Chapter four: Death of the seventh Chief.

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The seventh Chief was still up as he was writing Some things down. But, as he was about to round up, he heard several footsteps heading towards his room. He put out the light and quickly hide behind the door. It didn't take up to a minute that someone opened the door. As the figure opened the door, he was surprised that no one was inside. He proceeded in searching the inner room and as he went inside, the seventh Chief ran outside and shut the door at the stranger. The ray of moon that shone inside the room allowed the seventh Chief to see that he was an assassin. Actually, he knew he was an assassin. No one with good deed would walk the way the stranger walked. The seventh looked at his right and left before he could escape, he heard several footsteps, so he can't say that the first man is the only one around. Assassins in their Village never work alone and in Solo. He's being careful about his movement. He checked for his sword and he found it at his waist. In case anything happens, he could still fight, even if it is to death. That was when he heard his name being called. "Seventh Chief! Come on out!!" The second Chief shouted as him and several other chiefs and assassins appeared in front of him. The seventh Chief's eyes furrowed as he saw all the Chiefs he had once trusted. The assassin that was inside the room broke the door and he drew his sword at the seventh Chief's neck. "You are a good chief and also a good leader, Spade. But you just cross your boundaries lately. You should have stayed low and wait till my daughter becomes Queen. At least, Les is a princess and she's part of the royal family but can't you let us be part of the Royal family? Or are you so greedy for the throne." The second chief taunted him and they all started laughing. There were four chiefs behind him. The fifth chief, eighth chief, ninth and tenth chiefs. The seventh Chief regretted being friends with them all. They are all betrayals. "I want to ask you just one thing, will you stop Les from being the queen or I should stop her myself?" The second chief asked. "I do not answer to betrayals like you." The seventh Chief answered. The second Chief, saw his reply and he ordered the assassins to torture him. The seventh chief was forced to kneel as they tied him to a pole, then, two assassins brought out whips and they start lashing out at the seventh Chief. He tried his best to be a man but the beating was too much. "Will you stop her now?" The second chief asked again but the seventh Chief didn't answer him. They continue beating him till all his cloth was torn into pieces. The second chief asked again for the third and last time. "Will you stop Les from becoming the queen or I should stop her myself, while you rot in the grave." "There's no way I could stop her. She is meant to be the queen of this kingdom. And your daughter is meant to be her maid." The seventh Chief replied. "Silence!!" The second Chief was furrowed with anger and he dashed towards the seventh Chief with his sword in his hands and he sliced the head of the Second Chief. "Do not speak ill of my daughter." The seventh Chief said. The other chiefs were surprised, it was so sudden for them. They didn't believe the seventh Chief could die just like that. It was as if an heavy burden as been lifted off their backs. "Clear every evidence present, and make sure no one knows about this. Tommorow, we will announce that he was assassinated." The second Chief said. "But, how will they believe us?" The eighth chief asked still unsure of the plan. "Don't worry, I got something I could do. Get me the ink and pen." The second chief requested and they went to fetch it out from the seventh Chief's room. His wife had been killed by hanging. ****** Princess Les was laying in bed but she has not slept off. She was thinking about the Crown prince, how a happy man he would become when they marry. If not because he's the crown prince, he would have suggested they have their honeymoons at the sea shore that was near the forest. Or they could probably live far away from the palace as normal parents. As she was thinking of this, she felt a bond of something breaking lose from her. She felt that someone passed away. She went towards her window to peep at the moon and she saw that black clouds are covering the full moon. "Who could have die?" Les asked herself until a knock in the door distracted her. *Knock Knock* "Who is that?" Les asked wondering who could have want to see her at this hour of the night. She opened the door and she was met with a bear doll. "Hi princess, I am here to visit you. Please, can you let me inside? I am friendly and I won't bite you." The person holding the bear doll said in tiny feminine voice. "Oh dear, it is too late. And I don't allow stranger that I don't know come inside my room. Come back next time, bye!" Princess Les Said with a bit of seriousness on her face. But as she was about to close the door, an human hand stopped it from closing. And it happened to be the prince. "Your highness." Les said in a tone of complaint. "Errr, can you please let me in. At least, I'm not a stranger." The prince requested. "What if I don't allow you?" Les asked. "That... err, then I will use my authority as the King to be, to enter your room." The prince said with pride. The princess scoffed, "How silly. Do you think anyone that hears that you want to enter my room by force won't be suspicious of you. How unthoughtful of you." The princess shook her head in disgust. The prince carried her by the waist and he entered her room. "I don't care what anyone says, as long as you are my woman." He said and gave her a long affectionate kiss. The door was closed and they both slept on the princess bed. "Now I can sleep peacefully." The prince said as he wrapped his hands around the princess's waist. "Me too." Les also answered. "I love you." The prince said. "I love you too." The princess replied and they both slept off.
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