It was nearly noon and she hadn’t heard anything from Katt. It was beginning to worry Le’Ann. She had fixed some food, taken a bite, paced the kitchen, tossed it in the trash and huffed about a million times. “Theo? I need a car.” Theo looked up from his coffee and paper at the island bar in front of her. “Of course, how fast? Wait….for?” She giggled, he was hilarious when he was trying to not be assertively nosey. And his brother had hearing, that was supersonic, it seemed. “What ya need a car for?” TJ entered the kitchen and poured a cup of coffee. “Wow, I evidently want to drive somewhere.” She waited to see their reaction. “Hmmm I don’t know TJ, perhaps we should just comply before she ices the kitchen or us. I am not feeling the whole popsicle vibe today.” “I dunno, if she fro