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The Lycan Twins Abused Mate. He whacks me when he's unhappy. FLASH BACK. He whacked me. Tears burn my eyes. When I don't follow my master's orders, he beats me. He whacks and rapes me. Yesterday's torture was beyond my imagination. He was a monster, a devil from the pit of hell. All my body aches and hurts badly, yet Mr. David is here again to sleep with me. “Please not today, master,” I groaned. I was hoping that he would bear with me. I was hoping that for once he would pay attention to me and let me get some rest. I watched in painful delight as he inhaled and got up from his seat. Then he began to walk away. “What is he going to do to me? Since I am aware of the punishment that would result from defying his orders even once, I have never once tried to make another request. Or

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