Chapter 3-1

731 Words

Chapter 3 Gary halted Angie for a moment and let her look around the room. There were two sections, one clearly for girls and one for boys, with a folding wall to divide them. It was now pushed back to open the whole space. There were kids with walkers, crutches, casts, bandages, some in wheelchairs and some in bed, clearly unable to get up yet. Angie leaned forward, her feathery tail waving in short, quick sweeps. Within a few seconds, several of the kids noticed her. “Hey, look, a dog.” “Oh, wow, it looks like Spot in those old grade school books.” “Can we pet him?” “What’s the dog’s name?” Gary could not help smiling. Angie wagged faster and strained to the limits of her leash as several of the kids approached. “Don’t crowd her too much. A couple of you at a time come up and let

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