The gate suddenly opened when Fierre touches it, and they were able to enter inside the castle. You can see diamonds, emeralds, and many other gems inside. But what's stunning of all is the walls, a see through that is made of crystal ice. "Hello, hello?" Fierre shouted. "Is there a people here? Yuki-onna?" "So beautiful!" Sierra's eyes glistened with amazement."Hey, let's find a room so that Tiara can rest," Shizuka grabbed Sierra, and Fierre followed. The castle is spacious, and they aren't sure if there is a bed even. Shizuka tried checking her magical comwatch, a thing that gave her the direction and what keeps tracks if it's a day or night. Strange, it was not moving. She did not pay that much attention and focused on carrying and finding a room and better if there's a bed for Tiar