Chapter 3

2049 Words
Aaron's POV When my eyes opened, a tiny sliver of light peeked through the gap between the curtains of our balcony doors. Rolling over, Sierra was still snoring beside me. The covers were pulled down, exposing her torso and the hand resting on her upper stomach. Smiling, I propped myself up on my elbow, gently placing my hand on her lower stomach, knowing I wouldn't be able to feel the baby for a few more weeks. "Think we can feel the baby move?" Cole asked excitedly. "Probably not for a few more weeks," I told him as he released a deflated sigh. Sierra's tank top had slid up slightly, revealing the lower half of her stomach. There was a small bump that I hadn't noticed before protruding from her lower abdomen. Pulling my hand on top of it, I smiled. I was happy to have my first child with my fantastic mate and wife at thirty. I knew she was young at only twenty-two, but having kids young was typical for wolves more than humans. Leaning over, I gently kissed Sierra's stomach, leaving my hand resting on the bump. She began to stir as I lightly traced circles on her lower stomach. "Hey," she said sleepily, rubbing her eyes. "Morning," I said, kissing her stomach again. "What are you doing?" she questioned. "Nothing, just enjoying watching you sleep," I replied. My fingers were still tracing circles on her stomach, and they traveled down, grazing along the line of her pajama shorts. "Yeah," Sierra groaned while I continued to play with the soft skin of her lower stomach. "Or maybe I have something else in mind," I said, kissing her slit over her shorts, inhaling the scent of her arousal already leaking out of her from my touch. She moaned when my hand slipped into her shorts, rubbing her over her underwear, feeling her wetness. "Aaron, you can't tease me like that," she breathed. "Why not?" I asked, moving so I could pull her shorts off, flinging them across the room. Staring directly into her beautiful pink pu**y, she reached down to pull her her pajama top. "Goddess, you're beautiful." Leaning down, I kissed her lips and was surprised at how fiercely she kissed me back. Sierra's hands were on the waistband of my sweatpants, tugging at them, trying to get them off my body. Cole was going feral, trying to get out to have his mate before I did. The scent of her desire was stronger than usual, almost like she was in heat, but I knew that wasn't it. Helping Sierra in her desire, I took off my pants, settling in between her legs. I gave her a seductive smile before licking up her slit, listening to her cry out and grab fistfuls of the blankets. Arousal was seeing out of her and onto the blankets, and I easily slid my finger into her core, making her suck in a breath. "Fu*k baby, you're so wet," I said, biting my lip. "Aaron, I want you inside me," she gasped, trying to close her legs around my finger, but I took it out and forced her legs wide open for me. "First, I want to watch you c*m for me," I told her, taking my finger and running slow circles over her swollen cl*t. "Sh*t..." Sierra cried out, turning slightly. Replacing my finger with my tongue, I lapped and sucked her while she writhed in pleasure. "Yes, baby... Please don't stop." Sierra cried out, grabbing the back of my head as her org*sm washed over her. Without missing a beat, I was kneeling, pulling Sierra by the legs closer to me. Sliding inside her, we both groaned, her walls tightening around me. Readjusting us, I sat and lifted Sierra so she could straddle me. She moved up and down, her breasts bouncing up and down. Taking one of her nipp*es in my mouth, I sucked on it, Sierra throwign her head back her movemnts getting faster. "Fu*k yeah, baby," I said, feeling closer to the edge. Laying Sierra on her back, I pimped into her hard and fast, listening to her moaning and letting it fuel my desire. "I love you," Sierra breathed, clutching at me before grabbing the pillow under her head. "I love you too," I said, kissing her neck. My release came fast, and I felt Sierra's wall clenching, crashing into another org*sm of her own. I rolled off Sierra, and she turned to face me, looking happy. "What's on your agenda for today?" I asked, moving a piece of her long red hair out of her face. "Well, Amisra and Clayton should be here sometime today, and I think I'll do some research with Danny on my powers and the High Alpha," she replied. "I'm happy to help with that, too," I told her. "We're in this together." The covers were crumpled at the bottom of the bed, and Sierra was still fully naked in front of me. Running my fingers down her cheek, she closed her eyes, and I kept moving, stopping to rest my hand on her stomach. "I hope she's not still scared about it," Cole said. "Brooklyn and I couldn't be more excited." "I know; I'm gonna talk to her about it," I told him. "Are you still worried?" I asked, watching Cole's ear perk up, listening to her answer. "A little, but not so much as I was. I think telling you and everyone else helped a lot. We've got a good support system here to help us and an entire pack behind us," she said. "And me!" Cole said to both of us. "Yes, Cole, I know I have you," she laughed. "Now that we have that settled, should we get ready and head for breakfast?" I asked. Sierra and I peeled ourselves out of bed, going into the bathroom to shower the smell of s*x off; not everyone needed to know what we were up to this morning. "Like they don't know already," Cole joked. Sierra looked very pretty when I entered our closet; she wore an oversized sweatshirt and jeans, her long red hair falling in light waves around her face while she laced up her boots. "Danny's gonna be