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CHAPTER FOURMalca was already starting to pack the essentials for Henriet. “What I will do,” she said, “is to bring everythin’ you will want when I comes to you. You will just have to manage with a few things until we are together again.” Caterina looked at Henriet. “I feel awful,” she said, “keeping Malca from you, even if only temporarily.” “Don’t worry about that. I quite understand that you must have her with you until the wedding is over. I shall manage all right, but I shall feel a little lost without her until she can rejoin me.” Malca smiled at the compliment and then she said, “Now don’t be too pleased about everythin’ until you are quite certain you are safe and out of reach, but how are you goin’ to get in touch with me when I leave the Battleship at the first Port of call

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