Chapter Three-1

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Chapter Three The Snore Cure It’s one thirty-eight in the morning. Yet once again I’m wide awake. The full moon shines brightly through the bedroom window of this rustic little honeymoon cabin, bathing the peaked upstairs in argent. That’s not the problem however — it’s Charles. His band-saw snores are practically rattling the exposed rafters above us. As usual I’ve already rolled him onto his side a half a dozen times. Also as usual, he’s shortly rolled right back over onto his back again. This has been a persistent problem throughout this entire first week of our marriage, and I’ve finally had enough of it. It’s time to take the drastic action suggested to me by my best friend Lynn, who considerately prepared me for this (or any equivalent) eventuality. Not worried about waking my new husband — who sleeps (albeit noisily) like a Precambrian fossil buried under a mile of basalt — I climb naked out of the sumptuous feather bed, go to the quaint little antique dresser and pull open the drawer where I’ve stored my underwear — plus a couple of other things. First I withdraw a sexy pair of black lace panties, and then matching nylon stockings. Digging deeper I finally uncover a hidden tube of s*x gel and the ingenious ‘feeldoe’ that Lynnie insisted on lending me for my honeymoon. She’s assured me that I’ll soon be purchasing one exactly like it. This is a kind of double dildo that Lynnie swears is essential for establishing and maintaining a harmonious relationship. It certainly worked for her. Whenever her own new husband displeased her in any way she would use it on him as a punishment — at least until he learned to enjoy and even crave its deeply thrusting touch. Now instead she uses it as a nightly reward — as long as his unflagging devotion and slavish pampering of her continues to deserve it. And truly I’ve never seen him be anything but eagerly helpful, completely respectful, and always immediately deferential to her. Well, now it’s time to take her advice and see what this miraculous device can do for me! Quickly I lubricate the part of it that fits inside me, and then carefully slide it up and into my v****a. Then I grip the larger, external part that now curves wickedly up from my crotch in a big faux phallus and wiggle it experimentally. Immediately I gasp with surprised delight, as the little ribbed saddle connecting the two halves rocks against my c******s and the bulb-shaped inner terminus presses hard upon my g-spot. Lynnie insists that using this thing provides her with more and better orgasms than anything else ever had or could. Experiencing its initial effects, I’m more than prepared to take her at her word — and intensely eager to put that word to the test. I pause another quick moment to thoroughly grease up the head and shaft of my impressive new p***s. Then I dry my hands and stride purposefully back to the bed. Easing into it, I lie on my side next to Charles and pull the thick down comforter up over my waist, concealing the surprise I have for him. Then propping myself up on my left elbow I wad those panties into a ball and righteously stuff them deep into my erring husband’s wide open, loudly snoring mouth. Charles wakes up immediately, sputtering and struggling to spit out that unexpected foreign object. But right away I clap my hand over his face and lean in close right over him, imperiously commanding his attention. “Stop it Charles! If you ever want to have s*x with me again, just lie back, relax and listen to me now.” Surprisingly he subsides at once, his wide brown eyes staring fearfully at me in the silver light of the moon. “I have had it with your snoring darling. From now on you will lie on your side and breathe through your nose as I’ve been endlessly telling you to. I am going to make damn sure of that right now. Then I am going to punishment-f**k you for disturbing and disobeying me. After that maybe we’ll both be able to get some sleep. Now roll over onto your side, facing away from me, and put your hands behind your back.” Again Charles surprisingly complies, with only a whimper of distress by way of protest. Once he has his back to me, I take those necessary steps to put an end to his snoring once and for all. I wind one of those stretchy nylon stockings around his head and stuffed-full mouth. Then I tie it tightly off at the nape of his neck, so that he can’t possibly spit that sexy panties-gag out. After that I use the other black stocking to bind his wrists securely together behind his back. This ensures that not only will he be unable to remove his gag himself, or resist his coming introduction to punishment s*x, but that even after that formative experience is over he’ll find it impossible — or at least prohibitively uncomfortable — to turn onto his back even in the deepest of sleep. With that accomplished I cast the comforter aside. I snuggle up to Charles’ backside (yet not close enough for him to