Chapter 5 - Saved By An Angel..o.

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Two Days Later.... It's been two days since myself and Emily ran away from our old pack and what a rough two days it's been, we've barely eaten or slept but luckily we've had enough water on us to keep us going otherwise we'd probably be dead by now. All we've been doing is running and we've barely stopped and if we have, we haven't stopped for too long through fear of being caught on someone elses territory which would be a really bad thing considering a lot of packs that neighbour my parents pack are some of the strongest in the country and don't take lightly to having rogues on their land not to mention that they've got a good relationship with my family and their pack so if they catch us and recognise me, they won't hesitate to call my parents and send me back. "Nat...Nat can we take....take a b..break, pl..please?" I stop running and look at Emily who looks like she's about to pass out. "Yer sure but we can't stop for too long remember" She nods her head. "Just five minutes, I promise" She sits down by a tree resting her back against the stump and I sit down next to her. "Here you go" I hand her a bottle of water from my bag and take another one out for myself. "Thanks" We sit in silence for a few minutes just enjoying the peace and quiet whilst trying to catch our breaths, I also used this time to try and talk with Lucky who hasn't spoken a word ever since we saved Cole. "Lucky....Lucky, are you ok?" Nothing. I'm really starting to worry about my wolf, I tried several more times to contact her but she just stayed silent which angered me and I ended up flipping out on her. "Lucky for god's sake, if you don't f*****g speak to me then I'll make sure you'll never and I mean never have contact with Cole or Ace ever again" She whimpered making me feel bad, I didn't want to use them against her well, more specifically, I didn't want to use Ace against her because even despite how much hatred there is between Cole and myself and despite all of the s**t Cole has put us through, her and Ace are madly in love with each other and before we left, Ace was always apologising to the both of us for the actions of his human and it's hurting her being away from him so that's why I feel bad but at the same time I don't because her wallowing and being depressed is having a huge impact on me and I can't have that if I expect to survive, I need Lucky to be there for me like I am for her and I need her to be my strength and support system. "Hey Nat, can I ask you a question?" "Of course you can, what's up?" Emily looks down at her hands as she fidgets with the zip on her coat. "Em, what's wrong?" She lets out a breath and looks up at me. "Why...why did you stand up for me in school? why didn't you just let Aubrey hit me?" I look at her confused. "Why are you asking?" She looks down again. "You got hurt because of me, Cole beat you up because you stood up to his girlfriend, if you hadn't then maybe he wouldn't have hurt you" "If you're asking me this because you feel guilty then stop it right now because no matter what whether I stood up for you or not, Cole would've found some stupid, insignificant excuse to beat me up later on anyway so stop feeling guilty, do you understand me?" She nods her head and we both smile at each other. "Besides, I stood up for you because you're my best friend, actually, you're more than that, you're my little sister and my only family besides my brother and I wouldn't have forgiven myself if that trashy disease-ridden b***h did something to hurt you, she's already caused enough damage" "What do you mean?" I let out a sigh. "You know the story of what happened when myself and Aubrey were six, right?" "Yer" "Well, Aubrey well and truly f****d my life up because she decided to lie about what happened that day instead of telling the truth" "Hmm, I feel you" "Huh, what do you mean?" I look at Emily confused, how could she know how I feel?. "You know how the alpha and Luna made me an omega because they quote 'have a witness who saw and heard me plotting to kill my family'?" "Yer" "Well....the witness was Aubrey" "What?....are you being serious?" She slowly nods her head whilst looking down at her lap. "She claimed to have seen me talking with the same rogues who killed my family and overheard me telling them when and where to attack" "How do you know all of this?" Emily let's out a sigh. "She told me....she told me word for word how she'd created this lie because she knew the alpha and Luna would punish me and take my title away from me since I'm the next available beta after my brother and that when they did, Cole could rule with his brother by his side and not me or my 'stupid, weak brother'....her words not mine" Urgh!!, what a f*****g b***h?. "Dalton wasn't stupid or weak, Em, Aubrey was just projecting her weaknesses onto him, trust me Dalton was a great guy and he would've made a fantastic beta" "Thanks, Nat" "You're welcome, now let's go we need to get going before someone catches us" "Too late for that" A strong male voice says as three men appear in front of us, I was shocked at the size of these three men as well as the power dripping off them. I stand up and almost fall from how weak I am as well as from having head rush from standing up so quick. "I'm sorry we're on your land, we were just passing through" "I don't care, you're still on my land and I wanna know why?" "I just told you, i***t, we're passing through" "Don't piss them off Nat, he's clearly an alpha" Emily whispers to me as she hides behind me. "And? I'm the daughter of an alpha, do you really think I'm gonna be intimidated by these three?" "You should be" One of the twins says whilst smirking. "Well, I'm not so..." "Who's your father?" "Huh" "If you can huh you can hear now answer my damn question?" "Why do you wanna know?" "Because I want to know why an alpha's daughter is on my land looking and smelling the way that you do" "Excuse you, are you trying to say I stink?" I mean, I probably do considering the fact that I haven't bathed properly in two days but I don't care, I'm not gonna have this prick insult me. "No i***t, he's referring to the fact that you both smell of rogue" "Already?....that was fast" "So, are you gonna answer my question?" I shake my head. "Nope" "Why?" Thing 1 asks me. "Because I don't want you contacting him and telling him where I am" "Why?" Thing 2 asks me. "It's none of your business why now can you guys just forget you saw us and let us past, we're not here to cause you any trouble" "I can't do that, you see if I let you guys go then more rogues are gonna think I'm a softy and they'll take advantage coming and going on my land as they please and I