Chapter 2

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Chapter 2: The Morning After Raelynn woke to the unfamiliar sound of birds chirping outside a window that wasn’t hers. She blinked against the bright morning light streaming in, her head pounding in protest. The room spun slightly as she tried to sit up, her stomach churning ominously. She was definitely hungover, but there was something else—panic set in as she realized she wasn't in her own apartment. Looking around, she noticed the sparse décor, a large poster of a classic car, and a neatly organized bookshelf filled with an array of technical manuals and novels. It clicked then—she was in Walker's bedroom. Panic spiked further when she noticed she was wearing only a T-shirt—clearly not hers, but one of Walker’s, large and hanging loosely on her petite frame. Her mind raced, trying to piece together the events of last night, but everything was a blur after Walker’s confrontation with Derek. Just as her breathing quickened, the door opened, and Walker stepped in, holding two mugs of coffee. He was already dressed in a simple tee and jeans, looking unfairly fresh compared to her disheveled state. “Morning, sunshine,” he greeted with a hint of amusement, noticing her wide-eyed stare. “Coffee?” Raelynn clutched the sheet to her chest, her voice a mix of panic and irritation. “Walker! Why am I in your bed? Please tell me we didn’t—” Walker set the mugs down on the nightstand and sat on the edge of the bed, a gentle smile softening his features. “We didn’t do anything, Raelynn. You were pretty out of it when I brought you here. I couldn’t leave you alone in that state. You’re in my shirt because you spilled water all over yourself trying to drink.” Relief washed over her, though her cheeks heated at the thought of how vulnerable she must have appeared. “Oh God, I don’t remember any of that. I’m sorry if I was a hassle. Did I—did I do anything else embarrassing?” Walker chuckled, his eyes crinkling at the corners. “Well, you might have made a few passionate declarations about needing tacos and serenaded me with a very loud, very off-key rendition of 'Bohemian Rhapsody' on the ride home.” Raelynn buried her face in her hands, mortification complete. “I’m never drinking again.” “I’ve heard that before,” Walker teased, handing her a mug of coffee. “Drink up. It’ll help.” Taking the mug with a grateful nod, Raelynn took a cautious sip, letting the warmth seep into her. The coffee was strong and slightly sweet, just how she liked it. She peeked at Walker through her lashes, a small smile playing on her lips despite her embarrassment. “So, you took care of me all night, huh? How chivalrous of you.” “It’s no big deal, Rae. That’s what friends are for,” Walker said, his tone light, but his gaze held a hint of something deeper, something protective. “But yeah, I admit, keeping you off me was a bit of a challenge.” Raelynn’s eyes widened, her heart skipping a beat. “What do you mean?” Walker leaned back, a mischievous glint in his eye. “You were very... affectionate. Kept saying how safe you felt with me. Tried to convince me to let you sleep on top of me because the bed was ‘too soft’.” Flushing, Raelynn sipped her coffee to hide her flustered expression. “And you didn’t take advantage of the situation because...?” “Because I knew you wouldn’t want that if you were sober,” he said seriously, his voice dropping an octave. “I want you to always feel safe with me, Rae. No exceptions.” The sincerity in his voice made her heart throb painfully. She knew Walker cared about her, always had, but this felt different—more intense, more real. She looked down at her mug, swirling the contents as she gathered her thoughts. “Thank you, Walker,” she finally said, her voice soft. “For taking care of me and for... respecting me. Not everyone would have.” Walker’s hand found hers, giving it a reassuring squeeze. “Always, Raelynn. I care about you... more than you know.” Their eyes met, and for a moment, the world seemed to pause, the air charged with unspoken possibilities. But then Walker cleared his throat and released her hand, breaking the spell. “So, tacos for breakfast?” he suggested with a lopsided grin, trying to lighten the mood. Raelynn laughed, the sound bright and clear. “Only if you’re buying. And I want extra guacamole.” “It’s a deal. But you owe me a sober rendition of 'Bohemian Rhapsody' sometime,” he quipped as they both stood. “Deal,” she agreed, feeling lighter than she had in hours. She followed him out of the bedroom, her mind still on their intertwined hands and the warmth that had lingered long after he’d let go. As they made their way to the kitchen, the casual ease between them felt