Chapter Four- Free Run

1387 Words
“I was never particularly athletic in my life but I could run the mile in a decent time. I would get on health kicks for a few days where I would do cardio then drink a smoothie. But these kicks never lasted for long. I was always too tempted by fast food and gifted with a high metabolism so I was able to eat whatever and not exercise. However, when it came to transitioning, it was nearly orgasmic with the way the wind felt upon the skin. There was a sense of freedom and excitement from not having a destination bit being fast enough to go wherever you wanted. It was not Superman speed that us werewolves possess, but it would make us hard to catch...that is unless you trusted someone you shouldn't have….” Aurora made her way to the informed spot, unsure exactly how she was convinced by her peer to attend. She felt that with each step deeper into the woods that she felt more stupid as if she was willingly offering herself to any psychopath nearby. She held the pepper spray laced with silver in preparation to spray but found not even a bird to sound ahead. For a moment, she thought of only negativity as to what would become of her if she was walking into a trap. Just before her mind dwelled into specifics, she met with a silhouette whom she could somehow pick out among the others. “I'm glad you gave this a chance…” he spoke. “And just in the nick of time.” He said while she suddenly saw shadows of others around them. She could not believe her eyes as she couldn't even attempt to count the hundreds that surrounded them. None could be picked out from the one beside them as it was too dark, but Aurora could somehow pick out Sawyer. “There is nothing like this.” He said as he removed the shirt from his body until leaving his bare chest to her gaze. Even in the dark, she could tell his physique to be one of a chiseled nature. He had a “v” line leading down his jeans that became even more visible as he withdrew himself from the restraining fabric. Aurora found herself to blush as she felt pulled to Sawyer who was someone she usually didn't take interest in. He wasn't model-hot, but he was not difficult on the eyes, and the fact he was caring and selfless made her even more drawn to him. It didn't hurt that his body appeared as if it was crafted by angels. He didn't even seem to notice this however, as he was shy with his body, keeping his arms in front of him. This unintentionally made him flex as Aurora's bottom lip made its way between her teeth. “Is this some weird orgy or something?” She asked as she could hear those around her begin to decloathe. Feeling somewhat safe from the cover of darkness, Aurora removed her jacket from her body and then continued with her tank top until she was only in a bra. Her fingers then fumbled with the button on her own jeans as she was nervous as to just what exactly she had allowed herself to get talked into. When she stood with only her undergarments, she noticed that Sawyer had turned from her and been a complete gentleman. In her mind, he earned himself a little brownie points for that. Suddenly a howl sent a shiver down her entire body as she found herself pulled to the sound. Having been pulled to it as it belonged to the Alpha of the group, her attention was pulled back to Sawyer by the way of his voice. “You will feel a bit feverish.” He began as those around them immediately transitioned without a noise and ran along with the wind while disappearing in the woods. “To change at your will, you have to be able to take the pain...I'll be right here.” He promised just as she could feel the pain he spoke of. It felt as though every muscle in her body was having a spasm at once as she found it difficult to stay silent. She dug her nails into the ground in front of her, only to see her nails grow in front of her with blood emerging from her already existing nail. “You will have a moment of clarity, like being in the eye of the storm while chaos is around you. That is when you give into your wolf.” She cried out as she began to squirm with the feeling of her skin becoming too hot upon her. She used her nails, now full to the extent of her transition, and used them on her skin, having caused deep marks on her flesh. It would be a wound minor in pain compared to the pain of transitioning at will. Suddenly, her main joints became dislocated but then moved in such a way to make her appear to stand on all fours. Within this change, heat from her skin had been caused due to the hair being trapped within. And with the immense pain having come to a cease, Aurora understood she could release her inhibitions and accept the wolf. She turned herself over to the wolf and felt her humanity slip as her feet moved out from under her before she could think. There was no color vision in front of her, but in place of this had been sight close to that of night vision goggles. Along with this, she noticed her sense of smell had been unbelievable. She could smell one of the other wolves and almost see the path they took as her sense of smell was so strong. At that same moment, she then heard sounds of rushing water when the closest water source was over five miles away. There had been a broken down car with emergency flashers blinking on the highway at least two miles away. But the most impressive feat of her hearing ability had been that of heartbeats. It was not only her own that she could hear, but that of other wolves, and even other animals. She found it amazing how she could sense the type of creature it was as a bird's pulse would be quick while a fellow wolf would be fast paced but long. As if the moment was not incredible enough, the very feeling of running on all fours and being able to dodge foliage as if she ran this path a million times before, was brand new. It was the feeling of driving with your license for the first time without an instructor or guardian. That long awaited freedom finally attained. It was tempting to not want to return back to human form as the temptation was even stronger than that of lust. Aurora turned before seeing the same wolf that had saved her from Troy to now be running alongside her. Without a single ounce of humanity obviously connected to the wolf, Aurora could tell his happiness through his eyes. It was short lived, however, as he charged in front of her and sped away as she followed him. She continued after him until daybreak when the sun began to light the path in front of them. As the sunlight came to their fur and showed the colors of their dark hair, Aurora could feel herself grow incredibly tired as she slowed to a prancing. This eventually subsided into a walk until her wolf form collapsed onto the ground. Sawyer was close behind her, but as he had been used to transitioning at his own request, he was able to cover himself with his clothes left nearby and do the same to Aurora. While she was unconscious, he pulled her into his arms as if he was a groom carrying his bride over the threshold. For a moment, he stopped and stared at her helpless nature and the look of peace that had rested upon her face. He simply pulled her head against his bare chest as his strong arms carried her from the woods, holding her as if she was weightless.
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