
1294 Words

Playing Authors POV Fara was a picture of a total epic fail as she knew that the dog was aiming her. “Come here boy.” Hoshe called the beast with a smile so as the other staffs. They were as if liking the animal very much. He barked again. “What are you doing?”  Fara stupidly asked the dog approaching her.  “Don’t come near me!”  She ran over the couch and plopped herself in there. She was trying her very hardest to shoo it away but it was so persistent that it plopped itself in the couch also which sent her down on the floor.  She ran frantically not minding every eyes on her. Tre was laughing very hard watching Fara in great horror. ‘I’m gonna kill you!’ Fara thought giving Tre a deathly glare. “Don’t come near me! Kyahhh!”  She squeaked again as she unconsciously ran towards

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