“Here, I made this for you. It’ll calm you and you’ll have a good night sleep,” Sarah said, handing me a saucer with a cup of chamomile tea as soon as I exited the bathroom. Her eyes gazed at me with concern. “Thanks, Sar,” I said and kissed her cheek before I took what she offered. “I’ll drink this in my room.” She turned around to go to her room but faced me again when she remembered something to tell me. “Your one and only hot coin genie? He’s in your room, by the way. He already set himself up inside.” She giggled and went to get into her room. “What?” My jaw hung. “Is this why you have to give me the chamomile tea to settle down?” Of course the pregnant woman didn’t answer me but just said “Merry Christmas!” and already locked her door. I was about to go to my room when the doorbe