2188 Words

The Lycan Twins abused mate. She shall pay. *** Anna's standpoint. I think everyone has forgotten me. No one likes me, all the love my father showed to me was a fib. He never truly adores me. He never loved me. If he did, why am I still here withering away in this trench, suffering in this dirty dark cell? I was brutally f**k and hammered by this worthless w***e lycan guard. I was humiliated every single day. I was whipped, and I was never given three day meals. Little Isabella is out of danger and the king must be aware of what I did wrong. She must have told the king and the queen. “My sweetheart, the disgusted lustful voice of the guards rang in my ear. “My darling, he called again, but I stayed tight-lipped. (Who the hell is your sweetheart? A mere guard. Uh. “Are you not the o

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