Hello Beautiful Readers...

277 Words
UPDATE! Wild Within has been completed! I will be spending the next week or so editing the chapters before submitting for completion. I plan on continuing with the Wild Ones stories and this will be known as Book One of the Wild Series. I'll probably alternate between the Dragon Series and this one so after Book 3 of Dragons is completed, I'll begin Book 2 for the Wild Series.  Thank you for reading! I'll keep writing! Lucy Normally I dont like to write more than one story at a time, but I've had this idea flying around my head so much that I needed to start writing it down. I'm working on this while Dragon Origins is ongoing.  So far I haven't had trouble with doing both, but if it becomes too much I'll be backing off this story until Origins in finished. I'm loving what I have so far for both of these stories.  I've been dying to do a wolf story and I think it finally came to me so I couldnt resist sharing it with you. I'm not sure when I'll start publishing. I think I should be a little bit further with chapters for Origins first. But if I do, as with any of newer stories, there wont be daily updates until I've finished my previous book.  I just couldnt wait to share it with you guys so gimme about a week, probably less, but I'll have something to start for you!  Love you all so much and you guys are what inspire me to keep writing!! ...and I cant publish this if its less than 200 words...sooo leave me a comment ? 
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