Chapter 010 Trigger

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"How … how could this be? Isn't it only infectious to zombies? Why is it … mutated?" Wang Ning's eyes widened in shock. Xiong Ba was also slightly stunned, then he was relieved and said, "This is the'university '!" Moreover, this was only the simplest entrance exam in freshman year! In the'university ', there were infinite possibilities. Unlimited opportunities, unlimited risks. Rookies, you should be a little sensible now, right? Therefore, I must kill him! Otherwise, all of you are willing to bet 10 years on his life. If he mutated into a tracker, even I might not be able to deal with him. " As he spoke, he was about to shoot Wei Ming! "No!" Yin Kuang held Xiong Ba's gun tightly and said, "You can't do this! He's still alive! Also, isn't he going to have a chance of getting mutated T-virus reinforcement? As long as he hasn't mutated yet, there's still hope, isn't there?" Xiong Ba sneered, "Naive! 0.1% chance, do you think he has such luck? Don't forget, the probability of mutating into a powerful zombie is far greater than the probability of obtaining T-Strengthening. Can't you even calculate such a simple probability? Thanks to your intelligence, you still have 7 points!" Xiong Ba had the special skill "Wild Wolf Smell". He had already obtained a special effect of increasing his perception by 20 points in his second year. Moreover, he possessed a rare "scouting" skill, which allowed him to see the basic attributes of people weaker than him (skills and equipment could not be seen). Therefore, in front of him, there was no way for everyone here to hide their stats. Yin Kuang was still unwilling to give up, "But there is still hope in the end! No matter how small the chances are, there is still hope of success. Are you sure that he will not be strengthened? You said that'college 'has limitless possibilities." "Kid!" Xiong Ba said, "I have definitely experienced more dangers than you have eaten. In front of me, you have no right to say anything. Besides, if I didn't like you, just because you disobeyed me, I would have enough reason to throw people to the zombies. 'Respect for seniors' has always been the number one rule of survival in'college '! Do you understand?" Wei Ming hurriedly pulled Yin Kuang with great difficulty and shook his head. "Forget it. Isn't it just the loss of 10 years of life? It really isn't a big deal. Die. Live so much and you've tasted everything. It's just that … you haven't tasted death before! Unfortunately, you're going to fail the entrance exam this time." Yin Kuang smiled bitterly. He didn't know if he dared to mock himself for being short-lived or if he should admire Wei Ming's generosity. However, since Wei Ming had said so himself, he had nothing to say. Li Shuangmu patted Yin Kuang's shoulder at the right time and sighed, "Since that's the case, we'll respect your choice. Don't worry, we'll give you a portion of the learning points when we get back." Li Shuangmu also felt a little guilty. After all, if he had seen the gun earlier, Wei Ming wouldn't have been bitten by the zombie. "Haha … Then … I'll … thank … ah ah!! It hurts … it hurts … I!!" Bang! With a gunshot, Wei Ming's head exploded like a habit of smashing his head, and thick black blood scattered all over the ground. "One student died. 'Assistant' Xiong Ba deducted 1 point from the comprehensive assessment!" Xiong Ba smiled bitterly and said, "I've really been ruined by you bunch of trash." Li Shuangmu looked sadly at Wei Ming's headless corpse on the ground and said, "Senior … Actually, you already knew that there was something wrong with that man, didn't you?" Xiong Ba said, "Yes." Ignoring the angry or vigilant gazes of the crowd, Xiong Ba said, "Please pay attention to your identities, rookies. Please also pay attention to my identity. You are'rookie students' and I am'teaching assistants'. My mission is only to help you complete a certain number of tasks and familiarize you with the rules of the university, not to serve as bodyguards for you weak ants." "Actually, I'm a little regretful about getting this'teaching assistant 'job. The quality of your class is really low. Last year, when I was like you guys, I was already in and out of the Galaxy Squad's bug sea! Now, if you guys just encounter a little setback, you're going to blame the heavens and earth." Xiong Ba was extremely disdainful. "Finally, I reiterate that the first rule of the survival code of the University is to respect seniors. Do you think every senior is as easy to talk to as me? Stop joking. Alright, let's not talk anymore. Let's go." Just as everyone was about to leave, a weak voice suddenly sounded, "Wait … Wait a moment." Qian Qianqian said, "Look … this is from his … arms …" Everyone looked over, a picture, a picture of a dog. There's blood on it. Qian Qianqian was referring to the zombie whose head was blown off by Li Shuangmu. "What's so good about this? It's just a dog." Liu Xia Tian said. He wished he could leave this dangerous place earlier. Qian Qianqian hurriedly said, "No … no, there's … a hidden mission …" "Hide Quest!?" Xiong Ba grabbed the picture of the dog and immediately received a prompt. [You have obtained a special item: a photo of Mary, a guide dog.] "You triggered the Hidden Mission: Save Mary the Guide Dog." [Mission description: Blind Mike and his guide dog are missing. Their relationship is very good. Poor Mary, he could be in danger at any time. Please help him find the lovely guide dog Mary. God will bless everyone who has good intentions.] [Mission Requirement: Rescue poor guide dog Mary within one hour.] [Mission Reward:???] [Failure Penalty: None] "Do you accept? Yes, no." Xiong Ba smiled strangely and said, "Should I say that your luck is really good, or should I say that your luck is really bad at home?" "What?" Li Shuangmu asked, "What happened? Is there anything different about this photo?" "There's still that hidden mission?" Wang Ning said. Xiong Ba looked around and said to the shadows not far away, "Let me introduce you to that hidden place." When everyone was hidden in the shadows. Only then did Xiong Ba explain, "Hidden Quests are one of the few known special quests in the 'Scene Assessment' of the University." The special quests were 'Hidden Quest', 'VIP Quest', 'Regional Quest', 'Revenge Quest', and 'Part-time Quest'. Not to mention the rest, just the hidden mission. This is a special task triggered by unexpected events. In principle, any event can trigger a hidden task. However, the probability of a hidden mission appearing was very low. Hidden missions have one thing in common, that is, the reward is unknown, and the punishment is also heavy. You may be rich overnight or poor overnight after completing the Hidden Quest. Moreover, hidden missions were usually very difficult, and could even trigger a series of consecutive missions. Fundamentally, this is a gamble of high risk without knowing the rate of return. It was a pity to give up, because such missions were extremely rare, but accepting them carried huge risks. It was extremely troublesome. So I said, I don't know if you're lucky or unlucky. In any case, there was no penalty for failing this hidden mission. I guess it's because I'm taking care of you rookies. " Everyone was digesting Xiong Ba's words, and then came to a conclusion. "It's tasteless to eat, but it's a pity to abandon it!" Wang Ning said. "Not exactly, but you can say that. After all, gambling is too strong." Xiong Ba said, "Of course, as I said, I am only an assistant teacher. I have no right to interfere with your mission. It is your freedom to choose. You can discuss it and accept or reject it." With that, he hugged his chest and leaned against the wall. If it weren't for the "headmaster" restriction, he would have preferred to take a stroll by himself and experience this extremely easy "entrance exam". Of course, he was only thinking about it. He knew very well that once he intervened in the entrance exam, the headmaster would immediately increase the difficulty of the task. As a result, he may not even get any benefits, and even give away six comprehensive evaluation points in vain-once the difficulty increases, none of these rookies will be able to survive. In addition, the "principal" is likely to pursue their own responsibility, to give themselves some "rewards." Xiong Ba really wanted to cry. Of course, if it works well, the TA can still get a lot of benefits from the entrance exam.
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