Halvir is leaving

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Chapter 019 Halvir is leaving Seeing Anindira's overflowing emotions, Halvir knew that some of his words offended Anindira even though he didn't understand where they were. He silently stared at Anindira. Although his face was still handsome looking at Anindira, Anindira could see Halvir's sad eyes. Anindira sighed as she saw Halvir silently staring at her, even though it was just a little, Anindira could feel enough that Halvir was also rising in his emotions with Anindira's anger. There was also a feeling of fear in her heart, her instincts told her that she had to give in if she wanted to live. She took deep breaths to calm her racing heart rate, she tried to ease the tension, not only for herself but also for Halvir. ''Havi...'' Anindira called while holding Halvir's hand, ''My world is different from your world, even the strongest person in my country may be nothing compared to you, but...'' Anindira said, trying to explain softly, “Physical strength, isn't everything in my World.” Anindira continued her words while shaking her head slightly. ''I don't know how to explain it to you...'' Anindira said again while swallowing hard because he was nervous, ''But, as you already know, my population is much more, many times that of the population here. Isn't that enough to prove that we are not as weak as you think? Numbers are also not a determinant of a victory or the success of something... In essence, there are many aspects to consider everything, situations, and conditions also influence. That's all I can say if my father or mother could have explained it better." Anindira closed her explanation by taking a deep breath because she felt relieved. She still had the chance to explain why she was angry because her father was insulted. Both then fell silent, absorbed in their thoughts thinking about the outcome of their conversation. After some time, the meat is ready to eat. Halvir tore off a thigh and placed it on a leaf and gave it to Anindira, breaking their silence. Anindira immediately took it and, as usual, Anindira pinched the meat wrapped in leaves and ate it. That's how she usually eats. ''Ah! since earlier I wanted to ask, are you very hungry?” asked Anindira, starting to talk while eating. Anindira dared to speak again after feeling that Halvir had lowered his tension and was starting to be friendly again when he gave her a big piece of thigh earlier. ''Why?'' Halvir asked back while continuing to bite and chew the meat in his hands. “There are two big tigers you are hunting, and both of them are still alive. What do you want to do with them? Do you want to be kept?” asked Anindira curiously. ''I happened to find them... while fighting over a female in heat,'' replied Halvir indifferently. Currently, what they are eating is only a mountain goat, while two 'Sabertooth' are left alive and tied by ropes made of bark. They are hung to weaken their movements. "I'll exchange them for some pottery. They need to be kept fresh for the exchange rate to be high," replied Halvir. ''Po-tte-ry... what is that?'' asked Anindira, not understanding those words. ''I'll show you later, I'll also make clothes for you…'' Halvir said in a seemingly good mood. ''Dress? Are you going to sew?" Anindira asked enthusiastically. ''No!'' Halvir shouted, ''I don't know how to sew…'' he added. ''Then?'' asked Anindira, frowning while tilting her head, ''Havi, I don't know how to sew…'' Anindira continued with a pitiful face. ''I didn't tell you to sew,'' Halvir replied to Anindira, his forehead also wrinkled, ''I'm going to the Lion Kingdom. There are many Herbivora Clans... We will provide materials to be sewn, and the wages are *Amber or the meat and skin they need…'' continued Halvir, explaining. ''Oh, I see...'' Anindira exclaimed and smiled again, ''How long is the trip to the Lion Kingdom?'' Anindira asked while continuing to enjoy his food. ''Six days... Going home and away for at least two weeks,'' replied Halvir, who was also eating. ''Wow, it took a long time... It must have been far away,'' said Anindira in surprise, ''It was a hassle to carry me and two big tigers…'' he continued. ''I will not take you,'' said Halvir replied. Halvir's answer just now surprised Anindira. Anindira immediately turned to look at Halvir and stopped eating, her face almost crying. ''Dira, don't look at me like that! Be patient a little...'' cried Halvir with his big hand stroking Anindira's head, ''I was indeed wrong. I've been too indifferent and uncaring... I never thought this would happen to me... I was stupid, for never preparing anything.'' Halvir spoke with a calm face, his tone trembling slightly, showing his feelings of disappointment