1938 Words

Her p.o.v. Anna I opened my eyelids, my body was frosting. I was napping on the cold floor of the dark cell. Hiss. My whole torso hurts when I try to change positions. Why is this emerging to my precious self?” Why?” What's my father doing? Is he not pleading with the king on my behalf, as he has forsaken me? Different questions keep streaming my brain without no one to help me retort them. I was tossed and locked up in this dirt cell. Why is no one coming to my rescue? Why is the queen mother not coming to my rescue as well? Damn it. I should have killed her fast and clean, instead of taking my time discussing and fighting with her. I have no one to blame, but myself. Everything is not working out for me according to my intentions. He-he he-he he-he he-he he-he. “Who do we have here?

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