happy," Sierra commented while I began pulling out some clothes for myself. "Why?" I questioned, pulling my shirt over my head. "I'm going to need a new wardrobe soon; my pants already feel a little tighter," she commented. "My mom will have boxes and boxes shipped to the pack house, so you won't even need to leave the comfort of home," I laughed, thinking how my mom and Maria probably already had thousands of dollars of baby items on the way. "At least this one and Aria will be able to grow up together," Sierra said, standing up. "Brooklyn told me she thinks it's a girl," I told her. "She and I are at odds on that; I think it's gonna be a boy," Cole said. "Cole doesn't agree," I told Sierra. "We should be able to find out in a couple of weeks," Sierra told me. "You're all going to see I'm right!" Cole said, puffing his chest out proudly. Rolling my eyes, Sierra led the way out of our apartment to the elevator. It looked like we were the late arrivals to breakfast, with everyone else nearly finished. Danny waved us down, and we sat with her, Caleb, my parents, Maria, and Nathan. "Good morning, sweetheart. How are you feeling?" Maria asked Sierra, who took a seat next to her. "I'm good mom," Sierra replied. Plates were brought to us, and it looked like a complete pancake feast with bacon, sausage, and eggs. "Aesha, could I have some plain oatmeal?" "Of course, Luna," Aesha replied. "Morning sickness is the worst." She bustled away to fulfill Sierra's request. "Are you okay?" I asked, looking at her pale face. "Yeah, I was fine until I walked in. It's just a lot of smells at once," Sierra replied. "We should start having her eat in our apartment to avoid this," Cole suggested. "Can I have yours if you're not gonna eat it?" Caleb asked, mouth still full of his food. "Caleb!" Maria shot at him, glaring at him. "What?" he asked, looking innocent. "Here," Sierra replied, handing him her full plate. "Sweet," he said, clapping his hands together. Danny never had morning sickness, so I never got what she couldn't eat." "I'll have them make you some ginger tea as well," my mom said, standing up from the table to head to the kitchen. "Danny, after breakfast I thought about going to the library to do some reaserch on the High Alpha if you'd like to join me," Sierra said. "I thought that would be good to do until Amisra and Clayton get here." "Oh, I didn't realize they were coming," Nathan commented. "Yeah, I called her and told her everything last night, and she insisted on making the trip down. Honestly, I think she was looking for any excuse for another visit," Sierra said. "I'd love to help you. Aria is with the nanny and will be going down for her morning nap soon, so I've got some time," Danny replied. "I'll come and help, too," Caleb said. "You can never have too many eyes reading." "Thanks, I appreciate that," I told him. "Ipri was waving at us from her seat next to Justin. Sierra and I waved back, and Ipri rested her head on Justin's shoulder, and I saw him smile. They had been happy together since becoming mates, and it was nice to see. Aesha brought Sierra her oatmeal and tea, and she managed to get through the half before pushing them away. "You okay?" Danny asked. "I hate that she doesn't feel well," Cole said, his tail drooping. "I know; I'm sure there's something we can do to help her," I told him. "Yeah, I'm just not that hungry this morning. You ready to head to the library?" Sierra asked. "Yeah, let's do it," Danny replied. "Caleb?" "What?" he asked, halfway through Sierra's plate. "Are you done yet?" Danny asked. "Yeah, one second," he replied, inhaling the rest of the food. "Honestly," Maria said, rolling her eyes. "I love you too, Maria," Caleb said, jumping up and kissing the top of her head, leaving a few crumbs behind. Maria swatted after him, laughing. The mood felt lighter as we all walked to the library together. "Amisra can probably help you with your powers," Danny commented. "It seems like you have so much untapped potential." "I know; I wonder why it's taken me so long to unlock some things while others came right away," Sierra commented. "Well, it seems like it's tied to your emotions and those seem to have been all ober the place, not to mention so much stress lately," I told her. "I wonder if being pregnant will make tapping into your powers easier or harder. Do you think the baby has powers already?" Danny asked. Cole perked up; that thought hadn't crossed either of our minds. "If Sierra is immortal, does that mean the baby's immortal? Are we immortal since she can share her powers with us? And when do we get to do the cool stuff?" Cole was beginning to irritate me with his constant questions. "I have no idea!" I growled. "Is that even possible when you're an inch long?" Sierra asked. "I have no idea!" Danny said. "I wasn't pregnant with a magical future High Alpha," Danny said, giving Sierra a playful shove. Inside the library, it was quiet; most people took Sunday off and enjoyed relaxing with their families. There was no rest for the four of us, and we all went in different directions, grabbing books. Gathering around a large table, we spread the books out, organizing them into piles for primordial wolves and any information on past High Alphas. "Okay, everyone," Sierra said. "Aaron and I will read about the past High Alphas. Danny and Caleb, will you look more into primordial wolves and pregnant primordials?" "Absolutely," Danny said, sitting down and grabbing a book. "Don't worry, boss," Caleb commented, grabbing a book of his own. "We won't leave this library without our questions answered."
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