Chapter 13. After the Party Tanisha and Tiana Confession about Roman O and Zeke Williamson.

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Cherry POV:   While I was in Tanisha SUV, I was thinking how stupid I was. What the hell was I thinking hooking up with Wade freaking Jefferson?  Cherry! Why you do it." I thought.  Why you let him pleasure you with his mouth and tongue, and fingers.  I started thinking about what he did to me." I blushed and I licked my lips." I still taste him on my lips.  Oh God, he was so big and thick in my mouth. I do not think he will fit in my p***y.  Oh God when he was kissing and sucking on my clit. I am getting so hot again. I know the girls going to be ask questions. Where I been at and who I was with.  I think they have an idea because he always follows me around. Because he is my bully and monster.  I wish he were not like this towards me. I wish he would treat me with respect and love

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