” I remind them just as I have several times before. “Your father is ten years older than I am.” Mom glowers. “I keep him young. Plus, marrying an older man means he’s more mature and knows what he wants in life. No drama or games.” I nearly choke on my food and wish this conversation would end, so I change the subject. “So, the Vegas trip is this weekend. Don’t forget we fly out on Friday.” I hurry and take a bite so I don’t have to talk. “You really need to be safe while you’re there. Take pepper spray, and don’t talk to strangers. Sometimes you’re too friendly and will chat with anyone,” Mom tells me as if I’m a five-year-old child. She’s always so worried about me, probably because I’m nothing like her. “I won’t be alone. I’ll have Summer and all her friends. We’re not leaving each other’s side,” I tell her, hoping she’ll finally get off my a*s about it. Dad breathes in heavily. “I don’t know why Summer would plan something so childish. Most women do spa days or vacations in New York. Vegas is just…trashy.” He gives me a pointed look, and his judgy tone can’t be mistaken for anything else. He despises the idea. “I even offered to pay for you girls to go to Bali for three days, and Summer refused,” Dad grunts. I think it’s the first time Summer has really gone against their wishes, and I’m actually proud as hell of her for doing what she wanted. Our parents tend to have a tight hold on us, especially me, and while I want to move out, I’m not sure how they’ll react when I actually do. Though it’s ridiculous, they’re more focused on marrying me off so I’m “taken care of.” I’m sure that’s the only way they’ll accept me leaving. After we finish eating, Dad tells us good night, then heads toward the stairs. Since he has to be at the hospital at four in the morning, he goes to bed before the sun completely sets. I load the dirty plates into the dishwasher as Mom puts the extra food in containers. I’m being standoffish and just want to go to bed. I’ve had a long day. “I know you get annoyed by us sometimes, but we just want the best for you, Zoey,” she tells me as she closes the fridge. “I know.” I give her a smile, wiping off my hands on a dish towel. “Will you please give Benjamin a chance? For us?” She’s so hopeful, and I don’t dare tell her no. “You two are perfect together.” I nod, not wanting to argue, and then give her a hug before going upstairs. All I’ve ever wanted is to make my parents proud, and the least I can do is try. “Are you ready?” Summer asks from behind me. I’ve put off packing all week, and now I’m rushing since we have to leave in ten minutes to make our flight. “Almost,” I say, turning and shooting her a cheeky grin. She shakes her head, but a smirk crosses her lips. I’m known for doing things last minute, but this time, I really messed up. I stuff every sort of outfit I could ever need inside my suitcase, then zip it up. At this point, all I can do is hope for the best. Standing, I grab my s**t and walk toward her, ecstatic to be spending the weekend with my big sister and her friends before she gets married. “Mom and Dad have already given me the be-careful speech,” I tell her matter-of-factly. “Along with the don’t do drugs, don’t talk to strangers, and don’t have s*x. In other words, don’t have fun.” I snort. She smirks. “I’ve gotten warned too, but I’m not worried about it. What they don’t know won’t hurt them.” “It is your last weekend of being a single woman! I’m sure you could find a fling or two. What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas. Amiright?” I joke. Summer’s prim and proper most of the time; the exact cookie-cutter daughter my parents wanted. I’m the spontaneous and eccentric wild child. They don’t know what to do with me most of the time other than try to force me to fit in their box. I’ve failed to follow their wishes, but it’s not because I’m trying to rebel. I’ve almost come to terms with being the black sheep of the family. It’s hard for them to understand me because I’m not like them and I’m not interested in the same stuff they are. I think on a different brain wave. I’m creative instead of analytical. I’d rather go with the flow than plan my entire life, and that’s incomprehensible to them. Summer chuckles and follows me as I struggle to carry my overloaded suitcase down the stairs. When I walk into the living room, nearly out of breath, my mother puts her book down and gives us both a sweet, practiced smile. “Make sure to be responsible in Las Vegas. I’ve heard some terrible stories about that place,” she warns, and worry is written all over her face. “Just remember, Mom, this was all Summer’s idea,” I tease, taking the attention away from me for once. What they don’t know is that she can drink us all under the table. She might seem perfect now, but she was a sorority girl in college, and I heard about the wild frat parties she attended. Just because she had good grades doesn’t mean she didn’t have the normal college experience. “We better get going.” Summer shifts the conversation with ease. “Love you, Mom. Tell Dad we’ll be fine,” she says, walking toward the front door. “You two behave,” Mom barks. “We will,” Summer and I say in unison. Once we’re outside, Summer pops the trunk to her car and helps me load the heavy a*s suitcase. I see her carry-on inside. “That’s all you brought?” I ask, shocked. She shrugs. “Don’t plan on remembering anything that happens this weekend, especially not what I’m wearing.” My eyes go wide as I realize I might be in for more than what I bargained for, but I gladly accept the challenge. We listen to music as she drives us to the airport, excited to have the next few days of freedom. She gushes about her fiancé, Owen, who’s her high school sweetheart. My father molded him into the son-in-law he’s always wanted, one who has a career and can provide for his daughter. Owen went to med school and plans to follow in my father’s footsteps. Luckily, she found the love of her life while she was a teenager. I’m probably doomed to die an old cat lady. Once we park the car and make it to the entrance, I see her four best friends waiting impatiently. They’re all beautiful and wearing matching bridesmaids’ shirts. Avery hands me one that says maid of honor, and it has the same sparkly rhinestones on it as their bridesmaids’ ones. I slip it over my crop top and give her a hug and a thank you. They’re all Summer’s age and treat me like their kid sister, but I don’t mind. It’s actually fun being around them, and I love how they bring out the wild side in Summer. She deserves this weekend more than anyone else I know. Once we’ve checked our bags and made it through security, Avery and Chelsea drag us to a little cantina by our gate for pre-flight drinks. I try to pace myself, but it’s useless when they keep ordering rounds of shots. By the time we’re called for boarding, we’re all two sheets to the wind and giggling about God knows what. Summer’s grinning wide as we patiently wait for the attendant to scan our tickets, and I haven’t seen her this happy in a long while. After she got engaged, she became more serious, saying she needed to start acting like an adult. Essentially, she took etiquette lessons from my mother on how to be a good wife. It kinda makes me sad how manipulative they’ve been. “Are you ready, sis?” Summer asks after we find our seats and buckle. Looking out the window, I feel my excitement nearly bubble over. I turn and look at her with a huge smile on my face. “Ready to make memories of a lifetime!” She squeals and so does the rest of the bridal party. Right then, I vow not to think about my parents, Benjamin, or anything back in Phoenix. This weekend is about experiencing Vegas and living life to the fullest.
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