What Happened Before

417 Words

Festive Drinks And Season"s Hijinks After spending the last few months mostly apart, Willow is excited for Azíl to return from the dig site in Morocco for Christmas and is determined to make his first time celebrating memorable. Clover reveals that she"s been working on her cookbook and is almost ready to tell Rowen about it, while Sabine is certain that the dig is on the verge of discovering something huge. Azíl reveals that he asked Sabine if he could work from home rather than at the dig site itself, as he doesn"t want to spend as much time away from Willow as he has been. Sabine agrees and says that she"s organising an office for him at the West Midlands Archive for Information of Historical Significance (known as the Archive) which is where Hannah will be based as she is also not re

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