Saturday Evening

1128 Words
Our sleep was interrupted by the vibration of my mobile phone, the caller id showed Robert’s name, I quickly clicked on the answer button and put it in Sam’s ear so he could speak to his friend. “Hey Sam bro, are you already asleep,” Robert asked him. “It was just a nap bro why are you coming over,” Sam asked him. “Yes I will be there in twenty minutes time, and hey Sam your wife called and I told her that you will be back home tomorrow,” he added. Sam thanked him for covering for him and hung up the call. I was just too lazy to get up but Sam insisted we freshened up before Robert arrived so I walked naked into the bathroom and had a quick shower and got dressed into a mid-length sleeveless evening dress which seemed to hug my hips and showed off my round bum figure and my legs. I put on a matching pair of gold earrings and a gold chain. I combed my short hard nicely and added my makeup before spraying my clothes and body with my Elizabeth Arden perfume. That was a beautiful me I saw in the tall bathroom mirror. I walked out and oh Sam gave me a rare expression with his slow remarks, “wow my lady, and where are we planning on going to tonight, you look so beautiful, I wish I could just spend the evening with you in here so no other men out there could get a glimpse of your beauty, your beauty that I have missed all these years and have craved so badly for.” “Come on my love, dress up we are going out for dinner with Robert and maybe a bit of cubbing then we return, its only 8.30 pm,” I added. As Sam got up to get changed, I heard Robert’s voice calling out so I got up and opened the door.  “Wow you look pretty MJ, where are you two going to, I thought we were going to do our Saturday night Beer and Rugby,” Robert asked. “Oh, thanks for the remarks but I thought I would take my handsome man and his buddy clubbing and dinner tonight. Enough of Rugby and beer, let's go get ourselves drunk with tequila,” I added. Both men were dressed in spot shirts and pants and before we headed out I asked Robert if he had a wife or girlfriend he wanted to invite. He said his wife didn’t even know where he spent the night so I told him he was more than welcome to invite her to join us. While we walked to the Reception, Robert called his wife and asked her to dress up because a taxi was coming to pick her up. I had arranged for a Resort transfer to drop us off at the Little Garden diner which was at the Jetpoint town. We left Robert’s vehicle at the Resort because we didn’t want to be drunk and drive back. We arrived at the Little Garden Diner and walked in as we had a table of four reserved for us. I walked over to the bar and ordered 2 bottles of white wine and the 2 boys opted for beer. We sat and started with our beverages waiting for Robert’s wife to arrive. The Resort transfer had however gone on to pick Robert’s wife up. Just as the wine was starting to kick in this attractive lady maybe in her early 30s walked in and was shown to our table by the Hostess. I stood up to say hello and as we sat down I could the looks on her face and read it all clean and clear that she was trying to ask Robert and Sam who I was. “June, right, well anyways while they bringing out dinner that’s been ordered, I know that you might be wondering who I am. My name is Mary-Jane and I am here with Sam, please don’t get me wrong, I will let Sam to explain for himself about me.” “June, you remember when Grace and I fight and she will always mention my son, well this is his mother. MJ and I love each other and even though we have both moved on we still meet every once in a while, to rekindle our love for one another. Grace doesn’t have to know about this because she will never understand. We have an arrangement that we meet in private yet no member of our different families gets hurt in the process.” Sam added. I could feel that she eased down and as soon as she started drinking she must have understood and we were chatting in no time. We spoke about life, about work and business and it was such a breath of fresh air for me as I had someone to finally talk to. Our dinner of sweet corn soup steamed fish, stuffed lobster, sizzling hot beef sweet and sour chicken with rice was served and we dug in without hesitation. It was so tasty and filling for the appetite especially for Sam and I who had only been feeding on our bodies pleasures the whole afternoon long since breakfast. We finished off our dinner off at around 10 pm with full stomachs and when I suggested we go clubbing they all thought it was a bad idea given the situation we were in. I called the resort and they sent the transport straight away that picked us up and took us back to the villa. I had already chilled another case of red wine. But upon reaching the villa I could take anymore wine because I didn’t want to spoil my appetite again. We sat around the living room and while June and the men started drinking again, I settled down to a nice hot cup of tea to settle my stomach from all the delicious food I had just eaten. After my cup of tea, I excused myself from the group and decided I would go to bed because I was tired and reminded Robert and June that they were more than welcome to spend the night in the second bedroom as it was too late and they were both obviously too drunk to drive home. I went to bed changed into my nightdress, brushed my teeth, and put on a movie on my laptop to help me sleep. I don’t think my eyes were open till halfway as I fell asleep. I was awakened shortly feeling Sam remove the laptop from the bed and pulling the covers to cover me but was too tired. They finished their drinking about two hours later and when I woke up again to use the bathroom at 2 am, there was no more sound just Sam snoring peacefully beside me.                
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