Chapter 7 Jasmine

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Jasmine I sent Luke up to bed when we got home. I wondered what he meant about enjoying his overnights. I couldn’t help but already worry about these guys, even if they weren’t my kids or even children! Doug was only a few years younger than me. I sighed as I headed into the kitchen to work on some breakfast. I cook most of the day because feeding six hungry wolves is almost a full-time job in itself. I know they’ve managed themselves this whole time, but there’s still a lot of room for improvement. Julius was the first one downstairs this morning, and he hugged me to him while I started the bacon. He was wearing his work slacks and dress shirt that was open and exposing his bare chest. His tie hung loosely around his neck. He kissed my neck sensually, and I replayed the fun we had last night. I couldn’t keep him on standby too long. I needed him as badly as he needed me. But he paid his punishment, and we had a long talk afterward. That’s my second favorite part of playtime; the aftercare where we hold each other, and we can freely talk to each other about everything and anything after the sweet release we shared. “Baby,” I said as he ground his erection into my back. “You still have wax on your chest.” “Oh,” he said and looked down. He quickly scraped it off and tossed it into the trash before buttoning up his shirt. “You’re up early; perhaps I didn’t satisfy your needs as well as I thought.” “Oh no, my sweet,” I purred and pulled him close. “You certainly filled every expectation very well. I promised Luke I’d pick him up from work this morning since the five boys must share one car. Which doesn’t make sense to me.” “It’s all we had since I’ve been here,” he said. “Yes, but it was just you,” I said. “Five men are sharing one broken-down truck. Or running through the woods as their wolf.” “I can’t afford to buy five vehicles,” he said. “Besides, it’s not smart to have that many cars. It will draw attention.” “Julius, you are their provider,” I reminded him. “What do these boys spend their money on anyway?” “They help pay the bills here,” he said. “I’m a provider, but I need to teach them how to provide, how to earn a dollar; they could buy themselves a car or a motorcycle if they wanted to, but they don’t usually want for much other than video games and junk food.” “Julius, when was the last time you asked them what they wanted?” I asked. “Did you even ask them if they wanted this life?” “Of course,” he said. “They know they can tell me anything.” “But they don’t,” I reminded him. “You need to take the time to see what their needs are and hear what they have to say. Maybe if someone sat down with Ryan and asked him why he was so angry all the time, something could’ve been done sooner.” “Okay,” he said with a sigh. “You’re right, Bunny. I’ll find time to sit down with everyone.” “Good,” I said and turned back to the stove. “Now go sit down; you’re going to make me burn the bacon.” “Yes, ma’am,” he rumbled in my ear while gripping my backside, then went to spot at the table. “Good boy,” I said. “Man, I love the smell of bacon in the morning,” Doug practically growled as he came into the kitchen. “Jasmine, Can you stay forever?” “Doug,” Julius said in a warning tone. “Watch yourself.” “I’m just saying,” he said, grabbing a plate and loading it up. “We eat better; we train better; the house is cleaner! I’m afraid to think of what will happen when the two weeks are over.” “You’re such a sweetheart, Doug,” I chuckled. “Do you want coffee or juice?” “Water for me,” he said with his handsome smile. “Have a seat, and I’ll bring you a glass,” I said. Nathan was the next to come downstairs; the unshaven side of his head was a mess of brown curls. Nick came down shortly after and went straight to the coffee maker. These boys looked half dead. “What were you boys up to last night?” I asked. “You look like something the cat dragged in.” “There was a breach on the border,” Nick said with a huge yawn. “Nate and I tried to find it, but we lost the scent. We ran all through the edge of town to make sure nothing was lurking. We got home about four.” “What kind of breach?” Julius asked, switching to his alpha mode. “Something supernatural,” Nathan said. “Maybe a hybrid or a low-level something because it barely triggered the alarm. I don’t think it’s anything to worry about, though. Probably just a curious passerby.” “Well, keep an eye on it,” Julius said. “Let me know about anything else. I have the council meeting this month.” “Yes, sir,” Nathan replied. “Breakfast smells great, Jasmine.” “Thanks, darlin’,” I said and sent him to the table with his plate and handed Nick one too. “Here you go, pumpkin.” “Where’s Ryan?” Julius asked. “Still in bed,” Nathan said. “He’s even more depressed since he found out about the mate thing.” I shot a look at Julius, who swallowed hard and nodded. That poor boy was in so much pain. I know I needed to find her, explain to her what happened, and get them together. It's hard to be away from someone who you need physically, mentally, and spiritually. “I’ll talk with him,” I said. “Are you two working today?” “Yeah,” Doug said. “Okay, I’ll make you boys some lunch,” I said and went to the fridge to pull out sandwich items. “You should eat breakfast, Jasmine,” Doug said, getting up with his empty plate. “We can make our lunches.” “I’ll eat later,” I said. “I’m in go mode, so I don’t have an appetite till later. But thank you, Doug, you’re such a teddy bear.” “Nope, I’m all wolf,” he said, grinning so wide it looked as if he were baring his teeth, and I laughed again. “You boys are too much,” I chuckled. “Go on and get ready; I’ll be done by the time you go.” “Seriously, Julius,” Doug said, turning to face his creator. “Can she please stay forever?” “Just go, Doug,” he grumbled. “Nathan, what are your plans today?” “I was going to do a boundary check,” he said. “Double check all the sensors.” “When you finish that, why don’t you come by the office for lunch?” Julius said. “Oh, uh, sure,” he said with a quizzical look. “Is everything okay?” “Yeah, why wouldn’t it be?” Julius asked. “You’ve never asked me to come to meet you for lunch,” he replied. “Well, it’s come to my attention that maybe I haven’t been very attentive to my pack's needs,” he said. “I want to correct that. You boys mean a lot to me, and I should be aware Of what’s going on in my pack.” “Aw, so we all get one-on-one time with dad?” Doug hollered from the stairs as he came down. “Everyone but you,” Julius called back. “You’ve been a pain in my ass for years.” “But I’m the favorite,” Doug joked with a wink. “Not mine,” he scoffed. “As long as I’m Jasmine’s,” he smiled and winked at me too. Julius growled menacingly. “Take it easy, dad.” “You know that makes me your mom then, right?” I joked back with him. “Oh, mommy,” Doug said, wiggling his brows. “Doug!” Julius shouted. “Enough! Get to work, or you’ll be late. Stop flirting with your mother!” Everyone burst out laughing at the horror on Doug's face as it turned bright red. I finished up the lunches and handed them to Nick and Doug. I gave them both a hug before they headed out the door, and I couldn’t help but smile. I really am their mom. 
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