Chapter 8. " We have 2 House guest"

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After dinner,  Cherry and Sherry walk back over with their parents. They got in their front door.  “Oh boy, I am full" Daddy said." I know right, I can't eat another bite." Momma said."  “Well, girls we going to bed, goodnight we love you." Daddy said." Give us a kiss goodnight." They gave us a kiss and hug, walked upstairs towards their bedroom.  We are sad because they are leaving us for 2 weeks to go to Florida, for daddy's police department banquet.  We will miss them, but we hope they have a great time. Our parents are wonderful, and we so blessed to have them." Mom and daddy are our best friends.  We love you too. " we said." I and my sister Sherry watched our parents walked up stair with hand and hand smiling.  They are high school sweethearts just like Wade parents. But they were in middle school too."   “Well, Sherry said, I am getting a bedtime snack." I said okay, hey! will you get me a can of sprite." sure, sis Sherry said."  “Thanks, I said." When Sherry walked into the kitchen, I heard ohhhh I heard her screamed." I walked into the kitchen, there stood. Wade and D-Man smirking and crossing the arms on the back door. “Why....why...  are you here I asked.”?  Trying to be brave." I look over at my sister she is shaking like a leaf. " I can see that she afraid of Derrick. " Sherry, never like this only with him." I heard Sherry said." Please Travis, just...leave... please... I cannot take any more tonight. I heard mumbled."  “Aww.... you hear that Wade; they want us to leave them alone." They chuckled with a smirk.  “Yeah, I heard " but what do you think D-Man. "Wade says."  I heard, they started walking toward us. We started moving backward. So, we can get out of the kitchen. We really should yell for our parents.  But we do not want them to lose their friendship with Jefferson. I do love them they are great friends to our parents. Back to what happening now.  “Wade, why you here." I mumbled." I am on the kitchen wall, by the doorway... Sherry and I looked at each other, we think the same thing. We f****d! When our parents go away for 2 weeks.   Wade had an evil smile on his face. “Oh, we just wanted to tell you girls, we be checking on you from now on he said” with a smirk.   Wade got up close towards her with his one hand on the kitchen wall and the other on her shoulder His face was so close.   His and her lips were almost touching.  Cherry was cornered, between his body and the wall. I looked over and saw my sister the same way I was with Wade.  “Stop it! Derrick " Sherry said."  I looked over at them Derrick had Sherry trap in his arms. Trying to kiss her. “No! I don't want this." “Please stop." She had tears in her eyes.  “Oh, come on baby, I know you have a crush on me." He says with a chuckle. "  “No, she said with a mumble." He started rubbing on her cheek and down towards her neck. She tries to move but he's too strong.  “Derrick, please leave me alone." Go home." Sherry says."  He just stared in her eyes well he tries to because she is looking down at his chest, not his eyes.  “Look at me! He said demand." Grabbed her arm." He is angry because she not listening to him. He wants her to look up. Sherry is so scared what would D-Man do to her.  He better not hurt my sister. Sherry cried out when he grabbed her hair.  “I said look at me! He said with a growl."  “Okay, I am sorry Sherry said." I will listen to you I promise.” “Please Derrick, rubbing his arm to let go of her hair, with tears going down her cheeks. “P-please you are hurting me." I won't disobey you." Then Sherry looked up at D-Man eyes.  She was begging him with her eyes to stop hurting her.  Derrick stared into her warm and loving eyes with tears going down her cheeks. He didn't want to hurt her."  But she got to listened to him and follow directions. He knew it was wrong hurting, an innocence beautiful, beautiful girl." Now she best friends with his twin sister Sammy.  He let a breath out, he let go of her hair in his hand. He backed up a little bit. He needs to calm down or he will do something to her he will regret it.  Sherry was shaking and crying. She is hugging her body. I try to get over to her but Wade holding me on the wall and between his body.  “Let me go! I need to go! Sherry its be okay, calm down breathe." Sherry was taking tiny breaths. "  I sighed she calm down no panic attacks. Thank God, I felt Wade Jefferson, playing with my hair, it felt nice until he pulled it, “Ouch! Let go." You're hurting me." Before he tried to touch my face. We heard “Hey, what is going on down there? Our daddy strong voice said."  “Wade man! We need to leave; we had our fun" Travis says."  “No! I don't want to." Dude come on we need to leave; we finish this later we got to go we got stuff to do and girls to fuck." I saw Sherry's face she had mixed feelings. I saw the same hurt she probably saw in my face.  Wade saw it. Just like Derrick. They had an evil smirk. “Yeah, your right man when Wade said that looking in my eyes." “Let us go." She is boring me. He said with no emotion on his face."  “He let us go before daddy comes down here." He mucked us.” We heard footsteps coming down the hallway towards the stairs. Wade kissed me hard on the mouth..." After he gave me a hot and heating kiss." This will be my second or maybe third kiss he gave me."  “I heard a gasp, looked oversaw them kissing. I saw Sherry's lips disappear in Derrick's mouth. wow I thought. Wade kept kissing my neck. He bites me it hurts ouch; I try to get out of his stronghold.  Wade has no feeling when someone in pain. He loves to know I am always in pain with him. He chuckled when I wimped in his arms.  “Oh, I wish I could stay, but what Derrick said we got things to do and girls to fuck." he said with an evil smile." I know in my heart it is breaking just like Sherry.  Wade and Derrick walked out the back door before our father came in the kitchen. He saw us. “Girls! You okay he hugged us." We stared at the door when Wade and Derrick went out.  I felt my pulse pounding fast. One thing I thought, High School going to change this year.                     Hello, everyone, sorry I am taking my time." I don't want to make a mistake in my story and writing."  So please be patient with me. " It's going to get better. I can't wait until it all done." I have gotten a couple of chapters to do."    Thank God for our Lord Jesus Christ! Please be safe. Do not hurt or hate your brothers and sisters. Have a safe day. ALS Steele.
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