and regret. ''As you can see, there are no items in my house that can help your daily life as a woman…'' said Halvir, continuing his explanation because he saw Anindira's face starting to look pitifully at him, ''Not only that... I, too, only have a few reserves and a little food for the winter. Usually, this hot season, is the right time to store food reserves. But, I've missed half of the summer…'' he added with an increasingly sad face, ''I didn't expect to meet you… if I had known, of course, I would have prepared more.'' ''So it's because of me?'' Anindira asked pitifully, ''Havi, I promise, I won't complain anymore, I'll eat less if it's only a little. I don't eat much. Havi, you are, is great at hunting, even though there aren't many food reserves, we won't starve…'' said Anindira, who tried to seduce Halvir. ''Dira...'' Halvir called softly, he also immediately took Anindira to sit on his lap, ''There is still a chance, at least I want to take advantage of it. I'm just alone Dira, like you said, no matter how strong I am. That's impossible, since I'm just alone… I'd be overwhelmed. And I don't want things to get worse if something happens to you." Halvir expresses his feelings, he shows how weak he is. Even though she was a *Sapphire, he had to admit it. It's impossible if he's just looking after Anindira alone. He needs another partner, but Anindira still doesn't understand that. ''We need a lot of things for you. I admit, it's my fault... I didn't think that I... would experience this too. I thought, with my character, that's impossible…'' Halvir said about his carelessness, ''And now, I'll exchange the game I got for your needs. Summer is halfway over. Soon the rainy season will come. In that season we won't be able to tan leather and preserve meat.'' Halvir could see the fear in Anindira's eyes, it was clear from her expression that Anindira didn't want to be left behind. However, Halvir patiently explained to Anindira that he would be more patient and understand Halvir's limitations. ''I have only a little stock of Amber, it's far from enough…'' Halvir continued his long explanation, with Anindira listening seriously to Halvir's explanation on his lap, ''What else is for winter? Most likely it's winter. This period will last two years. For that, we need hundreds of *Amber for you. I don't want anything bad to happen to you in the winter, but once I give it to the Village Chief later… And also for the exchange in the Lion Kingdom, the *amber I have won't even be enough to survive a third of the winter. I have to return to the Forbidden Forest as soon as possible…'' continued Halvir, explaining with a pitiful face, asking for Anindira's understanding. Anindira looked at Halvir with a worried face. She listened carefully to Halvir's words, but there were some words she didn't understand. However, because Anindira's heart was sad because Halvir would suddenly leave her, she was too lazy to ask. *** In this world, the winters were extremely long, and many women fell ill from it. *Amber is mandatory for every household where there is a woman. * Amber is a very valuable commodity because * Amber is a medicine to strengthen physical conditions, both men and women. In the rainy season and winter, every household must have supplies. Women who are naturally weak very easily get sick in that season. The extreme cold makes them cold and, in the end, they will get sick very easily. During winter, women who are healthy and fit at least once a month must eat *Amber, if they want their physical condition to be maintained and healthy, but if the woman is sick, she will need more. The average for a very healthy woman, even in two long winter years, needs at least twenty *Amber. Only around ten to thirty percent of the population of the Herbivore Clan could level up. On average, they couldn't even level up at all. Even so, they are given advantages in the form of perseverance, tenacity, and extraordinary accuracy. Hence, the position of a tailor, a jeweler, a potter, or a farmer, is equally important, as being a doctor, like those who do it. They also need skin and meat like the Predators, but because they are not good at hunting, the Predator Clans do it. Because of that, the Predators and the Herbivores can maintain a balance. That's why the services of the Herbivores that cannot be done by the Predators can be exchanged with *Amber. Some of the herbivores are doctors, thanks to which they are quite respected. Hans was one of the Predator Clan. It was very rare for a Predator to understand medicine and medicine well. Only a few Predators could become a doctor, for less than one percent of the Herbivora Clan's doctors. ***
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