Chapter 5 (unedited)

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Anaya's P.O.V Who could it be? This number is on Private I.D I can't see the phone number. And who should I stay away from? Troy? No, we are just friends. Well, I don't give a damn as I'll meet whoever I want to. It's not that person who will decide it! Specially not someone I don't know! It was 4:10 p.m and I should get going otherwise I'll be late.  After like a fifteen minutes drive I was at Amborium. I parked my car took my handbag and sports bag. When I got out of the car and locked it. I was walking when I got a sudden strange feeling, like someone was watching me, I turned around and looked if there was anyone. I was alone in the parking and it was desert, there was no cars either as the classes starts as from 6.00 p.m. I just shrugged those thoughts off and walked in the building. I was soon greeted by Ian a dancer working here mid time. "Hey Ana, how are you?" Ian asked me while hugging me. Ian is one of the most adorable guy ever, he is very caring but not as much as Andrew. I hugged him back, we soon broke the hug. "I'm good thanks and you?" I replied him. "Tired but I'm ok. So, you are here for practice?" He asked me while looking at my sports bag.  "Yes." It's all I said. "Well, room 5 is free." He told me. "Thanks Ian, bye." I told him as it was nearly 4.30p.m and he had to leave too. "Bye, take care." He smiled at me and left. After the short chat with Ian, I went to the changing room. Once I was done, I walked in the room. I connected my iPod to the speakers and soon some Bollywood songs started playing. I could feel the beat and soon started dancing. Few minutes after I was soon lost... Flashback: It was Wednesday and I got my marks from the Maths test. I was first in class. I couldn't believe it, I never liked Maths and I was a very weak student in this particular subject.  I walked back home as school was not so far, I opened the door and was soon greeted by my parents disputing. I walked tip toes to the living room, not wanting to get noticed. "What the hell Aditya! What do you mean? We lost all the money? Who the hell told you to invest in this Agriculture firm?" Neema, my step mother, shouted at my dad.  "How could I know?! And keep your voice low! I don't want anyone to hear us!" My dad said fuming with rage. My mother passed away when I was six and my dad married again after a year. I was not angry about his decision as I knew how sad he was. I often saw him crying but whenever he sees me, he would always smile and pretend he is fine.  "Aditya, I want the divorce! And I'm leaving. My lawyer will personally meet you tomorrow." Neema said and walked out.  End of flashback. The music suddenly stopped and I was brought back to reality. I was out of breath as it has been fifteen minutes that I have been dancing non stop.  "Parfait! Parfait!" Antoine Paul, the owner of Amborium exclaimed while entering the room. Antoine is French. "Merci." Was all I could say as I was panting. Finally after two or three minutes I could breathe normally.  "Your dance is perfect and your movement so fascinating. You are like a flower which blooms and enchanters everyone." Antoine said looking straight in my eyes. Antoine is the only person at the exception of Andrew who knows about my past. He is the one who guided me to success and made me who I'm today. "Thank you Antoine. But you are the one who should be getting all the credits." I told him with a smile while taking the bottle of water in front of me.  "Oh come on très chère. You are the one making all the efforts." Antoine told me rolling his eyes.  "So when you dad be back?" Antoine asked me. "I have no idea." I sigh. I really love my dad and I know he cares about me but he is never at home. He is always on business trips.  "It's getting dark. It's better for you to go home. Don't forget we have the Bollywood show next week, on Saturday." Antoine said looking at the window then at me.  "I won't. Bye." I said heading to the door.  I felt a bit tired so I went directly to my car, without changing my clothes. I got a call and when I looked at my phone for the caller I.D I saw that it was Troy. "Hello" I said picking the call. "Hey cutie, I knew you would pick up." He said and I could feel him smirking. "So to what do I due your call Troy?" I asked him. "I was missing you." My eyes widened when I heard him saying that.  "Seriously Troy!" I said rolling my eyes. "A little yes but I wanted to ask you if you will be coming to the campus tomorrow?" He asked me.  "Yes but only till noon. Why?" I replied.  "Just asking because I wanted to meet you." Troy said in a quiet tone. "Well Troy, we will be meeting at six, remember?"  "Yeah I know but it's just that... I have to go." With that he disconnected the call. Weird boy.  I got in the car and started driving. 'Ting' looks like I got a message. I will see it when I get home.  I could feel my stomach rumbling. Maybe I'm hungry. I was now in front of my house. I got out of the car took my stuff and walked in. I opened the door and was soon welcomed by the pleasant smell of smoked salmon carbonara pasta. But wait a second, I'm alone at home!" Who could it be? I kept my bags down and took a vase in my hand. I walked slowly to the kitchen. "Dad!" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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