Mark came out half an hour later wearing a black bathrobe. I'm usually pretty alert, i wonder when he scooped me up or when we arrived at the estate. I must say, he's hot. The toned body is just screaming for me to...... okay, I need to stop thinking about that for now. Excessive thoughts will lead to executing them. " Like what you are seeing, it's all yours sweet heart." Mark said with a smirk causing me to throw a pillow at him. " Are you trying to seduce me?" I asked " Maybe, maybe not." he replied " When did we come back anyway?" I asked " About an hour ago, you were sleeping like an angel and i couldn't bear to wake you up." he said. " Okay and who changed my clothes" I asked because i was into a pink top and bottom with a cat logo. " I did, no one is allowed to touch my wife'