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Chapter 010 Journey Anindira, who had already digested her food, began to feel tired all over her body. Time to relax and a full stomach makes her eyes start to glaze over. Exhausted and sleepy, because there was nothing else to do, Anindira was about to lie down. But, Halvir immediately restrained her, he then got up to take off his clothes. Anindira, whose eyes were glazed before, suddenly widened in shock when she saw a handsome, burly, naked young man in front of her. ''KAK HALVIR!'' shouted Anindira screaming, her surprised expression along with her angry face. Halvir flinched seeing Anindira's reaction. Moreover, Anindira had almost slipped and fell in shock and reflexively moved away from Halvir. ''Hey!'' Halvir screamed, ''Be careful!'' Halvir shouted in surprise, he rebuked Anindira while grabbing her as fast as he could so she wouldn't fall, ''Why are you so scared?'' asked Halvir with a tense face. ''Ha-ha-ha... Halvir...'' called Anindira with a beating heart, the rhythm immediately changed to a very fast one, ''Wh-wh-what do you want?!'' Anindira shouted, her body trembling trying to distance herself from Halvir who was still holding Anindira's body, ''Wh-why you... you... undressing?!??'' Anindira shouted haltingly. Anindira looked up to see the naked Halvir. Anindira's body was no longer cold but hot to the point that it felt like she could see steam rising from her face. ''What's wrong?!'' asked Halvir, surprised, ''Calm down! What are you scared of?'' Halvir asked. He was surprised by the strange behavior of Anindira, who was suddenly frightened. Anindira recklessly tries to escape from Halvir, who is holding her. Anindira misunderstands and is irritated by Halvir's sudden action. Halvir, who has cultural differences from Anindira, doesn't understand at all why Anindira is scared. Everything is getting chaotic because Anindira is getting panicked. Halvir didn't know at all that Anindira had various bad thoughts about him, because right now Halvir was naked without a single cloth to cover her large body, which was exposed in front of Anindira. The darkness of the night could not cover the vulgar sight before her now, because the light of the full moon beautifully illuminated Halvir's muscular body. ''I-I... I thought... y-y-you're a good person...'' Anindira said, still stuttering with trembling lips, ''I... I... don't know, if. .. it turns out that you also have evil thoughts... '' said Anindira, continuing her anxiety, ''Don't mess around!'' Anindira suddenly shouted in the middle of her panic, ''I don't care! Being treated like this!... I will jump if you do that to me!'' Anindira shouted, threatening Halvir, who was still amazed. ''Anindira!'' Halvir called out with a frown, ''What's wrong with you?!'' Halvir asked. He didn't understand Anindira's words at all, but he knew that Anindira was panicking about something, that he didn't know what it was. ''Calm down!... Or you will hurt yourself later... It's dark, you can't see well now...'' Halvir warned Anindira firmly. ''Back off!'' Anindira screamed, she panicked and tried to suppress Halvir, ''Don't come near me! ''Anindira, be careful!'' shouted Halvir, still gently trying to calm Anindira. His forehead wrinkled in astonishment, he didn't understand why Anindira was suddenly afraid of him. ''Don't come closer!'' shouted Anindira, rebuked, ''Get away from me! ''ANINDIRA!'' Halvir screamed sharply, calling Anindira with an aura that looked scary. Halvir's face was no longer as friendly as before, he was annoyed to see Anindira reacting in a chaotic manner that would endanger herself. Hearing Halvir's shrieking voice suddenly coupled with Halvir's sinister look, Anindira's body immediately froze. The soles of her feet seemed as if they were nailed and could no longer move an inch. She was scared, but this time her fear was due to the sinister aura that was seen around Halvir. Anindira stood still and couldn't move her body, even the tips of her fingers, as if just blinking, was difficult for her. Halvir approached Anindira, who was stiff and motionless, and took her to sit back down. The aura around Halvir looked very intimidating to Anindira, but Anindira also didn't deny the feeling of security when Halvir's hands gently carried her slowly and carefully. Halvir then pulled Anindira into his embrace. Anindira tried to struggle but was less strong than Halvir, who even held her tighter in his arms. “Calm down! You may freeze to death, stay close to me... Rest in peace! Anindira, we still have a long way to go, you have to rest a lot so that you won't get sick...'' cried Halvir near Anindira's ear, with his big hands tightly clasped, wrapped around Anindira's chest. In less than a minute, the incident this morning that Anindira had forgotten happened again. Only, this time, it was the other way around. Human Halvir, transforming into a large black Jaguar. And, again, Anindira was shocked. Her shock had reached the limit she could accept, no longer able to speak, her mind went blank. Her body was tired, and she was also very sleepy. In the end, she had to give up on the situation. He finally fell asleep on Halvir's soft and warm jaguar body. Halvir's clothes, although only covering his lower body, were enough to cover Anindira's petite body. ** It's been almost three months since Anindira traveled with Halvir, and communication between them is much better. Anindira can speak Halvir fluently, and no longer needs to be dictated to, even long conversations are well understood by Anindira. Far ahead, giant hills are standing like a fortress. Some handsome and dashing young men can be seen standing on the tops of the hills looking around. ''They are village guards... Behind them, there is the village where I live,'' Halvir explained. He saw Anindira, who was watching the guards seriously. ''Village?!... There are many people?'' asked Anindira. She was so enthusiastic to hear that there was a village, she could meet people other than Halvir, she thought. ''Um...'' answered Halvir briefly, nodding. “Halvir... Put me down! I'll walk alone...'' pleaded Anindira, patting Halvir's shoulder. ''NO!'' Halvir replied firmly. ''Halvir...'' Anindira called, whining. “You traveled a long way, you're tired. I'll take you to check with Hans first,'' Halvir replied, by ignoring Anindira who was sullen. Anindira could only grunt, with a wrinkled forehead. She gave up not being able to argue with Halvir. Even though Anindira's face looked ugly because she was frowning, Anindira's response looked cute to Halvir. ** A few moments later, the two of them entered the village gate. The guards greeted Halvir kindly and respectfully. All looked at Halvir, looking at each other. They were curious but no one approached or asked. This was common for all of them, seeing Halvir bringing a woman with him, but for some reason this time the impression they got was different. Although they felt doubts when they saw Halvir seem to speak softly and look at Anindira, one of the things that made them strange was that Anindira seemed very comfortable with him and Halvir also sounded active at talking. However, even though the guards saw and heard it for themselves, they also couldn't be sure.
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