can't have that" "Your land?....are you the alpha?" He smiles and nods his head. "Yep, my name is James Anderson and these two are my third in commands Ben and Ethan Woods" "Third in commands, where's your beta?" "He's..." "Here I am to make your days" A hot guy appears singing and I would've thought that he was gay after his very campy entrance if it wasn't for him checking me out, urgh!!, men. "Where the hell where you, Brody?" "Chill out bro will you, I had to wait for...." "Angelo?" Oh my god, is it really him? I know he was sent away for beta training but I didn't know he was this close by. Angelo was walking towards us with his gaze fixated on his phone, nothing new there, when he heard my voice he looked up and his eyes widened upon seeing me just like mine had with him. "Natalia? that you?" I forget about everyone and everything and rush over to my brother who embraced me in a tight bear hug which really hurt me because of some of my injuries that haven't healed yet because of Lucky but I didn't show it because I didn't want him to let me go. Goddess, I've missed him so much, I haven't seen him in just over a year. "What the hell are you doing here? why do you smell like a rogue? and....WHAT THE f**k HAPPENED TO YOUR FACE?" I flinched from my brother's anger and tried to move away from him but he stopped me by grabbing my arms and holding me close to him. "Answer me, Natalia, what happened?" Angelo cupped my face and ran his thumb over the cuts and bruises that were left by Cole. I tried to tell Angelo what happened but the words got stuck in my throat, Angelo knows about all of the abuse I've suffered at the hands of our family and pack but he was unable to do anything about it, he was even hesitant to leave for beta training because he wouldn't be able to protect me but our parents forced him to leave. "It was your delightful big brother, he beat her up at school because she stood up to his slaggy girlfriend who was gonna hit me" Myself and Angelo look behind me at Emily. "What? Cole did this?" I nod my head and look down. "f*****g BASTARD!!" Angelo shouts as he punches a tree splitting it in half. "Angelo" I gasped seeing my brothers reaction, I knew he wouldn't be happy but I wasn't expecting this. "Why?....why was he at the f*****g school in the first f*****g place? he's twenty-one for goddesses sake" "He's the future alpha Angelo, he can do whatever he wants and go wherever he wants" Angelo didn't seem to like what I said and sneered. "Alpha? he's unfit to be an alpha" "What's going on here? are you two siblings?" James interrupts us whilst the twins and Brody look at us with curious gazes. "Yer, she's my little sister Natalia" "You're Lucas and Marias girl?" I nod my head. "And what about her? who is she?" James points at Emily who scurried over to me and cowered behind me. "This is my best friend Emily Thomas" "Are you any relation to Dalton Thomas?" Emily whimpered behind me. "Yes she is, he was her brother" Brody makes a noise which sounded like a scoff as he sneered at Emily. "We can keep Natalia but there's no way I'm gonna have a killer stay here" Emily once again whimpered as my anger started to rise. "Excuse you asshole, who the hell are you calling a killer?" "I'm calling her a killer because that's what she is" "And you know this because you were there, right?" That quickly shuts the i***t up or at least I thought it did. "No, I wasn't there but Aubrey Taylor was and she witnessed everything" Now it was my turn to scoff. "I wouldn't put so much trust in someone who can't even spell any of the STI's she's got, if I were you" Everyone but Brody chuckled as he glared at me. "Enough you two now, why are you both rogues if you're part of a strong pack?" "Erm..." Shit, what do I say? I can't tell them about my parents or the pack because that will ruin their reputation and I can't tell them about Cole because....well because it's f*****g weird. "C..can we talk about this back at the packhouse, alpha? the girls need a shower, some food and rest" Thank you, Angelo. "Sure, come on girls but I need to know eventually what's going on with you two, do you understand?" I nod my head. "Ok, let's go" The boys led us to their packhouse which was pretty magnificent, it's not as big as my parent's packhouse but it's still pretty big. Angelo never left my side, he walked right next to me with his arm wrapped around my shoulders and I had Emily on the other side of me, she looked scared shitless which I couldn't blame her for considering some of the glares we received but it didn't affect me because of my alpha blood, alphas aren't easily intimidated unless they're in the presence of the royal family. "Ignore them, Em" She nodded her head and I grabbed her hand to give her some comfort. As we entered the packhouse, we were greeted by a bubbly blonde who was holding a little girl in her arms, James introduced them to us as his Luna Amy and their daughter Charlotte, he then showed us to our rooms which were stunning and absolutely luxurious then again anything is luxurious compared to the rooms we had back home. After having a nice, hot, well-needed shower and changing into some fresh clothes, myself and Emily went downstairs to the kitchen with the help of one of the packs omegas, her name is Ashley and we learned that even though she's an omega, she's treated just as good as the rest of the pack unlike how Emily was treated in ours, anyway, when we got to the kitchen, we were greeted with the most amazing smell of Spaghetti Carbonara. "There you are girls, come and sit down, I made you both some food" "Thank you, Luna" "Ah, ah, none of that, it's Amy" "Ok Amy" We sat down and tucked into our food just as Angelo came in with alpha James and his lapdogs. Angelo sat next to me but from the corner of my eye, I could see him stealing glances at Emily, even when everyone started talking amongst themselves, I could still see him looking at her, he was looking at her like way, I gasped when I realised what was going on?. "Oh my god" Everyone snapped their heads towards me. Shit, did I say that out loud?. "What's up Nat, are you ok?" "N..nothing, I'm f..fine" Everyone looked at me weird but quickly forgot about it and went back to their conversations, I noticed that Brody was glaring at Emily quite a lot which he stopped when he saw my glare and heard Angelos growl which by the way, confirmed my thoughts. "Ok girls, let's go" "Go? go where?" "Up to my office, we need to talk" Shit. "But babe, they haven't had their desserts" "Yer and they need to rest alpha, they look tired" "It won't take long now let's go, Angelo you too" Urgh!!, this is gonna be about as much fun as walking on hedgehogs barefoot.
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