Chapter Three-1

3215 Words

Chapter Three Master’s Privilege My “cell” is a long, narrow room in the basement. A single, plain bed is in the left-hand corner. At its foot sits a large, white porcelain chamber pot. Above, a bare light bulb protrudes from the wall well beyond my reach. On the far wall, over the bed, slightly to the right, is a medium sized paned window, which lets in ample light but cannot be opened. The solid wood door also prevents my leaving on a whim. There is a sliding observation panel at eye level and a similar one near the floor, which offer a tease of random surveillance and food. Ms. Lynn removes most of my uniform, and locks my wrists up to the posture collar. She smiles as she shuts the door, knowing exactly what I wanted to do with my hands. However, I’m not long alone when the observat

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