feel the threatening head of my imposing prick) and reach around to his front. I clasp his flaccid p***s (spent twice already this day, the last time a mere three hours ago) and begin to slowly flog it back to life. This takes considerably less effort than I assumed it would. Indeed the eagerness of its response, coupled with the muffled moans he begins to emit, make me wonder if Charles is somehow enjoying his unexpected incapacitation. Perhaps he is one of those innately submissive guys who secretly get off on being placed in bondage and dominated. If so it will certainly ease his acceptance of my rather unorthodox snoring cure, as well as assist in his transformation from first suffering punishment s*x to eventually desperately seeking it as a sort of reward: a far more effective tool for behavior modification. Perhaps like Lynn I will soon find myself owning the kind of perfectly obedient, hopelessly doting husband that every wife dreams of having. Well, no time like the present to find out... By now Charles’ p***s is wonderfully rigid, and even pulsating softly in my manipulating grip. Letting myself fall down to bed at last I reach down with my free hand and begin gently rubbing on his bung as I jerk him. Simultaneously I bring my lips to his ear and whisper seductively to him. “Well Charles, are you enjoying your punishment so far?” “Mmm-hmmm!” he moans in the affirmative. “Not much of a punishment at all, is it?” “Mmm-umm…” “Well, there’s no real reason that it has to be. As long as you stay relaxed like this, and just willingly accept whatever happens next, you might actually come to enjoy being punished this way. Who knows? This might turn out to be best night of your life. I’m about to introduce you to a very special kind of s*x that only the most loving — or depraved — of couples ever indulge in. Let’s keep us members of the former club, rather than the latter, what do you say?” With that I transfer my right hand from a stimulating grip on his p***s to a controlling one on his testicles. Then I go from using the fingers of my left to tease and arouse his precious little love-hole to claiming it forever by suddenly spreading it wide and guiding my own eager erection in. “Mmmmph!” This time Charles’ muffled exclamation is one of unbridled surprise and protest. His entire body stiffens, and his ass clamps tightly down onto the rudely intruding head of my beautifully protruding prick. In response I squeeze his balls ruthlessly, bringing an even more dismayed yelp from him. Then I hiss renewed warnings into his ear. “Charles I told you to be still! Relax, and accept this! This is your entirely just punishment for keeping me awake all week! You’ll never go from merely enduring to wildly enjoying this kind of f*****g if I have to tear you up inside every time. And I can’t go back to m**********g you if I have force your compliance by constantly crushing your nuts. Settle down, loosen up; take my wonderfully f*****g c**k like a good boy and I’ll return to pleasuring your own. I told you: this is going to be the most important night of your life. Once you learn to submit to me utterly this way, everything will be so much simpler between us. Imagine an entire marriage without a single argument! That’s the kind of bliss to which this sort of woman-on-top s*x will lead us. Trust me, once I instill the proper discipline in you, you will come to worship me unstintingly forever!” Gradually Charles relaxes. He’s still panting through his nose and shivering all over. But bit by bit his muscles unclench, until finally even his ass releases its panicky clutch on my c**k. With that I let go of his balls and start stroking his p***s again. That stiff prick has softened up considerably but I soon put that right. Within a minute I have him urgently rigid and moaning again. Then I take a deep breath and pull back hard on his c**k even as I thrust forward with my own, sliding easily all the way up into him. I gasp in delight; Charles bleats in distress. I can only conjecture about what he must be feeling, but there’s no doubt whatsoever about my own response. Mingled with the s****l ecstasy of that feeldoe pleasuring my privates is a boundless gratitude toward Lynnie for turning me on to this incredible turn-on. Now in addition to taking every iota of available enjoyment from this incomparable thrill, I must see to it that I also achieve the overriding long-term objective she suggested. I must enslave my new husband not only to this decisively emasculating experience but also to the dominant woman providing it. I pull back, and then gasping with delight again I stab brutally back into that wonderfully tight ass even as I simultaneously jerk his erection first forward and then back. Swiftly I fall into an immediately expert rhythm, pulling back on Charles’ hard-on as I push into him with my own in perfect synchronization. This not only gives additional impetus to my thrusts but provides him with a simulation of entering me