CHAPTER 1:  Alison

1350 Words
CHAPTER 1: Alison –––––––– Alison waddled out of the bedroom, stopping in mid-stride as another contraction surged through her. They’d been coming all night, but she wasn’t taking another needless trip to the hospital for Braxton Hicks. Her mother would kill her if she didn’t make the baby shower today. Mom was still a bit perturbed that she’d had to decorate in greens and yellows because Alison and Harker had decided to wait to find out the gender of the baby. She took a deep breath when the contraction subsided and then continued down the hallway. She had three more weeks before her due date and it couldn’t come fast enough. If this kid decided to stay inside a little longer, she’d have to start walking down the hallway sideways. Of course, all the extra weight wasn’t the baby’s fault. For the first few weeks after that incident in the office Harker had been polite but distant. He’d tried to get her to have dinner with him, watch TV, and even go shopping; but he’d never tried to seduce her again. She should’ve been glad because she was weak when it came to him, but she wasn’t. It didn’t matter that he’d hurt her over and over again, she still wanted him. “Are you ready?” She walked into the kitchen. Harker stood in front of the refrigerator, staring into it. He turned and guilt twisted inside her gut. He had bags under his eyes, and he must’ve lost weight because the jeans that used to hug his ass so beautifully were very baggy. He looked miserable and it was her fault. “Yeah.” His eyes raked over her. “You look great.” “Please don’t.” She didn’t have the strength to keep fighting with him, but she couldn’t give up. She needed time away from here to make sure that this was real and not some fantasy brought on by great s*x and living with him. “I'm just trying to compliment you. I’m not trying to f**k you.” He slammed the refrigerator door. “Like anyone would right now.” She ran her hand over her belly. She’d never been the sexiest of women and right now she looked like a dead animal on the side of the road—bloated almost past the point her skin could contain. She wanted to go back to her room and lay down for a bit, or better yet, soak in the tub, but instead, she had to spend the day with Harker, pretending to be happy and in love. “Let’s save the niceties for public.” “Sorry. I thought we should practice so we don’t both look miserable when we get to your mother's house.” “You're right. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have snapped. I'm just”—she sighed as she stared down at her stomach—“so tired of being pregnant.” She glanced at him. “I miss my feet. I never would’ve thought that, but I liked seeing my toes.” “They still look great.” One side of his mouth tipped upward in a slight grin. “Great? Now, you are lying. I see them a bit when I put my legs up, and they look horrible. They’re huge and misshapen and there hasn’t been polish on my toenails for several months.” She smiled at him and then her shoulders sagged. “I’m just so tired. After I have this kid, you’re carrying him or her around for the next nine...” She stopped at the look of hope in his eyes. “I didn’t mean—” “I know.” The hope disappeared like a fire being doused by a bucket of water. “I’m sorry.” She was tired of hurting him and tired of being hurt. “Me too.” He moved to her side and took her arm. “Are you ready?” “Yeah.” She couldn't stop herself from leaning against him as they walked into the garage. He was always there when she needed him, but he was too stubborn to see that what she needed most was some time away from him to think. She had to know that she was making this decision on her own without any manipulation from him. “We won't stay any longer than we have to.” He opened the car door. Her hand squeezed his arm as another contraction shot through her body, starting in her back and moving through her stomach. “Are you okay?” He grabbed her other arm, steadying her. She breathed through her mouth for several seconds until the contraction was gone. “Alison, get in the car. We’re going to the hospital.” “No. I'm fine. It's just Braxton Hicks again.” They’d both learned that lesson. She’d woken him in the middle of the night, positive she was about to give birth, but she’d been wrong. “Are you sure?” He helped her into the car. “Yeah.” She pulled the seatbelt over her giant stomach. Another few weeks and she’d look normal again. “Maybe we should go to the hospital to be safe,” he said as he got into the car. “No. Mom will kill us if we miss the baby shower because of Braxton Hicks. She’s spent weeks planning this.” “She should've had the party earlier.” He started the car and pulled out of the garage. “She had church obligations.” She didn’t want to fight about this again. “She has obligations to her daughter.” “And she's having the shower now.” “She should’ve—” “Harker, stop. Fighting about this isn’t going to make us look not miserable.” “Fighting about this is normal.” He pulled onto the highway. “You are so obstinate.” “And you’re so amenable,” he said drolly. “Compared to you, I’m an angel.” She laughed. He glanced at her, a look of surprise on his face. “What? It’s true,” she joked. “No. I mean...yeah, probably.” He smiled but it was hesitant. “It’s just that I haven’t heard you laugh in a long time.” “Oh.” Her smiled died. “I guess I haven’t had much to laugh about.” “You seem to think I’m funny. Maybe you should spend a little more time with me.” He glanced at her again but then quickly looked back at the road. “Please, don’t do this. I don’t want to fight with you.” “Then don’t.” The softness in his tone was gone. “I’m just saying that laughter is good for you...and the baby. So you should do things that make you laugh.” “Is that your way of saying I should do you?” The man was unbelievable and so freaking charming in his gruff, grumpy way. This was why it was dangerous for her to be anywhere near him. He could literally charm her pants off. A little voice started to ask if it’d be that bad if she let him when another contraction coursed through her. Everything but the pain disappeared as she gritted her teeth, waiting for it to pass. “I wasn’t but now that you mention it.” He stopped at a light and looked at her. “I miss you.” His dark eyes roamed over her and then he frowned. “Are you okay? Is it another contraction?” He felt her forehead. “I don’t have a fever.” She pushed his hand away. “We’re going to the hospital. Call your mother and tell her we’ll be late.” “No. I’m not ruining this for her over a few contractions and do not argue with me about this.” “I have no intention of arguing with you.” He put his turn signal on. “Keep going straight. If you take me to the hospital, I will call my aunt and I will leave you there. I’m not missing my baby shower. My mom put this together for what will probably be her only grandchild.” “Are you sure it’s Braxton Hicks? You look like you're in pain.” He turned off the turn signal and kept driving straight. “Of course, I'm in pain. Do you think Braxton Hicks is a walk in the park?” “No, but I don’t remember you being in this much pain.” “I was more panicked last time because I thought I was about to give birth.” “We should at least call the doctor.” “I'm fine,” she said through gritted teeth as another contraction pulsed through her body like a freaking stun gun. “Let's get to my mom's house and get this done.” “If you're still in pain afterward were going to the hospital.” “Okay, but...” She stared down as warmth surged down her thighs. “Harker...” She couldn’t take her eyes off her legs. She was going to have her
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