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Chapter 007 Spelling After a while, she finally got a bit of courage. Her mind was able to think a little more calmly now, though her body was still trembling. ''E-eh! It looks like... Sapphire,'' Anindira said with a frown, looking at her. Again she was mesmerized by those Jaguar's eyes, ''Similar! Exactly!'' Anindira cried out, ''Those eyes... that man's eyes...'' Anindira cried again, then her brain thought hard to process everything that had happened before this, ''Well!... That!... Those are the clothes that guy is wearing, right?! Then where did he go? Why are there only clothes?" asked Anindira, with eyes still glaring at the super-large Jaguar in front of her. ''MISTER!... MISTER!... MISTER!... WHERE ARE YOU?!'' Anindira shouted, screaming for the young man who had helped her yesterday. Anindira remained wary of the large Jaguar in front of her. Its head remained straight toward the jaguar, but its eyes spun around, darting this way and that. Anindira is still trying to stay calm and monitor the situation and conditions on the field. Anindira's heart was even more trembling when she saw that Jaguar began to rise to his feet, stretch his body, and then slowly walk towards Anindira. Anindira, the tomboyish girl, finally shed tears, unable to hold back the fear in her heart when she saw a large creature of an unusual size moving towards her. ''Huh?!... Huh?!... Huh?!... Why are you here? What do you want? What do you want?!... 'Mom', 'Father', 'Brother', please…'' Anindira cried out in her heart, ''Your child is going to die, I will be eaten...'' Anindira said. She kept muttering in his heart, ''Wa... waa waa waa...'' now she was even crying inside her heart, ''I'm gonna be eaten by that creature... how is this?!'' Anindira just kept whining in her heart. The huge black jaguar stepped forward, its feet steady and unwavering, moving with great elegance. The black jaguar kept advancing toward the frightened Anindira. Then, an even crazier scene finally occurred. Making Anindira, who was scared earlier, now even widen her eyes in astonishment and surprise. She saw it herself, but she could hardly believe what she had just seen. WOOSSSHHH Anindira forgot to blink and kept staring at the figure of a black Jaguar who suddenly turned into a human and stood up. Unfortunately, again Anindira was surprised by an unusual sight. The figure of the large Jaguar was no longer in front of her. But, now replaced by the figure of a dashing man who... Naked! Anindira's eyes widened, she was very surprised, confused, embarrassed, and shocked, all in one place in her mind now. Unfortunately, ethics had been left out of her brain by this time. She stared at the vulgar figure in front of her without blinking and instead stared at him even more seriously. ''S-si-si-sir... Ja... Jaguar?!??'' Anindira stammered while her finger kept pointing at the young man. The young man casually took his clothes and put them back on, he walked towards Anindira, then tapped her on the shoulder, ''Be careful!... Watch out you might slip! This place is very high ... '' he shouted, warning Anindira with a straight face. He gently pulled Anindira to take her to a safer place. Anindira is still confused by various questions in her heart and mind. Her feet walked following her steps, she just obeyed being carried by the young man. Her head kept turning back and forth to look at the young man, then straight ahead, then looking down, repeatedly. She was still in shock from what she had seen earlier, she couldn't move on from the incredible sight that only lasted a few seconds, just now. The young man realized that Anindira was acting strangely but he didn't care. He pulled and led Anindira to sit down. He leaned slightly against a tree and accompanied him to sit next to Anindira, who was still in awe and surprise. ''A-a... Anu...'' Anindira said, starting to raise her voice, ''Sir, that was... W-what... what did you do?'' Anindira asked a little stammeringly. She was still in shock, but her curiosity was greater. She wanted to quickly solve the mystery she had just seen earlier. The young man heard Anindira's words. However, he just silently looked at her. He did not understand what Anindira said. ''That... Earlier... Ouch... How do you say?... Earlier... Just now, sir... Changed form... Becomes a jaguar... Eh! No, from jaguars to humans!... Eh! Lah!!... It's the same... Ouch!!!... How do you say that?!'' Anindira exclaimed, excited by her own words. She was frustrated with various questions and thoughts that could not be conveyed. Making her even more annoyed, why couldn't she communicate properly with the young man? The young man relaxed with an expressionless face. But, his heart was happy to see the girl beside him starting to smile. Even though what he sees is Anindira's stupid face now. But, remembering last night, Anindira cried until she was sobbing. Anindira kept crying herself to sleep because of exhaustion. The young man was relieved because Anindira could relax without the burden of trying to talk to him, even though he didn't know what Anindira wanted to say. But, he was very happy. Amid the commotion made by Anindira, who continued to speak clumsily with her hands and silly facial expressions, trying to demonstrate her intention so that the young man understood what she wanted to say, suddenly there was a rumbling coming from Anindira's stomach. Anindira immediately became silent, with slightly bulging eyes, reflexively holding her stomach with her hand. Five seconds later, her stomach was rumbling again, making her press even harder because she felt embarrassed. ''Hungry?'' asked the young man, raising his eyebrows. Anindira didn't answer, just like before, she looked at the young man with a questioning face. ''Hungry?'' the young man asked again, this time pointing to Anindira's stomach. Anindira was silent for a moment, and finally understood the young man's intention. ''Come on, no need to be embarrassed! Let it be, I also can't possibly find food by myself in a place like this… shame like this is nothing compared to having to starve to death...'' so she thought, finally Anindira gave a response. ''Hehehe...'' Anindira's stupid laugh was again seen, ''Yes, hungry... '' Anindira said following the young man's words while nodding and grinning. The young man stood up, making Anindira also immediately get up to follow him. ''You wait here! I'll find food for you, don't be afraid, I won't be far from you!'' cried the young man slowly, as if dictating while demonstrating a little, so Anindira would understand what he meant. Anindira obeyed and sat back down. The young man nimbly climbed down the tree, leaving Anindira alone, waiting in the tree. ''UWAH... so high. If I fall from here, it will immediately become 'ayam geprek'... '' said Anindira, ''Where did he go?'' she asked again, ''I am left alone like this? '' she said again, muttering alone, ''Why does it have to be on a tree? I can't go anywhere at this rate...'' Anindira kept muttering, trying to kill the boring time, waiting for something she didn't know what it was. {Ayam Geprek is fried chicken. However, what makes it different is that, after it is fried, it is crushed and mixed with ground chili sauce. Geprek itself comes from the Javanese language, which means to be hit or pressed. Some people also call it 'Ayam Penyet'. And, the chili sauce used for geprek chicken or penyet chicken is not tomato sauce or shrimp paste chili in general. However, only chilies and garlic are crushed raw and then poured with boiling cooking oil.}
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