7 “One whole week with this guy? Samara, what if he’s like, Slender Man or something?” Suzy said as she watched me from the comfort of her bed. I elbowed her out of the way as I started to pack a bag. I had no idea what I was going to need for the week, so I packed an assortment of things that I thought would get me through the days I was with this person, wherever they lived. It seemed like they must be within driving distance based on what little information Elle had given me, but beyond that I had no clue. “Yuck. Thanks a lot, Suzy. Now I’m not going to be able to sleep tonight. Besides, I get the feeling this is a city guy and I don’t think the city is Slender Man’s natural habitat. Also, let’s not forget that you are the one who suggested this.” She shot me a searing glare. “Hey n