Beautifull eyeball

1420 Words
004 Beautiful eyeball Anindira feels suffocated, her chest feels full without knowing why? Her body suddenly felt limp, as if all her blood had been sucked out. She felt a sudden chill run through her body at the sight of the full-length young man before her. ''What is this?... Who is he?... Why do I feel like I see a guardian of hell?!'' Anindira muttered to herself, her feet that should have stepped forward instead had moved backward. Immediately, Anindira's steps stopped again. Again the sound of animal roars shouted to each other from the forest in front of her. Her voice boomed, deafening, even the ground where Anindira stood felt as if it was vibrating. Instantly Anindira's body trembled, she wanted to scream in fear, but her voice seemed stuck in her throat and couldn't come out. Anindira held back a stab in her chest to hold back the incredible horror. Hearing the voices of whatever creatures were in the forest behind her, things she didn't know felt very frightening to her, making Anindira surprised again. Thinking about all that, a few things crossed her mind… "She doesn't know what creatures there are?" “But right now, right before, he was a human figure. This one is definitely... HUMAN." ''At least this one can be negotiated'' Neither her logic nor her instincts unanimously said the same thing in her heart at that moment. Between calming herself from the extreme fear that was whacking her chest. But, also holding back the feeling of horror from the figure of a strange young man in front of her who no less made her tense up until her legs felt stiff and couldn't move a step. "Whatever he is, I don't care. The guardian of hell or the grim reaper, the important thing is to get out of here first!" Anindira exclaimed. Suddenly, her legs felt like they had gotten new energy. She stepped forward. She immediately grabbed the hand of the man in front of her, who was burly and muscular, covered behind. "Sir!" Anindira called, "Please..." Anindira said later. Anindira looked up with a pale face and pitiful eyes, resembling the eyes of a kitten that was thrown on the street asking to be picked up. Even though Anindira had looked up, she still couldn't see the young man's face, because there was a thin fog blocking her view. The young man didn't answer anything, but, his big palms, which were rough like sandpaper, held Anindira's back and led her to walk away from the forest gently. After a few minutes of walking, the young man stopped his footsteps. "Woman!" called the young man in a very gentle tone of voice, "At this rate, we will be caught. Can you walk faster?!" cried the young man asked him again. Anindira just silently listened carefully with a stupid expression on her face and saw the young man slightly bow his head, watching Anindira. The young man seemed to be waiting for something from Anindira. "A-anu... Sorry sir, I... Don't understand what you're saying?" Anindira asked the young man. Anindira asked with a confused face that looked stupid. Anindira didn't hear wrong, the young man spoke a completely different language, but, the young man also seemed to understand that Anindira did not understand what he had just said. "It seems you don't understand..." said the young man, tilting his head to watch Anindira, "Okay... We have to hurry, come on!" cried the young man, looking down, and then lifted Anindira and took her walking in his arms. "Ahh!... W-what are you doing?!" Anindira exclaimed, panicked. Anindira asked with a worried face because she was surprised, and also felt uncomfortable. "Sir... please put me down!" Anindira cried out and kept thrashing in his arms, but the young man didn't hear her and just kept walking, ignoring her. ** After feeling quite far from the border area of the Forbidden Forest earlier, the young man finally stopped. He lifted Anindira's leg and showed her torn soles while still holding Anindira in his arms. ''You see that?!'' shouted the young man, showing the soles of Anindira's feet, ''The soles of your feet are torn. I wonder, how can you keep walking on your feet like this?'' the young man asked in a flat voice and an almost expressionless face. Anindira was silent, she then looked at the young man with a pitiful face, after being shown how big the torn wound was on his leg. "So you have to calm down!" the young man shouted, looking at Anindira, "Don't keep on rebelling! You've seen your leg hurt..." the young man added to his words when he was sure that Anindira already understood what he meant. Anindira, who had been trying to get off his arms, was immediately silent when she saw the gaping wound on the sole of her foot, it was even evident that blood was seeping out. The young man swiftly held back the blood that continued to seep through his hands. Anindira's tiny feet were almost swallowed up by the young man's big palm. Anindira silently stared at the young man. At first, she wanted to apologize for being so rude, but suddenly her mind was immediately diverted to something else. Because she was being carried, Anindira's head was slightly higher than the young man's. When they had just met, Anindira did not have the chance to see the face of the young man who had helped her. At this moment, two pairs of eyes met each other. Two pairs of eyes facing each other, staring straight deep into the eyeballs, as if they were sucked in, drowned deep in Anindira's black eyeballs and the young man's blue eyeballs. Anindira was amazed by the blue eyes that looked very unique. An unrealistic-looking eyeball, just like a high-quality sapphire, bright blue with a sharp, but, very beautiful twinkling like it was blink-blink. Unbeknownst to Anindira, her hand moved without a command from her brain, slid, then cupped part of the young man's face. Anindira's tiny fingers gently touched the face around the young man's eyes. ''WOW...'' Anindira squealed with wide eyes, ''Sir, are these contact lenses?... Where did you buy them?... I have never seen eyes as beautiful as this...'' asked Anindira, she smiled happily with sparkling eyes admiring the unique eyeballs in front of her, "Your eyes are beautiful sir... Very beautiful... Looks amazing," Anindira said again, without taking her eyes off at all, she was still in awe of the beautiful scenery in front of her. Anindira was completely unaware of her spontaneous action. She still felt a feeling of amazement and focused on looking at the two beautiful orbs in front of her. Anindira is not at all aware of her strangeness. Her chest was beating fast, but her mind was blank. At this time, there was nothing else in her heart, except for the sad and handsome face of the dashing young man who was holding her. It turns out that Anindira is not the only one who is in a strange condition. The young man was shocked, his chest beating fast with an empty mind. His heart was filled with beautiful blue emotions. A strange feeling that made him seem to be floating, soaring high, with a feeling filled with happiness. He felt the same way as Anindira now. Between amazement, astonishment, and a feeling of happiness that his brain couldn't describe, which suddenly got stuck because of Anindira's behavior. It was like bungee jumping but it went straight from the bottom up, his blood was hot as if smoke was coming out of his body. Unbeknownst to Anindira, her behavior, which lasted less than two minutes, had locked the two imprints. And from now on, both of them will always think of each other. {*imprint; It is a feeling of sudden affection. It would only happen when the two pairs of male and female eyes met. A man in this world will only be able to imprinted or imprinting one woman for the rest of his life (as long as the woman who imprinted him is still alive, it will remain with that man until one or both of them die). In another case, with a woman. Women can be imprinting men, more than one person. But women can only be imprinted by a man once. This is called a true *imprint. *True imprint occurs in both parties, the time when men and women are *imprinted together.}
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