natural, yet there was a new undercurrent of awareness. Raelynn knew something had shifted last night, even if she couldn’t remember all the details. And as they joked and teased each other over breakfast, part of her wondered what it would mean for them going forward. The morning turned into afternoon, and as Walker dropped her off at her apartment later, their goodbye was lingering, both of them hesitant to end the unexpected closeness they’d rediscovered. Raelynn watched him drive away, a thoughtful smile curving her lips. Inside her quiet apartment, the events of the past twenty-four hours replayed in her mind. Walker had seen her at her worst, and not only had he cared for her, but he had also protected her dignity and her heart. It was more than she could say for most. As she curled up on her couch, Raelynn realized that her feelings for Walker might be deeper than she had admitted to herself. And maybe, just maybe, it was time to explore those feelings further. But first, she needed to figure out how to thank him—not just for last night, but for always being her steadfast protector, even when she didn’t know she needed one. As the afternoon sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow through her apartment windows, Raelynn found herself unable to settle into any of her usual routines. Her mind kept drifting back to Walker, replaying their conversations and the unexpected intimacy of their interactions that morning. She paced around her living room, her thoughts a whirlwind. Each time she tried to focus on something else—whether it was turning on the TV or picking up a book—her thoughts veered back to Walker. It was more than gratitude now; it was a deep-seated curiosity about the potential of their relationship. Determined to clear her head, Raelynn grabbed her phone and dialed Sage, needing an outside perspective. The phone barely rang twice before Sage picked up. "Hey, girl! How are you feeling?" Sage’s voice was bright and concerned. Raelynn sighed, sinking onto her couch. "I'm better, thanks. Walker took good care of me. Actually, that's sort of why I called..." "Oh?" Sage’s tone shifted, a note of intrigue coloring her words. "What happened with my big brother?" "It’s just... he was really great, Sage. He took care of me all night, made sure I was okay, didn’t try anything even though I was... well, apparently quite affectionate," Raelynn confessed, her cheeks warming with the admission. Sage laughed softly. "Sounds like Walker. He's always been the protective type, especially with you. So, what’s the issue?" Raelynn chewed her lip, struggling to put her feelings into words. "I don’t know if it’s just the hangover talking, but I think there might be... more, between us. I felt something yesterday, something more than just friendship. And I’m not sure what to do about it." There was a pause, and then Sage spoke, her voice gentle yet earnest. "Raelynn, Walker has always had a soft spot for you. Everyone sees it. But he would never cross that line unless he was sure it’s what you both want. Maybe it's time you figured out if you see him as more than just a protector or a brotherly figure." Raelynn nodded, even though Sage couldn’t see her. "I know, and I think I do see him as more. I’m just scared of messing things up between us." "That’s a risk, sure," Sage admitted. "But it might also be the best thing ever. You won’t know unless you try. And hey, I’d rather have you as a sister-in-law than just my best friend, if it comes down to it." Laughing, Raelynn felt a weight lift off her chest. "Thanks, Sage. I think I needed to hear that." "Anytime, Rae. Just promise me whatever you decide, you’ll talk to Walker about it. He’s a great guy, but he’s also clueless when it comes to taking hints." "I will," Raelynn promised. After hanging up, she felt a new resolve settle within her. She needed to talk to Walker, to explore this new dimension of their relationship that seemed to be opening up. But first, she decided, she would thank him properly for taking care of her. A plan began to form in her mind—a simple dinner at her place. It would be casual, but with enough privacy to discuss how they both felt. Smiling to herself, Raelynn got up to prepare for what she hoped would be a pivotal evening. As she started on her preparations, she couldn’t help but feel a mix of excitement and nerves. This could be the beginning of something wonderful, or it could complicate one of her most cherished friendships. But either way, she knew it was a step she had to take. After all, the possibility of love, especially with someone as tried and true as Walker, was too important to pass up because of fear.
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