that’s exactly matched to my every entry of him. And sooner than I would have ever believed possible this combination of sensations produces the required results. Although it’s difficult to pick up over my own quickly climbing cries of ecstasy, Charles’ gagged grunts and groans and garbled exclamations soon lose their tenor of wounded affront and begin to articulate a growing appreciation of and even excitement at his unbearably perverse predicament. His c**k throbs hotly in my squeezing, pumping fist, and then his next actions leave no doubt whatsoever that punishment has finally been replaced by the best kind of positive reinforcement. His hips begin to shift, pushing his ass back to eagerly meet my every impaling penetration, and his top leg lifts into the air, allowing me increased access to him. Gladly I take him up on this invitation — not that I needed one earlier. Immediately I start pounding and jerking Charles harder, faster; my crotch clapping hands with his buttocks in a staccato escalation even as I yank on his uncircumcised length as though trying to rip it out by the roots. All the way in and out of his freely offered-up ass I spear into my bound and gagged new husband as violently as I can, swiftly mounting my way toward an orgasm certain to surpass any previous one in intensity and duration. And then just as my beloved Lynnie promised me not one but several successive climaxes burst through my amazed awareness like consecutive salvos of skyrocketing fireworks. On and on I hump and pump and jack and jerk my incredibly lucky soon-to-be marital slave with all of my explosive orgasmic energy. And just as my wildly inspired efforts and their effects both begin to truly crest, Charles suddenly cries out his own incredible climax. The erection in my hand suddenly spasms; and responding to my ever-more frantic attentions it continues to do so for far longer than I could have possibly imagined. Even though his depleted balls can produce only a scattered spatter of pearly little drops, Charles continues to writhe and cry and buck back against me as his sizzling nerves fire and his madly-driven muscles continuously convulse. It seems like forever that we thrash together in this unprecedented excess. But then our unbelievably sustained mutual apotheosis finally peters out, and we lapse into a gasping, unbelievably satiated stupor. It takes me at least five minutes to get my breath back. Then at last I pull out of Charles’ former (of course it now belongs exclusively to me) ass, grip his shoulder and twist his upper half back far enough for him to face me. His eyes are now brimming with a confused mix of fear, shame, disbelief and awed adoration that I’m certain to become extremely familiar with. Smiling smugly in my now obviously inevitable victory, I proceed to claim the last of my perfect new mate’s freely-ceded autonomy. “I told you that you’d quickly learn to love that, didn’t I?” Charles nods reluctantly, helplessly dropping his eyes. Right away I grab him by the chin, sternly compelling his attention. “And I was absolutely right, wasn’t I?” Again Charles responds with a shamefaced nod. “I should say so!” I exclaim. “When has any man ever ejaculated three times in one day? You must have been incredibly, outrageously aroused just now. So remember this lesson, my beloved darling: your lovely new wife is always right — always. Now, do you want to experience s*x like that again, and indeed as often as you possibly can?” Charles hesitates, clearly battling with an obsolete conception of himself. Then once again he drops his eyes before nodding vigorously at me. “Very well,” I declare. “In return for this blessing you will spend the rest of this night, and every other night from now on, bound-up and gagged with my panties and stockings exactly as you are now. That should cure your snoring problem once and for all. In addition to this, you will also always obey me impeccably. I don’t ever want the slightest argument out of you. Behave for me now, Charles, and I’ll f**k your cute little butt almost every night. So: are we agreed on these two permanent conditions for our marriage?” At last meeting my demanding eyes frankly and forthrightly, Charles nods solemnly up at me. My heart soaring at this submission I give him a dazzling smile and kiss him emphatically on the forehead. “Fantastic!” I cry. Releasing his shoulder I push him back over to face the wall. “Go back to sleep now honey. And I think I finally can too.” Settling into my accustomed spot, I pull the comforter back up over us, gasping at a sudden inner reminder. Looking down, I see that heavy thickness tented up at my waist by the six-inch length of Lynnie’s wondrous feeldoe. Giggling delightedly, I clutch its oh-so effective inner probe with the walls of my triumphant womanhood and don’t consider for a second removing it. Something tells me I’m going to be using it again first thing in the morning…
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