1627 Words

The Lycan Twins Abused Mate. Stop clinging to me. Aiden p.o.v. What is wrong? Why are we Isabella's mates? For God's sake, she is our little sister, our baby sister. I want no one else but Ava. I don't need any female to replace my love. Rescinding her will be the best for all of us. I was still thinking about this when Anna walked up to me. "Aiden, can I talk to you? She asked. "Why? What do you want to talk about? "OK, say it fast, I have a lot to do," I hissed. "Aiden, what is wrong? "What is happening between us? What did I do wrong to deserve all this ill-treatment from you" she asked. "Don't you get it, Anna? I am no longer interested in you. Let both of us go our separate ways" I told her. "Why? Why? What is it in me that you abhor? "Tell me Aiden and I will change. I will

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