Chapter 6

495 Words
Chapter 6I wondered why they were going to Paris. If they left a note for James saying they were on their way to Sinosetu in French Guyana, why would they go to Paris? Khalid’s aircraft could make the trip, I assumed. I didn’t stop to think. If Paris was their destination, that’s where I had to go. When I reached the Hotel de Crillon, where I knew the prince would stay – as he always did – I rented a room and waited for their arrival. Yet, since I wasn’t supposed to be there or even know where they were going, I had to resort to some disguise. Nothing too drastic. Dying my hair black and wearing a pair of dark glasses was enough to fool the occasional onlooker. As soon as I got my key, I went upstairs and into Khalid’s suite. I placed a couple of cameras in strategic spots and went down to the Conservatory – just in time to see the two of them walk in the door. As soon as they were in their suites, I began to listen, and watched them on my laptop. “Okay, okay, just tell me again why we’re here in Paris.” Talya’s stubborn streak shown in her demeanor and in her speech. Khalid smiled, which seemed to unnerve her all the more. “We’re going to get my turbo-jet out of the shop and put this Otter in for an overall. Flying across the Atlantic is a very different story to flying over land. I don’t trust this little toy to be able to take us to South America. It’s been damaged when we landed in Siguiri on that track-road and it’s never been repaired properly. So this morning I decided to go and get the big toy out and give the mechanics this one instead.” “Okay, that answers that question, but what about the two-day stopover? Don’t you consider that a little risky? Besides, what are we supposed to do locked in here while we’re waiting for your aircraft to be ready?” “Wouldn’t that please you to be locked into a palace such as the Hotel the Crillon for two days..., with your Prince Charming?” Talya broke into a giggle. “Have you ever tried to close the door when a cat is in the room?” Khalid turned his head and looked at her in surprise. Obviously, he never had a cat. “No, I can’t say that I have, why?” “Because, the minute you close the door, your cat is going to meow in front of it until you open it again.” “Does that mean you’re going to meow all night until I let you out?” By this time, Talya was laughing so hard that tears were running down her cheeks. I had heard enough. So they were going to Sinosetu after all. Killing her in that godforsaken place wouldn’t be a problem. Yet, something told me Talya had something else in mind other than going to Guyana directly. I was afraid of answering my own question. On the other hand, I had to face the fact that she may stop over in Florida – and that presented a huge problem for me.
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