Chapter 18 (unedited)

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Anaya's P.O.V "Hurry we are getting late!" Antoine said making all of us more annoyed.  Personally, I really don't know what's happening to him. He's always cool during shows but today he looks like he is about to explode. I didn't dare to say a word to him. I know his character quite well and his bad temper is maybe due to his break up with his boyfriend Robin.  I fixed my pallu and was ready to walk on stage. Today, I'm finally performing Pinga from Bajirao Mastani. After, all those rehearsal with Shereen, I hope everything goes well.  "Are you ready? We are next." Shereen whispered to me.  "Yeah" I said.  Shereen and I took our position on stage and the thick red satin curtains opened, revealing the public in front of us. The music then started. We both danced. Fortunately, everything went well. Shereen is quite swift and gracious in her moves, if I was the competition type, I would seriously be worrying about her replacing me in a nearby future.  The performance was now over and the other dancers are performing. After an hour and six performances of the other dancers, I now had to perform on Lucky Boy, I choreographed it myself. It was one of my favorite songs, it's like in that I'm a girl which men drool over but I don't like any of them. In this song I'm wearing high heels, it's not the first time I'm performing wearing these but it's the first time in doing this for a brand which is helping us financing the show, so it's a little of publicity. I'm wearing a maxi silver dress with split sides, it was a clingy and backless dress but not scanty. The shoes were silver too but with a few stones on it. It was amazing specially with the dress, I assorted it with only earrings. I was walking out of the dressing room when Shereen spotted me.  "Wow! You look so beautiful! Can we please have a selfie together? Please." She pouted.  "Sure." I said smiling. I'm sure she will be posting it on social media, she's an addict. To her contrary, I'm on none, except w******p.  "Thank you!" She said once the selfie was done.  I smiled and as I was about to reply, I was interrupted. "Miss Khan. Hurry, you are next!" A man of the crew said.  "Okay. Shereen, I will talk to you later." I said before nearly running to the stage. I wonder why I didn't fall.  The stressing point is that there's only boys who will be performing along with me. If I wasn't used to and if I was still the same shy Kiara, it would be impossible. 'Concentrate Anaya' my mind scolded. I took a deep breath and the curtains opened with music booming. As I started dancing, I heard a few whistles and shouts. I felt great as the public was entertained. The moves were mainly touching my body and feel like a confident woman. The facial expression is really important in these songs as it should reflect the character of the actress and the feeling being communicated through these songs. As the performance ended, the curtains went down. It ended on applause from a happy public which I am proud of entertaining.  "Come on kids, the show was superb! Now we have the cocktail." Antoine said trying to fake a happy tone. God, he really loved him. I walked inside my changing room and changed into a pink cotton silk skirt with gold Chanderi brocade crop top. I really liked those colors and it had a desi look which I love.  "Anaya, you ready?" Shereen said she opened the door.  "Just a sec." I said and grabbed my Indian Holi from Kenzo, my favorite perfume.  Shereen and I were nearly entering the party when Antoine stopped us. "Shereen, I need your help." Antoine said. Shereen gave me a weird look before looking back to Antoine. "What is it?" Shereen asked in a soft voice.  "Jonathan Sparks, the son of Harvey Sparks. Who is actually in the top ten countdown of wealthiest billionaires wants a date with you." Antoine said in a single breath.  Shereen on the other side, blushed crimson and looked down.  "Come on, he must not be that bad and to the worst you would end with a hormonal teenager or somethings like that." I said trying to make her accept this date.  She looked at me and nob. "You are right." Shereen and Antoine both left, leaving me standing in the corridor like a lonely wolf. I was about to move forward and enter through the main entrance when someone stopped me. "Miss Khan, you have to enter by the other door. The one where Mr Adrian, the presenter did." A man dressed in a suit having a talkie walkie said, I guess he is a guard.  I nodded and walked to the instructed door.  I took hold of the knob and opened the door. Flashlights were immediately on me, making my vision unclear. As it all stopped, Mr Adrian introduced me to the public. "Ladies and gentlemen, here is the star of the show! The beautiful authentic Indian beauty, Miss Anaya Khan." The public then gave a round of applause.  "Thank you." I said with a smile. A woman around her forties gave me a bouquet of red roses.  I walked down the stage. A man wearing a suit and his wife congratulated me for my performance. I thanked them.  "Miss Khan." I heard a voice from behind and as I turned around, holy s**t!!
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